ANNOUNCING: Pearls of Wisdom
@mark0987 said
"When you select UK pearls it is 47.95, is this including shipping?
When I go into paypal and select my country the price adds another 34.10 dollars for shipping and totals at 82.05."
Mark, this was easier to fix than I thought. I'm sorry for the original error. If you haven't placed you order, you can do so now and it will only charge you for the shipping once. If you HAVE placed it, please write the email address of the confirmation email you got, and ask for a correction.
Thanks, I didn't place the order anyway. I'm going to place another order now.
Thanks, guys. I have high expectations you'll love it. (I could always be wrong, of course
) And I appreciate the interest and support.
I keep coming back to the line with which I began thinking about the book: I love anthologies! As a reader, I love collations of short, topical pieces that stand on their own while having something to tie them together. These, for me, often are the most fun nonfiction books, the easiest to access - committing time and attention just to a chapter (for the moment) - I've gotten a lot of information and pleasure from this sort of thing over my life, so I'm happy to have produced one.
For Ireland, shall I add the UK shipping price or the OTHER price?
Ordered this a few days ago, was I early enough to still get the autograph?
Look forward to it Jim, I expect nothing but the best.
And I agree about anthologies. B.O.T.A.'s "The Lantern" are proving to be a favorite for me lately. Mostly because you can fit them into bathroom reading, a break at work, etc~
Who would of thought light reading could be so enlightening?
Hito, yes, early enough. The book hasn't been delivered by the printer yet. (Thanks for the rest, too.)
I got an advance copy in the mail yesterday. (It's here! Not vaporware!) - The rest are still on the truck making its way across the U.S. of Wisdom photo.jpg
It's got a nice classic look to the book. Neat.
@Jim Eshelman said
"(It's here! Not vaporware!) "
Just wondering; is that a dig against Kindle versions?
Nope. Love my Kindle.
As you probably know, it's a computer term. "Vaporware" is software that keeps getting promised until one wonders if it exists anywhere at all... except maybe in someone's pipe.
If you can trust the dispatchers... the truck is due in tomorrow or Friday. "Pearls of Wisdom" will be hand. I will then sign the preorders, and our volunteer team will start slapping on mailing labels and getting things ready to ship on Sunday. (It may take two or three days to get them all ready to go.)
(I have never before known it to take two weeks for them to truck this cross-country. Sorry for the delay, folks.)
If you haven't ordered yet, and want one of the autographed first-shipped copies, here is the order link: -
My water broke!
No Braxton Hicks this time. I think it's coming today!
Received this morning, looks great, looking forward to diving in later today!
Waiting for the plane (or ship) with my one
My copy arrived this morning, I can't wait to really sit down and get started with it. My bookshelf feels a little more worthy now it has a signed book!
First impressions: Only a fifth of the way through this, but already it has proven to be single best book on both the basic and advanced concepts and practices of Thelema, Magick and Hermetic Qabalah since Regardie's work (perhaps even since Crowley's own publications). It's a joy to see often seemingly complex concepts explained so clearly, and to see certain practices laid out without the usual blinds and mistakes in place (I can think of some profoundly essential Magickal techniques [e.g. LBRP] which appear in incorrect forms in pretty much every single publication available to the general public [even Regardie's books!] - this volume is one of the very few exceptions to that [the only others that I can think of - beside the Black Pearl pdfs - are 776 1/2 and David Shoemaker's Living Thelema], and pretty much the only place where the reader will find correct, clear, and unambiguous information on certain topics outside of confidential orders). No blinds, no bullshit, at last, amazing! It will be of profound value to those involved in the practice of the topics concerned, and I certainly will be giving it my highest possible recommendation.
Chapters 000, 00, and 0 are a fantastic introduction to Thelema, have you at all considered making that material available to as wide an audience as possible, perhaps online like the Ethics Of Thelema compilation?