The Ordeal of the Siren.
Nothing new there then
You are pretty adept at going of on a tangent though
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Cool, we got back on track. I'd say yes for both questions.
Love is the law, love under will.
Women get it too, I've seen this myself.
Basically though, a Siren is simply a projection of unbalanced nephesh that becomes apparent when a person starts to really aspire towards Binah, there is a sort of counter-pull from Malkuth that we experience as the Siren. This is nature trying to maintain the status-quo that you are upsetting by trying to 'get to' Binah.
This will continue until the aspirant succeeds in creating there own internal balance.
In my experience this Siren effect does not become apparent in a solitary practitioner, mainly because they haven't generally cranked up the pressure by formally dedicating themselves to the work. The act of will of beginning work on that scale is what triggers the adverse reaction.
Its a sad fact that often the most promising aspirants fail early on because the backlash from the nephesh immediately pulls them back down to malkuth as soon as they make the attempt to climb the tree, the inertia of there daily life and commitments is just too strong and as much as they might say they want to do the work, they simply cannot pull themselves away from 'old sweetnesses'.
If you are not formally dedicated to the work, then you have very little pressure to 'pass on', and so the nephesh doesn't tend to get stimulated into action in this way, or at least not so as you would notice.
As far as I can tell, the only cure is dedication to the task of your Grade, and a certain ruthlessness with regards to anything/anyone that gets in the way of that.
On the other hand, if you happen to get a boy/girlfriend who is happy for you to get on with your work, and doesn't distract you too much (That is, no more than a new girlfriend usually would
) then don't worry too much about it.
@Dara said
@Bereshith said
"What do you make of Lon Milo's statement that "the Great Order has always been and will be forever more, an order of ONE. And that one is YOU.)" ?"Short version: It's God's order, and you are a particular manifestation of God.
Expanded version: The Great Order is a unified Collective Mind of beings with various specific histories, qualities, and functions within that Mind."
Well he went on to say about realising that you are the Great Order:
"And this awakening will spark a fire that will burn like a million suns. That fire; that radiance is the light of the Hermit's lamp. And it will be 'all that you are'. It will be the only magical weapon you have or will need. That light will be all that you will be able to give to your brothers and sisters. Your only gift to those in the world who are still to awaken to their 'aloneness'. Your only true contribution to the life you are a part of.""
This doesn't seem to resonate with how you interpret it, but then again - do I really expect you to be able to understand what this hermit means by that? Do you really expect that you'll be able to understand what he really means by this?
He never mentioned God. He didn't talk of a 'unified collective mind' (which is a bunch of hooey). He said the Great Order is an order of ONE, and that One is YOU. This talk of God and 'unified collective minds' is an illusion that does something for you... it's more palatable (to you) than what he actually said."
God is such a loaded term, but I like it myself for many purposes. It is the fundamental unity and source of being, but by being so exalted in concept it also suggests separation. On different levels, we are separate, yet united. In that sense, we're all indeed Hermits, living apart from the home of our souls, but the light in our lamps is that part of the godhead which is both our secret soul and our guide to re-union with it. In this way all orders are orders of ONE even as they appear to walk as many.
In the night, it would appear that there countless twinkling lanterns, but the Light is One. Next to it, the shadow of the its bearer's form becomes indivisible from the darkness around us.
I tried doing it without joining the Order years ago, and had no results or Ordeals to speak of.
Interstingly enough I was getting both results and Ordeals by the bucketload within months of signing the Probationer Oath for real.
Maybe this has something to do with the level of sinscerity I brought to the Order compared to my solitary efforts? -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Archaeus said
"I tried doing it without joining the Order years ago, and had no results or Ordeals to speak of.
Interstingly enough I was getting both results and Ordeals by the bucketload within months of signing the Probationer Oath for real.
Maybe this has something to do with the level of sinscerity I brought to the Order compared to my solitary efforts?"When you tried alone, did you sign the Oath by yourself? Or worked without the Oath?
Love is the law, love under will.
@Ethar said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Archaeus said
"I tried doing it without joining the Order years ago, and had no results or Ordeals to speak of.
Interstingly enough I was getting both results and Ordeals by the bucketload within months of signing the Probationer Oath for real.
Maybe this has something to do with the level of sinscerity I brought to the Order compared to my solitary efforts?"When you tried alone, did you sign the Oath by yourself? Or worked without the Oath?
Love is the law, love under will."
Yeah, I did the whole thing, but to be honest it felt phoney, I knew early on that I needed to find the Actual AA, that took me about 15 years. (That was back in the days before internet made finding a contact relatively easy. Now the great difficulty is getting a reply as most AA lineages are flooded with letters requesting admission, its like applying for a sought after job.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Hmm, interesting. I don't know, I see the Oath signing as a big, big, big deal, even without the presence of a physical initiate. Claiming to be in it and all. Success is thy proof, after all.
I love this A∴A∴ subject.
Love is the law, love under will.
@Ethar said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Hmm, interesting. I don't know, I see the Oath signing as a big, big, big deal, even without the presence of a physical initiate. Claiming to be in it and all. Success is thy proof, after all.
I love this A∴A∴ subject.
Love is the law, love under will."
True, success is your proof, I just found that form my own success, actual initiation into a branch of the actual AA was the necessary catalyst.
Others may disagree, which is fine, due to the difficulty of finding a genuine connection it might well be easier to do it yourself.
Besides, there are many other ways up the mountain, I certainly don't think that the AA (man made) has the monopoly on spiritual attainment.
For me though, the other option was to join a Zen monastery, but then I like the whole getting up early to meditate thing.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
"True, success is your proof, I just found that form my own success, actual initiation into a branch of the actual AA was the necessary catalyst."
