Middle Pillar: first attempt.
I tried as written in the 776 1/2, all the Sephiroth in white, and I found more smooth and fluent, and I didn't felt nausea
But it can be done 776 1/2's method standalone: i.e. only LBRP + MP + Circulation of the Light, not to empower a particular rite? Only as a separate exercise?
I did it as Regardie suggested (focusing on each Sephirah for 5 minutes, vibrates each name 11 times)only for this purpose.
Should be started only with white color or I can started with the different colors?
How many times(right-left/front-back/spiral)each Circulation is to perform?@Jim Eshelman said
"PS - It's EE AH OH, not YEE AH OH."
@RobertAllen said
"All of this is to say that you can safely follow your own intuitions in determining what works best as long as you don't hide from the work itself—just kind of going through the motions with a not so secret desire to get it over with. As such, It is my considered opinion that you should take as long as you need to take as long as you don't burn out because the practice has become too much of a chore. It will be a matter of discipline to continue the practice of several months or years, so be prepared to adjust your efforts in terms of duration and intensity with your current capacity for work, always with the idea of extending yourself further down the road"
Right! Thanks.
@MMe said
"I tried as written in the 776 1/2, all the Sephiroth in white, and I found more smooth and fluent, and I didn't felt nausea
Excellent. I consider that a good variation for starting. (I think you might have found this in one of the sample rituals. Notice that the version in the Appendix is different. Regardless, starting with all white is a great place to start.)
"But it can be done 776 1/2's method standalone: i.e. only LBRP + MP + Circulation of the Light, not to empower a particular rite? Only as a separate exercise?"
Yes, of course. Again, see the version that starts on p. 175.
"I did it as Regardie suggested (focusing on each Sephirah for 5 minutes, vibrates each name 11 times)only for this purpose."
I'm not familiar with those extra steps (the 11x and the 5 minute focus). - Or I'm forgetting. - In which book did you find that particular instruction?
"How many times(right-left/front-back/spiral)each Circulation is to perform?"
Whatever feels right. A few times. At the extreme, no more than 5 minutes (and not necessarily that long).
@Jim Eshelman said
@MMe said
"But it can be done 776 1/2's method standalone: i.e. only LBRP + MP + Circulation of the Light, not to empower a particular rite? Only as a separate exercise?"Yes, of course. Again, see the version that starts on p. 175."
Ok, thanks.
@Jim Eshelman said
@MMe said
"I did it as Regardie suggested (focusing on each Sephirah for 5 minutes, vibrates each name 11 times)only for this purpose."I'm not familiar with those extra steps (the 11x and the 5 minute focus). - Or I'm forgetting. - In which book did you find that particular instruction?"
I find it in the "Middle Pillar" book, but Regardie don't says to do 11 times, I calculate it!
He says only to focusing 5 minutes on each Sephirah.
So I calculate 5minutes = 11 times vibration/chanting. -
"I find it in the "Middle Pillar" book, but Regardie don't says to do 11 times, I calculate it!
He says only to focusing 5 minutes on each Sephirah.
So I calculate 5minutes = 11 times vibration/chanting."That is one of my favorite books by him, and I know the method your talking about. I have had some great results with that technique, but I stopped doing it as much to focus on other things, because it is time consuming. But is really great for aura work. After the MP technique, I would do the rotation of the ball of light front to back about 5 times, and the same with left to right, then spiral, then bursting out of the head if I remember correctly.
It's a lot of work with manipulating energy, so I wouldn't give too much time at first or you may experience other uncomfortable side affects. Other variations of the MP by Regardie can be found in another great favorite of mine "The Art of Healing". It's a small book, but very rich. He has an elemental variation, and a universal one if that's what you call it. Plus techniques of using the MP for healing.
@BRKHM said
@MMe said
I chanting the syllables so:
I use to say "YOHD HEY VAU HEY" not "YOHD HEY VAV HEY", but maybe i'm wrong."
Hmm...I Haven't pronounced it as VAU without a short V at the end. But another variation is in one of the Gold Dawn tapes where Israel Regardie is performing the LBRP, and he pronouces them as "Yoh [de] Hey Vav [ve] Hey". 6 syllables, not 4 for that version
@RobertAllen said
Taking time and really immersing ones self in the energies is one thing, but being able to accomplish a fair activation of the pillar in an economical amount of time is another. It is my plan to add a session later in the day that is only about the economy of the execution as a way to challenge myself to do as much as I can in less time."Everyone has their own way of doing things, but I think one should especially focus on the relationship between effectiveness and time.
Doing things in a more fluid way.
Awareness and the visualization skill comes from self.@RobertAllen said
My thoughts on the nausea is that it might be caused by hyperventilation—breathing too fast and too anxiously.
"It may be possible, probably too many vibrations at once for a noob
I've always found a great deal more of visualization and intensity happen with the eyes closed. Especially so with the Middle Pillar Ritual. Having my eyes closed and just visualizing everything always seems to have better results than spinning in circles, waving wands, and physically vibrating names. However, if someone is just getting started they'll probably want to do it physically before doing it eyes closed/mentally so that you can train your brain to act how it's supposed to act even without the physical movement.
Also, I've started doing a variant of the Middle Pillar Ritual in a different way than most of my buddies. I just wanted to run it past some of you guys to see if you had any advice, tips, or tricks. I just feel like sharing something, so there's that too.
I vibrate names, visualizes colors for each body part, and I do this 2-4 times before moving onto the next one. When I get to the bottom I repeat this process but in reverse, working my way back up. Once I make it all the way back up, I feel like there's a very massive concentrated surge of energy going through me.
Before, when I didn't work back upwards, I'd just feel energy pulsating downwards changing colors for each section.
When I work going back upwards, I really seem to lose myself and just feel a long vine of energy descending from an unimaginable height to unknown depths. Like I'm finishing a circuit on a board, instead of simply grounding that electricity.
My only real question is, am I defeating the purpose of the Middle Pillar? I feel like it's doing what it's supposed to (what I perceive the intent should be.) I just haven't read anyone else doing it this way, so I wanted to see if anyone else had similar experiences.