Practicing super powers just because it rocks
@Jim Eshelman said
"I recommend a ritual to acquire great wealth by writing then novels
The big problem with the foregoing (especially the last post) is that it puts attention in all the wrong place. The character patterns that pursue such powers (and the secondary payoffs of having and demonstrating them) are nearly always at odds with the character patterning that opens to real attainment.
One has to make the Philosopher's Stone, not be given it. If you are given it, then it looks strangely like a monkey's paw.
Here is the traditional teaching: If you pursue powers, you likely will get them and then go no further. On the other hand, if you simply pursue attainment with disregard of powers, then the powers will come naturally and as needed - usually when they are no longer sought.
My view of the traditional teaching: It isn't an invariable rule by any means; but it is so close to how things routinely work in real life that one is usually best of presuming it's an actual statement of natural law.
I think the key is that these arise out of living in a state of wonder - a state of witnessing the miraculous routinely. And this state is usually at odds with how people live life when actively pursuing powers."
Yes, novels and maybe movies or theater to start with... i must find a way to express all my "black bro" style ideas in a positive way. Gangsta rap "thelemic style" could do the job too. Guns, drugs and initiation . Thugz's tree of life. Gangsta magi Or explaining how this forum is a secret undercover elite military place from were we secretely rule the world. We all might be the same person, who appears into the form of "jim", "los", "horus", "patrick", and so on. We seem to post from different things, from different places, at different times, but it is an illusion. We are nothing but a huge Secret Chief. Some kind of cosmic Ipsissimus Hulk who periodically separates itself into the form of various initiates in order to post on this earthly forum.
I dont believe super powers will make me happy. It's playing the role wich feels good. And it helps me do the actual work. Like if my shadow is satisfied by this little joke and then let me do the actual work and be in the proper state, of "wonder" like you say. The thing is when i deny it it tends to come back at me in the form of negative acting out. I start to believe and work badly. Whereas as long as there is the little joke going on, i feel "light" and the way is free, without too much bullshit getting in the way.
Why not marry a Rotschild woman and live like a hippy with her, smoking golden dawn all day in a velvet palace underground.
@kasper81 said
@Frater Horus said
"I'm attracted to physical manifestations of magick, the more "transgressive" of physics and logic the better. The only explanation i see for this interest is "it just rocks". That's it. I like the idea, it makes me happyI dont see any contradiction with the high magick/great work. Siddhi practice can be like a sport, an art, a science, we practice just because we like it.
I'd like to master completely levitation(flying like superman), projecting physically through walls , seeing with physical eye accuracy at distance, mastering physcial elements(volcanos, tsunamis,earthquakes, wind, lightning), shapeshifting at will to extreme degree, performing hardcore telekinesis, creating physical things by thought at will, and so on, for the sake of doing it.
Do you know any magician who spent significant time practicing such things? Who were/are considered the best in super powers on the physical plane? Who was better at this in your opinion between Crowley and Bardon? Anyone here practices such things? I think i read Jim levitated up to a meter high. That seems good. I'd be verry happy to do that. Doesnt the direction of the body becomes more and more controlable as the hight increases or is it not related?
I had some dreams which represented training for physical plane flying. I visualise myself in the physical plane(while dreaming) until my astral sensations feel "earthly" and then the training starts ! It seems the next step of leviation: controling the direction of the body. Also some dreams of wall-crossing training. It might sound crazy but it seemed genuine and realistic training. There's a specific feeling of the wall when you go through it and what it takes to go through it is to control that actual feeling. How you feel is how you perform."
no folks, this ain't a joke
now .....about that "fruitcake factory""
Verily... a part of the joke is it's not a joke.
Fruitcake is excellent.
"be not too tame" Lacan
With great folly comes great power.
One night we went to a pub with some co workers, i had previously draw sigils onto my torso and at one point i did a striptease, unveiling all the mysterious writings, which surprised some people.
