Working with Qliphothic Energy's in the later grades.
Ankhape - thanks for that comprehensive listing. Interesting to note the Talmudic version.
I know it is rather long and tiresome, but I figured I never post so when I do I should POST.
Awesome information! Thanks, Ankhhape.
Reading this I realize the need that people check out what people who have seriously investigated the qliphoth has to say and then if they are interested go about and investigate it themselves.
The only two books I can recommend is Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson and Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant, both in the Left Hand Path tradition.Depending on the system of initiation, the goals one has set up and so on, the attitude to the qliphoth and the nightside aswell as the practical details on how one will try to encounter it will be dramatically different. The nightside demons can either be allies or foes.
@atlantis said
"Reading this I realize the need that people check out what people who have seriously investigated the qliphoth has to say and then if they are interested go about and investigate it themselves.
The only two books I can recommend is Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson and Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant, both in the Left Hand Path tradition.Depending on the system of initiation, the goals one has set up and so on, the attitude to the qliphoth and the nightside aswell as the practical details on how one will try to encounter it will be dramatically different. The nightside demons can either be allies or foes."
What about Ankhhape? LOL!! -
I am in no way looking down on your contribution, I am here adressing the posters in this thread in general. There is a general prejudice that stems from Crowley and many others before him around the subject.
Incidently, your general notes in the beginning, where you state things like "The main way that the Qliphoth receive energy from people in general is through the viral meme that is called Ego." would only fit some of the views on qliphoth.
I would say that the ego primarily derives from the sephiroth, but that there are qliphotic parts of it.
Personally, I favor the more objective presentation by Thomas Karlsson in Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic on different qabalistic views on the qliphoth.
em hotep atlantis,
I am kidding of course, I am far from an expert on Qliphoth.
I also tend to agree a lot with Karllson's ideas. -
@kasper81 said
"Also what are the vices of each sephiroth/grade?"
They're in a standard table in 777 and similar references.
Yes. Same principle, different expression.
PS - You could consider buying books
Willian Gray has a good one on the subject. I do not remember the name.
Hey Kasper (that actually is my brother’s name).
The name of the book is The Tree of Evil by Willian Gray.
He works the vice of each sephira and what do they mean in practical life. It is a good book (I am reading it myself).