This. Everyone is different. Also, views on what is "actual A∴A∴" may differ.
"Others may disagree, which is fine, due to the difficulty of finding a genuine connection it might well be easier to do it yourself."
My case is a bit complex, but I don't feel like going into details right now. Sometime in the future I shall explain it all.
"Besides, there are many other ways up the mountain, I certainly don't think that the AA (man made) has the monopoly on spiritual attainment."
No one can disagree. But it certainly is awesome.
"For me though, the other option was to join a Zen monastery, but then I like the whole getting up early to meditate thing."
Love is the law, love under will.
@Frater Potater said
I can dig this. But only because I understand the context of what you mean. Someone who has no idea what Thelema is, or has no intuition to perceive this, would not have the slightest idea of what you mean. How would you explain this to them, or to an atheist?
"The Ineffable Mystery of Life
@Frater Potater said
And it's equally true that most new agers/occultists are Juedeo-Christian-Islamist in a fancy new dress."The average shall remain average.
What is considered 'occult' is not really so these days with the proliferation of the internet.@Frater Potater said
Excellent. I will agree and add that the best service one can do for themselves, and for the universe, is to simply seek out and do their will. A person can be supported by others in this, and pushed along gently like a boat in water, but no one can dictate this to another person or tell them how to fulfill the task."Exactly!
Going from what I wrote before: If you want to know what kind of Work you are going to be doing in any Order you can easily get an idea with a bit of searching.
What is most important is the fruit, the people involved.An interesting notion that was brought up in Jims talk the other day is this:
An Order can be very much like a family...
You can use it as an excuse to maintain the status quo, having a 'comfortable place to fit.'
There is the other option of using it as a forum of self-exploration and growth.
Of having people around you, going through the same process.
Open to the idea that you are evolving and providing you a place to test out and create new habits.
Going with my loner example...
An Order, or really, any Group working together provides a relatively safe place to learn about expressing ones own individuality while at the same time integrating into a group.In the end the usefulness of any tool is dependent on how the Magician chooses to utilize it.
@Frater Potater said
It's such a pretty song.
"So keep on dancing!
Ever unafraid,
That the rocks betray
And in Death are thou unmade
Thou shalt LIVE
And though you may have the Face of another
Thou art still my Brother -
Well, why is it that joining an official order brings this on, but not a solitary practitioner? I don't want people to act like this is all mystical or magical with some mysterious "universe speaking to you" reasons when this is rather obvious to the mundane.
According to the siren, it is perceived, that it is implied that the student will, sooner or later, sleep with his or her guru, and by that, I do not mean innocent lying next to each other in a tent, oh no, I mean in the more commonly used sexual manner. Now, this would be true regardless of the gender of the initiated, and his or her initiator.
Now, according to the siren, this so called guru is merely a mundane man or woman, but one who has slept around and collected several students, so thus has a high likely hood of transmitting something other than so called linage, rather diseases that are commonly passed from person to person by this methodology.
Who wants an STD? Well, not a siren, they remain pure and unsullied by mortal sin, and thus will abandon the aspirant.
For fun, but a good bit for real too...
Monty Python and []](
@Bereshith said
"For fun, but a good bit for real too...
Monty Python and []]("
Quality film
Good choice.
93 93/93
@Jim Eshelman said
"Probationers are always given the chance to betray the Order. That's their challenge."
Yep... thus the Siren... Neophyte is the Vampire.
@Duo Columpnas said
"93's, all.
For those who passed that particular test... What were the characteristics of a "Siren" as opposed to a good friend and true lover for you in retrospect?
Also, is this Ordeal universal to all Probationers/aspirants?"This is easy... do you view this person as your Babalon? Do you think it is your True Will to be with them? Do you choose her over your obligations and work in the Order? If you said yes to any of this... you are on the path of failure.
The question is what attributes does this 'siren' generally have?
Will she try and dissuade you from your work, or claim that it's wrong or evil?
What if she isn't a siren and you simply found someone you fell in love with?
The only problem I see is that there should be a clear classification of this
personality. So, that one can be properly prepared to handle the ordeal. -
Not talking from experience, but I'll give it a try.
@milkBoxx said
"The question is what attributes does this 'siren' generally have?"
Remember it doesn't have to manifest as a human being (supposedly).
"Will she try and dissuade you from your work, or claim that it's wrong or evil?"
Possibly. Likely, I think, though it probably won't be a conscious decision of hers, assuming there is a "her" on the first place.
"What if she isn't a siren and you simply found someone you fell in love with?"
Success is your proof.
"The only problem I see is that there should be a clear classification of this
personality. So, that one can be properly prepared to handle the ordeal."I guess the uncertainty is part of the ordeal. No point in trying to make our lives easier. (Also, what matters is: don't get distracted. Keep the Work up. I would guess if you keep worried about someone's "siren status", that will stir your mind even more and help get you off track.)
@milkBoxx said
"The only problem I see is that there should be a clear classification of this
personality. So, that one can be properly prepared to handle the ordeal."One of my respected teachers shared the following bit of wisdom, which has served me well for a long time:
All ordeals are either ordeals of perseverance, or ordeals of discrimination.
The thing is, we never know which.
If we did, it wouldn't be an ordeal.
PS - The ultimate enemy is your own undisciplined Nephesh. However, knowing that won't help much. Here are the only two published remarks by Crowley on the nature of the ordeal:
@Liber 24 said
"It is even said that to every Neophyte of the Order of A.'.A.'. appeareth a demon in the form of a woman to pervert him; within Our own knowledge have not less than nine breth-ren been utterly cast out thereby."
@The Confessions of Aleister Crowley said
"I believed then, and believe now, that... the neophyte is nearly always tempted by a woman."