I know an advanced magician who went willingly into a mental institution as a "psychotic" to experiment some things. At one point he did a hardcore ritual and showed himself naked, covered with magick drawings made of his own blood. They kept him additional time after that.
He thinks the more mad you are the better, as far as you dont lose it completely. Being on the edge is the best i think too. After, how you apply it is another question. From my point of vue Los is way more on the edge than me. Another edge, but certainly an edge.
Brother, is this all you want from the whole corpus of "occult" instruction?
@Frater Horus said
Of course not.It is just a small part.
But it seems it is important. I dont know why."
I understand that. It seems overly ascetic to cast off the siddhis as superfluous distractions. They can become well-worn tools like anything else, used to the purposes of the holder. Go ahead and give it a go. See what happens to you.
It's just a small part, right?
You know why you're here, right?
You won't cause damage to other people, right? This includes their psyche. Austin Osman Spare once conjured an elemental for two laypeople and one of them went insane then killed themselves because of it. Practice Mercy.
But still, my point is that when you bend something pliable, IT SNAPS BACK.
@P is for Pomegranate said
@Frater Horus said
Of course not.It is just a small part.
But it seems it is important. I dont know why."
I understand that. It seems overly ascetic to cast off the siddhis as superfluous distractions. They can become well-worn tools like anything else, used to the purposes of the holder. Go ahead and give it a go. See what happens to you.
It's just a small part, right?
You know why you're here, right?
You won't cause damage to other people, right? This includes their psyche. Austin Osman Spare once conjured an elemental for two laypeople and one of them went insane then killed themselves because of it. Practice Mercy.
But still, my point is that when you bend something pliable, IT SNAPS BACK."
Yes very right. I did some dangerous mistakes with magick in the past but i'm actually quiet now, it is not dangerous things i'm seeking. More artistic kind of transgression than "extreme" stuff.
@Frater Horus said
Yes very right. I did some dangerous mistakes with magick in the past but i'm actually quiet now, it is not dangerous things i'm seeking. More artistic kind of transgression than "extreme" stuff."Well same here my brother. Blew myself the fuck up with 333 shenanigans, much like you. Are you finding that no medium can express your artistic self other than the manipulation of siddhis for amusement?... Seriously, if that's really the case then go ahead and bang your head against that wall all you like. I personally keep my sorcery to the practice of making aural or visual art that provokes certain seed-ideas which plant themselves subliminally and grow as a natural realization within the psyche of the beholder, hopefully as a catalyst for Initiation.
@P is for Pomegranate said
@Frater Horus said
Yes very right. I did some dangerous mistakes with magick in the past but i'm actually quiet now, it is not dangerous things i'm seeking. More artistic kind of transgression than "extreme" stuff."Well same here my brother. Blew myself the {****} up with 333 shenanigans, much like you. Are you finding that no medium can express your artistic self other than the manipulation of siddhis for amusement?... Seriously, if that's really the case then go ahead and bang your head against that wall all you like. I personally keep my sorcery to the practice of making aural or visual art that provokes certain seed-ideas which plant themselves subliminally and grow as a natural realization within the psyche of the beholder, hopefully as a catalyst for Initiation."
333, what a terrible experience.
Thanksfully i do have other artistic means of expression than going through walls
Thanks for sharing your practice, interesting
@Frater Horus said
333, what a terrible experience. "Bloody terrible. Literally the worst.
Hey! The best things are built from the bottom up, yeah?@Frater Horus said
"Thanksfully i do have other artistic means of expression than going through walls
Thanks for sharing your practice, interesting
"Iechyd da
Not to be accused of contributing to the delinquency of a minor...
The research of Gregg Braden might be interesting for you to read.I don't know how it is in France, but here in the USA no one gets admitted to a psych ward with out truly needing to be there.
Anyways, you are talking about a subject that I had recently been referred to research, so I wanted to discuss and ask a question that I had while I was looking into this. My question is " do you see truth in what this research tells me?"
