Supreme actions for Protection
@Angel of Death said
"What is the most powerful action to take to protect yourself?
Specifically looking for a ritual please."
From something other than physical harm? (Because that would require physical means in most cases, or the Supreme Ritual of Kicking Ass.)
Step one: Laugh. Genuinely and deeply. For a long time. That gets the mind in the right state.
Step two: Ya just can't beat the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram for most things (although the Star Ruby makes more sound and sometimes scares better because of the fireworks).
Also, generally strengthening/fortifying your aura and letting a lot of full spectrum light flow into it. (That's white light, but so many people think it's cool to disparage white light. Think full spectrum <g>.)
Or, if you want something elaborate - something you would take days preparing - try my protection ritual in Black Pearl No. 5, or the more elaborate version as Sample Ritual No,. 5 in 776 1/2.
@Jim Eshelman said
"From something other than physical harm? (Because that would require physical means in most cases, or the Supreme Ritual of Kicking Ass.)
Step one: Laugh. Genuinely and deeply. For a long time. That gets the mind in the right state.
Step two: Ya just can't beat the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram for most things (although the Star Ruby makes more sound and sometimes scares better because of the fireworks).
Also, generally strengthening/fortifying your aura and letting a lot of full spectrum light flow into it. (That's white light, but so many people think it's cool to disparage white light. Think full spectrum <g>.)
Or, if you want something elaborate - something you would take days preparing - try my protection ritual in Black Pearl No. 5, or the more elaborate version as Sample Ritual No,. 5 in 776 1/2.
"Good answer!!!
What he said.
Also, Angel of Death, ever heard of servitors?EDIT: to elaborate, a servitor is essentially a Yetziratic being of your own creation that is consecrated to a specific purpose, i.e. protection, attack, information gathering, message carrying... etc. There are a few ways to make one. I find the specific virtue in employing a servitor as opposed to other methods is that they act autonomously. You make it and set it free then reside in confidence that it is carrying out its appointed duties, so you don't have to constantly busy yourself over sealing holes in defense. Like a white blood cell!
The one and only
Never to be under rated. Done daily will aid in achieving KCHGA
Will cleanse the aura and re-balance it with correct elemental energy
Will cleanse the area and re-balance it with correct elemental energy
Will align the chakras -
I think that some one very close to me is going to have a violent mental health issue, very soon. I had been ignoring my intuition on this for some time, truly believing that I was prepared and able to help this person.
I have a history of people stalking me, of wanting me, soooo badly. I know realize that I don't ever see most of them, and many are right under my nose.
And if I am ever going to break this chain, ( which is also historical in my family) I have to change my behaviors and do something new. -
So please Angel of Death, let me get this right. You need to change your behavior in some way to stop attracting these sort of people?
Is there some part of you that allows these people into your orbit? Something that attracts them? Some part of you that caters for them?
Can I take a guess? Self-esteem? You pick friends similar to you parental relationships? Is this a habit/cycle? It sounds like it.
A protection ritual will not solve this problem will it?- The causes lie deeper.
I only write this for you benefit Angel of Death.
Love Q
I agree that the causes of the whole of her experience is within her.
But, since the means of this (the agency) is in what she attracts to herself, it will help to do "spells" that affect the very things she has been attracting... by repelling them.
Since we agree that there is no real separation between someone's inner condition and outer circumstances, you work on both when you work on either.
Magicians commonly would call this a protection spell!
I have a magnetic personality, I smile and laugh and play and express love.
It feels like the happier I get, the more people want to be around me.
I am built better then a Barbie doll, coulda been a Playmate....
I will always attract people too me,
Even if I am in a potato sack,
Or just words on a screen.
I am not being stuck up, just real.I need to learn to protect myself so that when people attempt to come into my orbit, I will either see through their bullcrude dead away, or to not allow myself to be flattered and deceived by a glamour. ( I think that is being spiteful of me).
I suppose though if I can be honest, I always know that it is a lie, I choose to ignore my intution, which must be a reflection of some self esteem issue, you are right about that.
I don't have any girlfriends, or boyfriends for that matter.
It feels like I am a psychic lightening rod in way, or a huge astral neon sign saying fresh meat and that's how they find me, and once they get a taste (metaphorically of course)......
They will do anything to maintain that original glamour.
It seems like that I have finally seen the last of them, but the last one is the most powerful flatterer and deceived of them all......
