Nuit came to me during my last DMT trip
@idesandtows said
I guess I'm just asking where I should begin? I'm very lost... no one else in my life is very interested in spirituality.
Has the vision helped you in your life in any particular way thus far?
I guess the reason that I thought it was significant is because it surprised me completely. Like I said, I've only read the Book once, and I stopped halfway through chapter III. Honestly all the talk of mercilessness and killing the weak rubbed me the wrong way...
The trip hasn't really helped me in any concrete way yet, but I do feel that it has helped me to reassess what I already know.
Thanks for your responses!
Set. Setting.
(Hoor. Hooring?)
(Sent from my BlackBerry Torch 9850 using Tapatalk)
@Tinman said
"I've been compiling a bunch of comments that Jim has made about "astral" (just click on his name and do a search for that term"
You have to be careful with the astral!
I did as you suggested and went off on a tangent reading about aliens, UFOs and government conspiracies. LOL -
I like dosing an MAOI and eating the DMT. You go for four hours, just as hard, but you only have to eat the same amount you would smoke, (if you have lost your initial hard-head-human tolerance for DMT
The phrase "Drink His Fire", I would interpret, (and I am surprised no one else has sighted, or mentioned this,) as to imbibe the divine Fire of Hadit, the star that is your higher self in the presence of Nuit.
One must remember though, a Holy Guardian Angel is a combination of Hadit AND Nuit. All male and female qualities included. So, to attain to your true higher self, one should do Everything in one's life unto Nuit, (eating, sex, drinking, sacraments,) who is the circumference of all, all the while attaining to her central point which is Hadit, your secret star.
Even though "The Goddess is none, she to whom all Gods are but specks of light in the deep well of her womb",
a Holy Guardian Angel is not a God, but higher than any gods. Higher than any one or all aspects of Nuit.I've got a great source for Bark and Rue if you need it. Plus almost any work of Crowley you may wish to read to piece this together in your head.
Happy Travels, Brother.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Set. Setting.
(Hoor. Hooring?)
(Sent from my BlackBerry Torch 9850 using Tapatalk)"
However, from what we can derive from Egyptian and Akashic records, Tum is the Setting Sun. Before the Great Merge, the Sun in our Universe rose in the South. This says something very positive about Set, indeed.
And from what I might gather from such records, Hoor might have hung out with those who were "hooring" themselves around, in a previous incarnation. Actually keeping her from getting stoned. Why someone would actually want to prevent another from getting stoned is beyond my imagination, though.
@idesandtows said
"I guess the reason that I thought it was significant is because it surprised me completely. Like I said, I've only read the Book once, and I stopped halfway through chapter III. Honestly all the talk of mercilessness and killing the weak rubbed me the wrong way...
The trip hasn't really helped me in any concrete way yet, but I do feel that it has helped me to reassess what I already know.
Thanks for your responses!"
For gods' sake, dear Brother, please remember that the weak are those subhuman characters who would throw you in handcuffs from your experience alone, and then take all your human rights away for the same. We SHALL be merciless unto them. It would be in your best interests to never forget this.
I made Ayahuasca (mimosa hostilis + banisteriopsis caapi, DMT + MAOI) once, before I even came to fully understand Thelema. I had read Book of the Law, but little made sense. I had a myriad of different sensations, feelings, and experiences for five to six hours. I learned much, and I saw many things. There were many revelations that I had about the universe, creation, and the way things were.
I documented most of it in a book I recently published, but in such a way only I'd understand what I'm talking about. In such a way that would possibly entertain others. Maybe.
It taught me what ego death really was, and many other things. When I finally started learning more about Hermetics, much of my Ayahuasca trip started to make a lot more sense. When I started studying and practicing yoga, a LOT more started to make sense. I feel that the Ayahuasca trip opened myself up to being more receptacle to Thelema and Hermetics.
I'm not going to argue that you did or did not see Nuit. Nuit can take many forms, and many feelings. Based on your understanding of Nuit, perhaps you felt that she literally came to you. Based on my research and personal experiences with DMT, I can completely understand why someone would feel this way. Based on the nature of DMT: a chemical that secretes from your pineal gland during death/near-death experiences and the nature of Nuit, this completely makes sense.
However, I think it might be more accurate to say that you used a frame of reference to explain what was going on. It might be best not to get too hung up on whether you envisioned her or if she came to you. Many people report that they see 'aliens' while smoking DMT. Again, not trying to discredit how you feel, but it's entirely possible that you used a frame of reference and saw Nuit while other people see 'aliens.'
Like Jim said, try to learn from it the best you can then move on.
I might kindly counter the above post and say that Nuit is an active goddess. Nuit Herself, in this Universe, (Or our 4 sets of Universes, in the Sephiroth projected into the 4 elements,) is actually Apophoraz, or Apophis. Crowley goes into dramatic detail in much of his work regarding this. Besz can be equated to Geb, the Bearded stout one, as being the first God of Earth.