I have read that in Magic, the lesser demonic beings pretend to be captured, controlled and doing the work of the Magician. ( or pretends to have feeling towards him and is in partnership) Specifically, for example a person invokes such and such force and comands that being to do some things for them. IE, superpowers, illusions, getting gold, screwing a starlet, fame fortune...the whole nine yards.
The being is actually never under the command of the Magician at all, but is demonically fulfilling these trivial empty pleasures, maybe for a the rest of this humans life, because when this human being dies.....the creature feeds on the remains. I am not thinking that this referrs to the physical body at all, but to the etheric body, the spiritual source or soul.
The creature, who has been called many different things in different lands, has eternity to wait for this, and as a master of lies will be completely and easily able to decieve the Magi into thinking that the human actually, willfully has command over it.
Now, there is an old adage that says " you are what you eat."
Thinking about the liitle Geni tricking a person just so they can feed on your shell, I am reminded of another parable about the internal struggle of humans, of two wolves: a good wolf and a bad wolf fighting.....the one that is going to win, is the one that the person feeds.
When I was a little girl, I can across a dead bunny rabbit. It looked perfect on day one, but by dat three the maggots had turned it into the most horrible sight and smell. When my grandma died soon after, I cried so deep because I didn't want her to turn into maggot food (I know, maggots have a purpose and a right to life, but I was a child). I was so relieved when We brought her to the crematorium, and then hurried her ashes in the park.
@kasper81 said
Do you believe in demons?"Even though you have repeatedly demonstrated that you do not have the courtesy to listen and hear the answers I give to your questions, I will answer this.....
(even though you also repeatedly demonstrate the lack courtesy to answer questions I ask...)
In Nuit Anything and Everything Is Possible.
My personal holding patterns (beliefs) are irrelevant. -
@Angel of Death said
"Not to be accused of contributing to the delinquency of a minor...
The research of Gregg Braden might be interesting for you to read.I don't know how it is in France, but here in the USA no one gets admitted to a psych ward with out truly needing to be there.
Anyways, you are talking about a subject that I had recently been referred to research, so I wanted to discuss and ask a question that I had while I was looking into this. My question is " do you see truth in what this research tells me?"
I have read that in Magic, the lesser demonic beings pretend to be captured, controlled and doing the work of the Magician. ( or pretends to have feeling towards him and is in partnership) Specifically, for example a person invokes such and such force and comands that being to do some things for them. IE, superpowers, illusions, getting gold, screwing a starlet, fame fortune...the whole nine yards.
The being is actually never under the command of the Magician at all, but is demonically fulfilling these trivial empty pleasures, maybe for a the rest of this humans life, because when this human being dies.....the creature feeds on the remains. I am not thinking that this referrs to the physical body at all, but to the etheric body, the spiritual source or soul.
The creature, who has been called many different things in different lands, has eternity to wait for this, and as a master of lies will be completely and easily able to decieve the Magi into thinking that the human actually, willfully has command over it.
Now, there is an old adage that says " you are what you eat."
Thinking about the liitle Geni tricking a person just so they can feed on your shell, I am reminded of another parable about the internal struggle of humans, of two wolves: a good wolf and a bad wolf fighting.....the one that is going to win, is the one that the person feeds.
When I was a little girl, I can across a dead bunny rabbit. It looked perfect on day one, but by dat three the maggots had turned it into the most horrible sight and smell. When my grandma died soon after, I cried so deep because I didn't want her to turn into maggot food (I know, maggots have a purpose and a right to life, but I was a child). I was so relieved when We brought her to the crematorium, and then hurried her ashes in the park."
Yes i see truth.
The demon uses cuning and is very patient. It will wait until you forget about it and come back again and again everytime more undercover.
I think the best to face it is a good balance of analysis and magick, of defense and attack. Yes you are what you eat but in enemy zone there is the additional variable of being not able to trust the food. You must analyse it before you eat. But when you're sure it is good it is a waste of time analysing anything.
In mental institutions here there are all kind of people, and everyone is welcome.
It is some kind of community who share a lifestyle