Male and Female Sephirah ?
I remember reading somewhere that each sephirah is male or female. I vaguely recall that they alternate on the Tree of Life. But I can't find the reference anywhere.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you so much,
93 93/93 -
Maybe. But there is more profanity at kabalah than any other branch. Try use old interpretations not every new one.
Try replacing the words "male' and "female" with "Positive" and "Negative" (Electrical not moral) and see where that gets you.
There is a tendency to ascribe a gender to each Sephirah based on its planetary or cultural attributes, e.g. Chokmah is the Beast, and so male; Netzach is Venus, and so female. The model I tend to use is that each Sephirah is both male and female, relative to the Sephiroth around it. They each give and receive. Chokmah receives from Kether, Netzach gives to Hod.
Are Kether and Malkuth an exception in this model? Not Kether, surely, which receives the condensation of Nothing. Perhaps Malkuth?
Also some of the planetary attributions contain within themselves there gender opposites, i.e. Mercury represents the feminine type of male, and Venus the masculine sort of female as prime examples. Saturn is also traditionally male but also incorporates the idea of the Great Mother. Plenty to play with here
@zeph said
"The model I tend to use is that each Sephirah is both male and female, relative to the Sephiroth around it. They each give and receive. Chokmah receives from Kether, Netzach gives to Hod."
Yes, I align with this entirely. The old Dion Fortune aphorism has served me well for decades: Each sephirah is female in relation to the one before it and male to the one following it.
I think that's the basic idea that puts them all in the right relation on this. However, there are obviously other ways to rank them. One could (for example) look at the Male and Female pillars (which gives a really different view of Venus and Mars than most people carry around with then!). Consider the movement of the elements down the Tree, where Chokmah is the root of Fire, emanating into Geburah, then Netach, then the fiery section of Malkuth; Binah is the root of Water, emanating into Chesed, then Hod, then the watery section of Malkuth; and Kether is the root of Air, emanating into Tiphereth, then Yesod, then the citrine section of Malkuth.
Thank you everyone.
I think what I was thinking of is in the book 776 1/2 - table no. 305, "Magical Images of the Sephiroth"
@zeph said
"Are Kether and Malkuth an exception in this model? Not Kether, surely, which receives the condensation of Nothing. Perhaps Malkuth?"
I have all ways seen Malkuth as being feminine, the BRIDE
The Aspirant masculine, the GROOM