Planets, degrees, coorelations..
It is easy to notice that the circular pattern of the year is equal to 360 degrees. To experience time itself, there has to be a pentagram, a microcosm, the five extra.
There's so many coincidences like that in nature it is almost confounding. Does anyone have any other small gems that account for something in reality?
Kind of like how the moon is 1/4 the size of Earth, and it only has 1/4th of the elements that Earth has, mostly. There's some arguments that there's a little water under the surface, but something tells me if there still was, there would be some kind of slime or something evolving that would have already been discovered.
Oh, and it is true that the moon goes through 12 constellations in 30 days, or is it more or less than 30? If it equals into something like that, then you could say that the Moon is a microcosm of (edit:)the Sun, going through all 12 constellations in 1/12th the time it takes for the Sun to.
And, even if it is not exactly 30 days, there could be a secret macro/microcosmic thing going on like the number of the days in the year.
@ThelemicMage said
"Oh, and it is true that the moon goes through 12 constellations in 30 days, or is it more or less than 30?"
27.3 days
"If it equals into something like that, then you could say that the Moon is a microcosm of Earth, going through all 12 constellations in 1/12th the time it takes for the Sun to."
This does make some serious sense to me that I have to research.
Kind of like how there's 12 rays of the crown, and 1 extra could be the microcosmic element..
This is Qabbalisticly fitting into something I have to look into further.
Thank you, sir Jim.
@ThelemicMage said
"This is Qabbalisticly fitting into something I have to look into further."
As if the 13 doesn't smack you in the head with something.. Qa"ballistic"ally
It's a shame the Qabala cannot go Ballistic on the universe at large. After a few hundred years, I could probably take it and really enjoy myself. Probably would have been the only time I have truly relaxed and enjoyed myself with the faint memory of pain lost.
"Thou dost devour me!"
Could 1/13 possibly be "Love under will"?
I see where you're going with that. It's marvelous how the moon inspires love even though it is supposed to be viewed as an old "sterile" maiden devouring the Life of the Sun.
For sure many have come under the spell of Love during the day, but I'd bet you 13 to 1 that the real Magic started under Earth's pearl of the night.
Very interesting. We shall have to look into the number thing with this and see if 93 fits in anywhere. For instance, 9+3=12. 13-1= 12. You may be very right about that "Love under Will" thing.
13 = AChD (unity) and AHBH (love)