I have a strong will to achieve my personal spiritual goals, and that goal involves me stepping up into more empowered action, more focus and dedication and more self esteem. I don't want less, and I deserve what I want and I know I can achieve it, even though the thought of actualizing my goal is considered absurd by most....
So it would seem to me that if my aspirations are so high, that this person could possibly be at the complete opposite side of the spectrum.....and have aspirations of the worst.
I have never really done any sort of protection work before. It seems unnatural to me, why would I need protecting from anything, if everything came from the same source originally.?
But now, I have things in this world that are for all extensive purposes, completely dependent on me, so if something happens to me, they are S.O.L.......I don't know if a protection ritual will help, certainly can't hurt.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I agree that the causes of the whole of her experience is within her.
But, since the means of this (the agency) is in what she attracts to herself, it will help to do "spells" that affect the very things she has been attracting... by repelling them.
Since we agree that there is no real separation between someone's inner condition and outer circumstances, you work on both when you work on either.
Magicians commonly would call this a protection spell!
So, I am thinking....
I need to make myself repulsive?
Like a defense mechanism.
That seems so contrary to my nature... -
The spell I recommended in BP7 binds a flock of Geburan angels to protect you and yours from harm - even if its from your own bad choices.
Agreed it is not going to hurt.
Can't say 'repulsive' is the way to go-- just put up those psychic barriers one learns to put up in life.
I would like to focus on this self esteem issue. It seems to me that you have a character trait that allows trouble into it.
I am wondering why you have no friends?"It feels like I am a psychic lightening rod in way, or a huge astral neon sign saying fresh meat and that's how they find me, and once they get a taste (metaphorically of course)......" and there are many people like this.
So you have to learn to be more discriminant about who you let into your orbit? Having more friends will allow you to be choosey. I keep thinking self esteem. What was your father like? Did your parents teach you who to hang around and who not to?
Can you tell rubbish when you see it? Can you tell a psychic vampire? A bludger? time water? Wanker?
If you could see rubbish was trying to befriend you- do you have the character traits to piss him off?Q
I said BP7 and meant BP5.
Do you have 776 1/2? It's in there also.
I'll check when I get home. I should at least be able to send you the article.
"I would like to focus on this self esteem issue. It seems to me that you have a character trait that allows trouble into it."
I have a character trait that allows me to love the unlovable. I can and will see the good in a hideous monster when no one else can. When everyone else has tossed it away, I can always find value. I will never givenup hope on some soul, ever. I think that is a good thing, and that more people should be like me, kind open honest helpful loyal......
But there appears to be time now on me, when I cannot try to help him anymore, that I need to pull back and take care of things,responsibilities I have (my kids and stuff).
I thought that I had a friend, I woulda put all my money on it. in fact I stupidly let all my other relationships fall away because I was invested in this one "friend." But I now know that this whole relationship was a lie and a glamour, weaved for years.
And I know that if I was lied to, then I am pretty sure that everything else is a lie, that other deeper lies were told, so the gig is up, and I am pissed and I have to do something for protection.
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, and thanks for listening.
Truthfully, since I am in the mucky mucky of this business right now, I don't think I need to focus at all on thinking about how to handle future relationships, and a psych evaluation, I need to think about what I am going to do for protection when I cut this person off, which is what I have to do. -
@Angel of Death said
""I think that ... more people should be like me"
That disqualifies all the rest you claim to believe. I know you don't want a psyche eval, but it boils down to being in denial so far. I'll leave it at that.
If you want to believe me, you are bringing on some muckity karma. Otherwise, file a restraining order and tell your neighbors that this person does not belong on your property. That is the sanest advice I could offer.
@Takamba said
@Angel of Death said
""I think that ... more people should be like me"That disqualifies all the rest you claim to believe. I know you don't want a psyche eval, but it boils down to being in denial so far. I'll leave it at that.
If you want to believe me, you are bringing on some muckity karma. Otherwise, file a restraining order and tell your neighbors that this person does not belong on your property. That is the sanest advice I could offer."
You can't file until after the person does something.
Even after I once had someone piss on my steps, and deflate my tires with me watching!I admit that I had been in complete denial about the level of threat, and stupidly hopeful that this person was not afflicted with a severe mental health issue.
I do think that when I am at my best, which is pretty damn often I am a fantastic credit to my race, and that more people should be like that part of me.I don't think that at all disqualifies my beliefs at all.