Intoning/Vibrating the Divine Names
@Jim Eshelman said
"These four Names all relate, by their numeration, to the inherent geometry of the Pentagram (which is all based on the Fibonacci series of numbers, the basic geometric formula for the actual structure of things in nature)."
I had no idea. Living and learning. I will try to solve the puzzle, if my math skills allow me.
Edit: found explanation:
@Dar eas allrah said
"You're not bi-lingual I surmise.
In WW2 - if you heard a German tongue it was a safe bet to assume they were a Nazi, or a Japanese tongue - an imperialist. The tongue you use carries with it the unspoken language of the culture it came from and the shape of thoughts is different in that tongue also. For instance - the word 'dar' may mean all sorts of different things depending upon the context of the Spanish sentence it's used in. When I use hebrew then I use a tongue that is strongly ... there is no stronger... a tongue of patriarchy: therefore - old aeonic. I doubt the jews mind too much though.
I have no intention of addressing my angel in the tongue of patriarchy. I am it's chosen vessel and I'm female. It would be like calling it a cross dresser to go balling at it in Hebrew with the 'Adonai's!'
The context is magical, not WWII.
Meaning, magical rituals are created outside the conversational use of language.Continuing...
When I see the word 'masculine' in a magical context, I think "Spirit"
When I see the word 'feminine' in a magical context, I think "Form"
Without any connection to gender.I surrender to the Beloved, not a man or a woman.
Let go of your pride.
I've found the LBRP and the Star Ruby to be equally useful. For my students, I tell them to try both, and stick with the one that resonates better to them, while keeping in mind that this choice might change sometime in the future. I certainly don't think that the LBRP has something wrong with it.
Oh, and thank you for the lengthy comment.
It clears up a few thingsThough, I ask : Have you performed the LBRP as is on a regular basis, at some point?
I would be interested in hearing how changing the God-Names effects the ritual.On a side note: I am good friends with a number of female magicians following the Thelemic path. As far as my knowledge goes they have no problems with the ritual. Which is why my default reaction is "Well it is YOU that has a problem with the ritual." That may be nothing more than an experiential bias.
So, if you do construct an adapted ritual and are not interested in the above experiment, pass it along to me. I might have some willing participants
@bdc said
"interesting stuff, another evening for me spent googling god names and looking at hebrew spellings in four different books (not that i'm complaining! beats watching the ads on tv anyhow)"
To parody something I often see on bumper stickers when I drive to the more rural parts of Pennsylvania, a bad night of Qabalah beats a good night of television.
Jim brings up a good point about the Star Ruby, and "purging the rituals of old." It is a revised version of the Lesser Pentagram ritual, tuned to the new Aeon.
But we must remember that the divine names used in the Lesser Pentagram ritual are through-and-through divine archetypes that don't have to necessarily do with "Jehovah" of the Aeon of Osiris, Ye-Ho-Wah is one of those standard divine archetypes.
The only reason Jehovah is the "Father God" of the previous aeon is because the God we are speaking of is of the element of Air, whereas the one we are closer to in our element of Fire is Set, or Seth. I'm pretty sure that if Set had been the strongest god in the bunch, he would have used the divine name "Elohim" for the aeon that we speak of.
Maybe when we get to Geburah on the higher tree.
The addition of the HGA concept to the LBRP helps "raise" the ritual, in my opinion.
Creating a new formula does not entail the others of no use, simply that this one is more precise to the current trends of consciousness.
While the formulas of Special Relativity give more precise answers than those formulated by Newton - those constructed by the latter still work perfectly fine in a day to day setting.
Crowley changed the LBRP dramatically into the Star Ruby.
Dar's idea is similar, even though it lacks some components.
Dar, would you consider some sort of "cross" mini-ritual, implemented in your idea? Maybe something similar to the Star Ruby. (Teletarchs, Synoches, etc..) This sounds more to your tastes, dealing directly with elemental creatures instead of Angels you might have never met. (I have, and the creatures I've met as well, but the creatures are easier to "control". As in the star ruby, you recognize them and claim power over them.)
Your idea sounds workable. Elohim is definitely an active archetype dealing directly with actives, even though it is, as Crowley states, (paraphrased,)
"..but all the letters are out of place."
Meaning that all the proper letters are there for active Fire, but they are in no particular order and need instruction. I guess that is what you are aiming at, subconsciously or consciously with attributing it to Fire and Water.Shekiynah sounds interesting, (and reminds me of Hathor), being a dwelling place for the divine. What you have explained sounds like a customized cross of Lesser and Supreme pentagram rituals, also invoking the power of the hexagram.
@ThelemicMage said
"Crowley changed the LBRP dramatically into the Star Ruby."
Such "dramatic" changes that it ceased to be the LBRP and is called the Star Ruby.
@Dar Es Allrah said
"Now this set up got all the pentagrams flashing which I've never had with the standard version of the lbrp before! To say I was chuffed would be a typically British understatement.
Could you expand upon this 'flashing' notion?
trying to think of something for a "before me - behind me - on my right hand - on my left hand" section using non-gender based names. hmm. i would feel the names would need to have an atziluthic or briatic nature, it's not feeling correct to me to use yetziratic names.
before me sekhel me-tzookh'tzakh
behind me sekhel qaiyam
on my right hand sekhel t'miydiy
on my left hand sekhel ne'evad
for about me flames... etc.
these consciousness' may be visualised as tarot images of atu's 1, 12, 20, and 21 (or ala the black pearl interpretation of the star ruby, telesmatic images might be created from the hebrew names).
that said these paths of wisdom might not be briatic enough to substitute for the archangels.
another potential area is to switch from the original elemental attributions and instead use sepherotic ones, e.g. "before me khasmalim, behind me ishim, etc" (i could well have this wrong though, i'm not sure if the sepherothic hierarchies in briah are ones particular to briah, or instead see from the point of view of within briah?)
interesting project, i'm going to give this some more thought... -
@bdc said
"trying to think of something for a "before me - behind me - on my right hand - on my left hand" section using non-gender based names."
The archangels are inherently ungendered. The issue, though, is that their perpetuation through primarily Christian art has represented them as male in almost all instances. But, as Briatic beings, they are inherently feminine toward Atziluth (receiving of it), though masculine to lower planes that their presence is "penetrating."
If one is actually developing something consistent with the Pentagram Ritual - which may not be the case, of course - then the main point is that what is here should be Briatic.