Mystical & Magical System of the A.'.A.'. ... vote!
i am using fox fire. i have also checked explorer with the same result, no vote option. voting only for one choice, without question, the format as is. the large format is easy to read, and yes, the binding is really something, it does lay open nice too. there being times when i have needed to have multiple source material out.
everyone should have the chance to have a copy just as it has always been. it is a work of art and craft
93! -
Not I. Internet Explorer works fine.
I've refrained from voting because I already own a copy of MMSAA in a format I like and don't plan to buy another. But it seems to me that you would increase your readership by releasing an inexpensive paperback. (Basing your decision on a poll *(
Robert, yes, I agree with the weakness of a poll
It's just one source of input on the decision.
I'm not sure whether it's already been said, but as far as I'm concerned there is no substitute for the M&MAA in its current format. I display it proudly next to my hardcover Equinox set et al. hardback reference books. The oversized format makes it stand out. For us bibliophiles this is a plus.
It is true that nothing beats the feel of a paperback when you want to sit, or lie down, and read, and it may be that two formats is the way to go after all; but I much prefer hardcovers when doing research, if for no other reason than that they keep you tied down to your desk, focused on your task. There are other benefits, of course, such as laying open much easier than paperbacks.
In short, whether you put out another format or not, I think those interested are best served with the current design.
93 jim-
yes, i did have trouble voting via internet explorer. i got mine in last week through foxfire.
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@Jim Eshelman said
@Ash said
"It won't let me vote, but I'd vote for the current design."That's strange. I even enabled the right to REvote, so it should let you vote (or change your vote) even if you've already voted.
Are you using some variant browser?
EDIT: I just tested your permissions, Ash, using both IE and Chrome, and don't get voting buttons either way. I'll try to figure out why. (Anybody else not getting voting options?)"
I tried to vote but was unable.
Hum, small and limp...
Or large and brainer....
I was curious if their was going to be a special edition, would it possible to reserve a particular numbered edition?
It is hard for me to commit sometimes, but I think its time I did.
Thanks for the vote. (Love it!)
No, we aren't anticipating a special numbered edition. We did one of those as a "collectible" for 776 1/2 as a Temple of Thelema 20th Anniversary event, but we can't do that all the time - especially in the current economy, most people aren't after expensive "investment" books, no matter how nicely they're made.
But we have decided this year on some little niceties that will become standard to our hardcovers hereafter; and if rising costs require us to bump the price anyway (we're hoping not, but...), then we have some more niceties we can slip in under the same price bump.
I will +1 RIDETHETIGER's comment. I have the hardcover and it is beautiful. The only thing I would ask is for a digital version (non-PDF).
I am looking to study Thelema on my own. Would this be a good book to purchase for like a home study course in Thelema. I am thinking of buying it but I would like to know more about it.
This is the first book I read that Jim Eshelman wrote. It introduced me to a lot of ideas, history, and methods that were pretty new to me. It was one of the reasons I became aware that the Temple of Thelema existed and for those things it is a foundation in how I've pursued my path which is Thelemic.
That being said - I don't know if I would call it a "home study course in Thelema", but it certainly can be. It gives introductions into the concepts, people, and systems that give the system of the A.'.A.'. context and then goes on to give an in-depth description of the system. Check out the Periodicals and Monographs in the C.O.T. Pulications as well as they are also very interesting.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I think it's important to distinguish between study of Thelema and spiritual attainment, AâŽA⎠or otherwise.
Love is the law, love under will.
I wonder if anyone knows a store in the EU that sell this book??
Oh well, maybe the time has come to get one of those tablets after all
@Shamati said
"I wonder if anyone knows a store in the EU that sell this book??"
Amazon has it at about half price right now. If you ordered it, the shipping would probably only bring it to about the usual full price.
@Jim Eshelman said
@Shamati said
"I wonder if anyone knows a store in the EU that sell this book??"Amazon has it at about half price right now. If you ordered it, the shipping would probably only bring it to about the usual full price."
Ok, thanks, I'll check it out.
Did you ever think about releasing the book in some kind of digital format?
@Shamati said
"Did you ever think about releasing the book in some kind of digital format?"
The idea has been tossed about. However, there isn't a satisfactory solution (i.e., a solution that satisfies us). In any case, it would require completely reworking the layout, which would take me at least six months, maybe longer. I would only do it we could release it on Kindle, and there are not satisfactory solutions for such things as non-English fonts.
That's a main reason none of my books is in Kindle format btw ... I've said I'll do it the first time I write a book that doesn't have any Hebrew, Greek, or Enochian in it <g>.
The way it is is just perfect.The hardcover will make it more resilent to elements that can take place with books.
I just voted for the 6 x 9 paperback. I had no trouble voting with Google Chrome.
Have you considered going the print-on-demand route? I've published a number of books that way. ... I presume it's currently out-of-print. The price on amazon is going up and up.
I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS BOOK. It was of immeasurable help as I worked my way through the Crowley Curriculum.
Here are the end results of that study. (I hope posting this here doesn't break any forum rules.)
@wanderer-exile said
"Have you considered going the print-on-demand route."
That would be completely against our underlying goal of producing the highest quality physical books, created to last a century.
Thanks for your vote. It probably doesn't matter now (the question was asked years ago and I don't expect to have time to completely, top-to-bottom, rewrite and restructure the book in the next few years - it would be about a year of work if I had nothing else big on my docket.) I'd like to do some significant rewrite before I die, so I'll have have to plan not to die in the immediate future
It's out of stock, but being reprinted. I just asked the other day when the copies are due. This usually only takes a few weeks.