She, Apophorasz, wraps the hadit of an Universe, (in the ancient egyptian pantheon, Ra,) and protects him. In newer Aeons, it's more like she wraps him up in "death" and allows him to evolve comfortably. This is in direct relation with what the South Americans who ingest ayahuasca call the "snake" vision, where one must be eaten up by the Snake of Mother Earth/Creation, to be purified and come out clean. They say that unless one gives oneself up to the Snake, then one will go insane until they do.
You are right, she does take many forms. However, one might say she is comprised of many forms of many different goddesses who play the role of Nuit in any Universe.
I doubt any ancient Egyptian paintings would have any "human" concept of Nuit without her extending herself and manifesting in such forms.
(And the DMT "elves" which are spoken of, I will let you in on a huge secret. Everything is about to break soon, so me typing this won't do any harm. I am not getting any communication from the SCs to not type this:
They are the level just past human, just before Ishim, or souls of Fire. The first true stop past human on the after-death plane. They evolved spiritually, past the need for "physical" bodies, by way of the rolling, flowing fire that is in the center of Malkuth. One might call it a proverbial "Hell" of sorts until the far-past-normal-death human soul lets go of the ego and allows Creation to work it's Magic.
That's why it's reported that when people smoke DMT, they feel very, very underground, and then the elves show up. The difference between forest elves and DMT elves is very easily seen and understood with successful repetition of the experiment. Again, I would suggest eating it instead of smoking it.Not many herbs on the Earth are meant to be smoked. Two of them that are are cannabis and tobacco. Natives who learned to combine these plants so long ago said that the plants themselves talked to them and told them how to make this stuff. No joke. They say that DMT is not to be smoked, neither coca, and a few others. The only thing that true SA natives smoke is tobacco, and a few similar herbs, unless they choose to smoke cannabis as well. )
"It's great to Learn, 'cause knowledge is Power!"
Actually, the substance you name as a simple "drug", (all the BS stigma from the twentieth century of alcohol hallucination applied to anything that causes a head change,) is your first and simplest neurotransmitter of awareness. One of the few neurotransmitters in nature actually produced by the human brain.
A "breakthrough" experience of this substance is very clear in logos about what lies after your own headset/brain in space and time.
Without a true breakthrough experience on basic tryptamines, one might as well call oneself a child and believe in the constant hypnogogia they are fed by society.
With a breakthrough experience, the best one can say is that they have had their eyes, including anja, open and able to perceive auras, entities, and creatures that children cannot.
As a South America native, sometimes I ask myself from where all this information about South America comes from.
Something important I get from the many groups that do ayhuasca around here is that usually only the initial experiences are breakthrough. After a while the consumers starts behaving very much like recreational drug users. Nothing against people having fun but, in my perspective, it stops being a process of initiation.
Strangely enough, they develop a very nasty habit of confusing the planes.
This is an interesting phenomenon, dear Faust, and I would like to hear more about it.
I have seen many a documentary about ayahuasca, and how many of the shamans do not actually make it strong enough, which obliterates the ego and suppresses "recreational" behavior.
Another thing that I've learned while actually there is that many of the shamans have taken to alcohol, cane liquor from what I understand, during the week and sometimes during the ceremonies themselves. The reason usually has to do with the younger generation not wanting to delve into the ancient concepts, customs, and ways of the ancient healing processes of nature that they've worked with for so long:
I am sure that "whites" and "white influence" coming from the north has much to do with this. Not only do they bring disease that is not easily dealt with by natives, but they bring the disease of modern culture with it's false-fast-paced values and cheapness of experience. (Shallow communication and experience passed off as the new age learning process.)
Would you say, Faust, that this recreational behavior comes with the introduction of other drugs, including alcohol, pharmaceuticals, cocaine, and other such substances that would throw off the genuine experience of a night of our sacred Aya?
I would not think twice about chewing coca during an experience, but doing lines of coke and drinking, by those who have convinced themselves that they have nothing left to learn from the Ayahuasca experience, would be a totally different thing. Cocaine was suggested as a cause because it's so plentiful and cheap down there, as compared to more northern locations.
If you mind, there are some points I would like do adress."“I have seen many a documentary about ayahuasca, and how many of the shamans do not actually make it strong enough, which obliterates the ego and suppresses "recreational" behavior."
”Strong doses result in strong alucinations and a lot of vomiting. Low doses are good way to reduce side-effects.
"Another thing that I've learned while actually there is that many of the shamans have taken to alcohol…"
The use of alcohol is an old problem among natives. For ages the knowledge of recreational drugs was controlled by the shaman but since the colonization they have become widly available.
"I am sure that "whites" and "white influence" coming from the north has much to do with this. Not only do they bring disease that is not easily dealt with by natives, but they bring the disease of modern culture with it's false-fast-paced values and cheapness of experience."
This is a dangerous misunderstanding because somehow sounds like the myth of the “good native”. The worst aspect of the “white influence” is in fact its “technology”. Very earlier most natives cultures started to destroy themselves (making war against each other) to get things like alcohol, mirros and iron weapons. This lust for “white things” still is a serious problem, not because this things are bad but this lust usually results in very unhealthy behaviors.
It is important to understand that the image of the Shaman as a “wise man” is a cultural lie that is sold to get some money from the new age movement. The Shaman is seen as a “man of power”, someone that you are afraid of but, at the same time, necessary.
