Frater Horus
Hello brothers and sisters,
I'm a french guy in my late twenties living in the south of france. I've been studying and practicing magick and mysticism for about 3 years, and have an interest in it since childhood, having had early visions, lucid dreams and stuff. Before getting into it, i did things which i found at least helped, or even are related(at least in my case), like martial arts, psychology, music, experimenting drugs with a chamanic intent...
What got me into it was reading The book of the law by master Therion... After that i read other approaches and authors, but with a thelemic perspective, as i had got hooked. So i experimented with what i found left and right. What made my 2nd great impression were some hermetic libers, like The kybalion, Corpus hermeticum...
About two years ago, i met an initiate by synchronicity. I was pretty much confused at the time, as i didnt know how to get started, on what school of thought should i base my research, if i should join a group, and so on. The guy just told me:"when the student is ready, the teacher appears !". He refused influencing me in any way.
So i kept on searching and, very soon after that, got my hands onto Self initation into the golden dawn tradition by Cicero. That was my 3rd great founding. This time i had found a structured and workable method ! I was very happy ! From then, everything changed in my life. Litteraly, everything. I also realised initiation was what i was always searching for through what i did, and that all what i did before was a preparation for it. What a great feeling !
So, i studied and practiced it, and did astrally the initiations described into it. Actually, i felt only 5 of them worked properly. And more precisely, only 4, as the fifth (fire) was like a threshold for me at the time. I wasnt ready ! When i did this one, i felt litterally like i had done too much cocaine, and couldnt concentrate at all for 3 days after. Actually, i still struggle on this one about 1 and half year after, but it's way easier. I hope get over it this year. I must work a lot on alchemy.
Meanwhile, i found The mystical and magical system of the AA, by Eshelman... That was my fourth great founding, which helped me getting all things working together, and finally making me able to start reading Crowley's other books without getting lost nor discouraged by the advanced level and poetic style(which i love, by the way) of the Beast's works. Jim's book felt so clear it was almost dangerous, as i thought i was getting way more advanced than i actually was. What helped me on this one was finding this forum. When i saw the descriptions of the path of Tav ordeals, lived by other people, and how Jim explained the differences between GD and AA, between assiah, yetzirah, and briah...
So, i'm very happy and honored joining you all here. I would be also very pleased to meet thelemites in France, and from countries nearby.
Love to all,
Frater Horus
Happy to have you. Welcome!