Keys for Music in Case's Tarot
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was curious if the keys Case sites as correspondences in The Tarot come from older sources, or if he is drawing from his own experience as a musician. Maybe its a mix of both.
I was surprised to see that even cards like the Fool have a key. I would've expected a simpler arrangement between the Zodiac and the circle of fifths. Has anyone explored this model?
Thanks in advance.
Love is the law, love under will.
We have it in constant use. You pretty much have it figured out, with only small gaps in your understanding, it seems.
The 12 primary, secondary, and tertiary colors of the spectrum are attributed to the 12 half-steps of the diatonic scale, with C = red and continuing from there. *You can work out the rest.)
For example, yellow = E (natural), and this is the King Scale color of Aleph among the elements, Beth among the planets, and Teth within the zodiac.
Want something awesome? Change Shaddai El Chai with each Hebrew letter getting one syllable, sung on its attributed note:
Sha = Sh red = C
Da = D green = F#
I [ee] = Y yellow-green = F
Ey = A yellow = E
eL = L green = F#
Cha = Ch yellow-orange = D#
I [ee] = Y yellow-green = F -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Jim Eshelman said
"We have it in constant use. You pretty much have it figured out, with only small gaps in your understanding, it seems."
Cool, so my intuition isn't far off then! In that case, its nice to hear people are working with this.
Just to be clear, my knowledge of music theory is basic at best, and I've only recently begun exploring what's under discussion. I haven't read much of Case's Tarot, and I'd really like to begin exploring this as soon as possible with my instruments.
@Jim Eshelman said
"The 12 primary, secondary, and tertiary colors of the spectrum are attributed to the 12 half-steps of the diatonic scale, with C = red and continuing from there.
For example, yellow = E (natural), and this is the King Scale color of Aleph among the elements, Beth among the planets, and Teth within the zodiac."
Thanks for this, man. Seriously, very helpful. Is all of this compatible with what I will get from Case if I keep reading The Tarot?
O, and, not to be rude, but wouldn't that be the chromatic scale? In light of what you've introduced here, its lovely to see that word has "of, relating to, or produced by color" as an available definition.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Want something awesome? Change Shaddai El Chai with each Hebrew letter getting one syllable, sung on its attributed note:
Sha = Sh red = C
Da = D green = F#
I [ee] = Y yellow-green = F
Ey = A yellow = E
eL = L green = F#
Cha = Ch yellow-orange = D#
I [ee] = Y yellow-green = F"That is awesome!
Thanks again, Jim.
Love is the law, love under will
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Just wanted to come back and say I've had a very fun and exciting time working out these correspondences!
Something in particular that catches my attention when working this system is the differences in comparison to the natural correspondence series that come up from studying 777 and the Tarot.
For instance, in this sensory based system, Leo (teth), Air (aleph), and Mercury (beth) all correspond to one another due to their sympathy with the color yellow and the note E natural. But any one who's spent a bit of time with 777 and the Tarot will know that Leo is a Fire (shin) Sign ruled by Sol (resh).
I'm wondering if, in effect, this contrast reflects a direct opening to Yetzirah coming from working this particular system with what I am referring to as the "natural" correspondences being properties in Assiah.
Love is the law, love under will.
Hi all,
I'm new here - hello!
Interesting topic for sure here...
I've been working through this labyrinth for some time in an effort to reconcile the musical coorespondences of planets, zodiac, chakras, etc. with A=432hz vs. A=440hz. Googling 432hz will result in a myriad of theories, some seemingly dubious and others that are very compelling. Being a musician and sound professional by trade it has become something of an obsession. Disclaimer: that's not to say I won't find out that I'm wrong This retuning effort shifts the frequencies such that PFC's scale may be in need of evolution. That said, PFC has provided me endless hours of meditation which is excellent!
My take is that frequency (in every regard) has to have a foundation in the resonant properties and measurement of what we find as concrete fact in nature's frequencies... So far, as has come to pass in "science", is the knowledge that everything vibrates (no new news there of course) and once measured/defined (by whatever means of consistent measurement) can then be applied. As above/So Below/Polarity/etc... I mean, shit, just try wrapping your head about the great pyramid and other sacred sites which clearly speak to us now through the findings of the phenomenon of their sound frequency/resonant properties - whew... hello, Tesla anyone - that fucker knew correctly that sound resonances follows the same law as Earth's growth, such as the way plants grow in the Fibbonaci sequence. It's my view that the Earth as a whole exhibits this resonance effect. Check the locations around the globe against the golden ratio. Staggering to me at least...
There is some interesting work by a a few individuals who have measured (by various means) the frequency scale cooreapondences of light to sound as well as planetary orbit rotation/position/"Shuman response" resonant calculations, etc. which provides a good reference.
Not an easy task so far I must say. There are many twists and turns but hopefully I've got the scent.
Anyway, nice to meet everyone!
93 and welcome to the forum, AlphaOmega! You seem quite grounded in your knowledge, so I look forward to your contributions here.
Where would you suggest I begin, in the way of books or articles from a more scientific perspective(PFC will come later for me), to gain a basic understanding of this field of study? I'm an esoterically-minded musician as well, though I'm yet to combine the two paths in any way aside from ideological inspiration, so I'd appreciate any direction you could offer.
I hope you enjoy the wealth of material on this site, anyway. I've certainly benefited greatly from it..
Personally, I began with a study of Phi as applied to nature, art, "beauty" theory, and then as it's applied to acoustic resonance. Take for a base example of a simple knock on a hollow wood block which "hums" and thus has a measurable fundamental acoustic frequency. Following that train of thought, there was study conducted by some scientists who researched the resonant properties of the human body and what was found was that on average it measured between 4-10Hz (dependent on the methods conducted). What interested me was that there was an average found, if I remember correctly (I'll find the link after this) around 8hz which interestingly is the Earth's fundamental (Shuman response) which is 7.83hz - roughly 8Hz... 432hz is divisible by 8 of course and then you follow the yellow brick road
The next step is researching sympathetic resonance such as when you hit a string on and instrument the others will vibrate accordingly. Another example is clocks that will over time
synchronize if hung on the same wall or set on the same bench. It's the same context when looking at magnetic properties...It's a back and forth approach to reconciling this stuff. The science parts are all over the place - it's organizing it which is the real challenge in acheicving a confidence level that establishes justification. Google is the easiest approach I would suggest. The key is resonance and sympathetic resonance the lock, if you will.
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