And the sacred plant is seen as a treacherous being that must be dealt with proper rituals and long purifications or it will send lying spirits to you.
"“recreational behavior comes with the introduction of other drugs”"
Actually no, it already existed. The difference is that it was controlled by the shaman, because he was the only one who knew how to prepare the drugs (the first drug dealer) and they usually were very careful when using it themselves. Now a days, most users of ayhuasca have no training at all, or were trained by people that had no idea of what they were doing.
Most users fall in the same sort of trap that is described by Crowley in chapters XVIII of Magick in Theory and Practice, becoming badly self-deluded.
I am understanding these points. Many thanks for your personal take on it.
I am seeming to grasp your explanation, as well as the similarities to unceremonial/uncontrolled ayahuasca use to those experiences similar to those who eat LSD without proper training, guidance, reason, and lose themselves in the experience of attaching their ego to anything that interests them.
Albert Hoffman, the creator of LSD and for decades was a very heavy, active user of this substance, said that it must be taken to meditate, open oneself up, balance oneself, and expand the mind. He was quoted, many years before the hippie movement I believe, as expressing his fear of his wonder child getting into the hands of delinquents. He put forth the notion that damage could occur..
However, because so many people ate it in the 60s, and because those who ate it with balance and perfect reason ate so much of it, they pretty much controlled the minds/experiences of those delinquents who knew less of their higher selves. And as such, changed everything in the human consciousness/subconsciousness from music to textiles and government.
@Faus said
" It is important to understand that the image of the Shaman as a “wise man” is a cultural lie that is sold to get some money from the new age movement. The Shaman is seen as a “man of power”, someone that you are afraid of but, at the same time, necessary."
Excellent points, Faust. There's a great, probably apocraphyl, anecdote related Piers Vitebsky in one of his books... let's see if I can find the quote... ah, here it is, from The Shaman: Voyages of the Soul. Trance, Ecstasy and Healing from Siberia to the Amazon:
"A shaman from Nepal met a Westerner who remarked how good it must be to live in harmony with the cosmos. The shaman replied, 'The main part of my job is killing witches and sorcerers." -
Faust, might I ask you of your perspective and opinion of adding atropine alkaloid containing plants to the aya brew?
Atropine alkaloids, (I will state something that is not in any books so please bear with me,) connect one to the knowledge of death. This includes Datura, Brugsmansia, Nightshade, Hensbane, as well as the Coca Bush. They allow one to see past certain veils where one is able to view that light that is just past death, where one can see Truth, and jump into if they wish to be reincarnated, (the latter being the case if one is already dead.)
Many shamans claim that using Datura is "Evil", and only for Brujos. I find that conception misleading, and would say that my relationship with Datura is gentle, kind, even forgiving. It is my opinion that with plants of serious power like Datura, certain humans take it upon themselves to gain power greedily, and harm others for such reasons, even for fun.
Another one not in the books: Shamans or Brujos extremely experienced with Datura can easily leave their bodies, travel in the direct astral connected with the actual reality of Earth, and push someone off of a cliff if they so chose to.
This seems to be another one of those situations where personal morals, or the true goodness one has on one's soul, is the only thing that the experience ends up relying on.
What say you?
Well, then you may be right.
From all we can gather, since DMT is the first neurotransmitter known to the fetus, and because it is introduced so early, and during sleep, and death, that all we really experience is "hallucination."
You see, when the brain pumps out DMT during REM sleep, one goes through a psychedelic experience WAY too intense for them to remember, (this is proven scientifically when more than 60-80mg of dmt is consumed with one without tolerance,) and their brain shuts off the process of memory recording for the time being.
Dreams are the after-effect of that intense experience, after you've given yourself to the grid-work of reality, that connect that aforementioned intense experience to concepts they can more easily and less fearfully understood.
This proves that the initial DMT experience by the fetus is what is really perceived as real, and that the rest of the life, outside of such experiences, is all dreaming.
I totally agree with you, Potater.
Speaking of potaters, I will have prepare some for lunch. Thank you for reminding me, I am so hungry.
I did,
Dionysus carries a PineCone staff for a reason...
Well, if your own jury is out on the fetus thing, as it is with certain branches of science and that can be a good standpoint, then you might say that as soon as the fetus' pineal gland produces the first amount of DMT, then everything past that is hallucination.
Don't want to go that far, then the first REM sleep/stage a fetus has in the womb or later on, is the last point he would experience before everything else that comes after being hallucination.
And if this is the case, which it probably is, then the mother is still in hallucination, which would make the child a hallucination as well.
@ThelemicMage said
" You see, when the brain pumps out DMT during REM sleep, one goes through a psychedelic experience WAY too intense for them to remember, (this is proven scientifically when more than 60-80mg of dmt is consumed with one without tolerance,) and their brain shuts off the process of memory recording for the time being."
I've been lucid during REM sleep a number of times before, and had pretty accurate memory afterward, enough to write detailed records of the experiences. I suppose there are connections you could draw between those experiences and the psychedelic state, but not at all like what you're suggesting.