Spiritism and Ancestral Veneration
I was hoping to illustrate that Voodoo isn't the only tradition per se that garners these kinds of experiences, one can use "Voodoo"(I call it passive spirit) to open up to the spiritual nexus of anywhere anywhen and extract information, if one employs some creativity.
It was a good topic to start and I appreciate your cordiality and willingness to share information."
I don't believe I ever implied that Voodoo is the only tradition, I did intend to emphasize that the tradition is largely found in African Tradition Religions practiced in diaspora.
Voodoo is not "passive spirit." The word Voodoo (roughly) translates to: Word and Force. It is more akin to the word Kabbalah than anything else. Just for clarification.
@HounganRocky said
"I don't believe I ever implied that Voodoo is the only tradition, I did intend to emphasize that the tradition is largely found in African Tradition Religions practiced in diaspora. "
Oh, I didn't think you did, just offering a different angle of approach for the sake of color
@HounganRocky said
"Voodoo is not "passive spirit." The word Voodoo (roughly) translates to: Word and Force. It is more akin to the word Kabbalah than anything else. Just for clarification."
That is etymology I didn't know, thank you. I likened it to passive spirit in the sense of the willingness present to open up to possession by a trusted source. I admit that my understanding of Voodoo is superficial, formed from a distance to the actual traditional core(which actually just contributes to my enjoyment of the thread
No offense taken! I simply wish to clear the air of misconceptions of Voodoo, and generate understanding and relativity.
I should clarify to the lurkers and readers:
The viewpoints I express come largely from the way I was taught and the traditions I uphold. An internet search will provide a plethora of conflicting information and misinformation. I do not claim that the opinions I give are upheld by all, but I can say that within the house and Society I belong to they are the norm. Within the political climate of Voodoo there is great deal of Us vs Them mentality. I don't seek to build bridges between different houses or Societies, merely dispense what I consider to be useful information to bring light into an obscured realm.
I socialize with many people from various diasporic traditions and the views expressed often include what I have found to be universal in the African Tradition Religions practiced in diaspora.
Please understand that I am technically a "foreigner" that was "reclaimed" by the Lwa. I hold a particular degree of initiation within my house, and I am recognized by various priest/esses of different ATRs.
Would you say spirits of the "dead" tend to be easier to visibly evoke than demons and elementals, or about the same, or harder? (all things else being equal as possible)
Does it tend to be easier achieving quality inner communication with them according to their spiritual development(the higher the easier?) or more significatively according to how they relate to our true will at a particular moment, or maybe "random"?
It's very easy to evoke the dead to visible appearance.
Everyone develops differently. All i can suggest is to try to implement the suggested practice. If you would like something that should yield immediate results PM me.
Thanks man ! I will.
As far as you know, is music and dancing an important part of the style, like for instance yoga is an important part of AA, or is it rather a separate art? Those moungongo and berimbau seem very good for inducing or enhancing spritual states. I once was initiated to african dance, it seems to have strong effects on the chakras and the physical body.
Now it makes me think about the capoeira, that african martial art. I can see esoteric symbolism into it. It seems based a lot on balancing the above and the below(making the upper body very strong and the legs very agile and flexible) and on generating power from rotation, spinning, and level changes, like the continuous motions of the stars that spin and rotate, and seem to change levels as we change point of vue. They use berimbau and drums too, so the rythm is also an important part.
Maybe those guys who created the art were initiated into voodoo.
Do you have voodoo equivalent systems of alchemical "scales" like 3 principles, 5 elements, 7 chakras, 10 sephiroth, 12 signs, 22 paths...?
And sorry for the slight off topic but if anyone knows about oceania's magick feel free to share. As i asked for information on african magick on a non related topic just before you came, it might work the same again !
I attended one ritual where we were to call upon our ancestors to dance with us. Thinking of the people I knew personally, my parents and grandparents, who were Christian and inhibited about dancing, this felt ridiculous.
So I tried to imagine my ancestors going way back to pre-Christian Europe.Contacting my immediate ancestors would take something more suited to them.
One little thing you may like to think about, which has been very helpful to me and several friend who had difficult personalities for relatives.....
We often think of our ancestors as being the age the age they were when they passed on, or simply an adult. Yet all ancestors were children once, innocent little beings filled with spirit, freedom, curiosity and openness.
Have you ever danced with a five year old? Even a ten year old is still free enough to get down and let the music move them.
Connect with the child aspect of the relative first and then build your relationship from there.
@AliceKnewI said
"I attended one ritual where we were to call upon our ancestors to dance with us. Thinking of the people I knew personally, my parents and grandparents, who were Christian and inhibited about dancing, this felt ridiculous.
So I tried to imagine my ancestors going way back to pre-Christian Europe.Contacting my immediate ancestors would take something more suited to them."
Although most "mediums" who hold those types of "seances" really don't know how to induce possession. More than likely they learned the technique from a family tradition. Although dance may lower the inhibitors that induce possession, most people in the modern world have so many inhibitors dance may not be enough to allow for possession. There are very specific dances that are meant to open the spiritual channels of the body, but those take time to learn and still are 100% fool proof.
Your ancestors "dance" all spirits move and have behavior that deals with their class and "order." The Dead dance, especially when they are agitated or have a message to give. The ancestors (for the most part) are part of your Nephesh and they have a more primal and sexual nature, most of the time they will gyrate there hips in a sexual way (even if they were inhibited in life!). My grandfather was a military man, very uptight, and yet, when he shows up he is telling jokes smiling and very "loose."
Some sources on the internet will say that you should find a way that is suited to your ancestors, and to that I have to say: bunk. Ancestral veneration was a strongly maintained tradition in the Caribbean, and to tell the truth, most black who come from those traditions don't want to share their knowledge with white people. I know that fact firsthand, being a white houngan and all. (Luckily, I'm not out for acceptance. lol)
But back on track: Try the methods I've outlined at the beginning of this thread and see for yourself. See how you feel after doing service for a while. Keep a record like any other magical act and ask yourself if you are seeing more positive outcomes in your life. Watch your dreams. Are you sleeping better? More rested when you wake? Your meditations should become deeper as you progress, and your intuition should improve as well.
A little light and libation goes a long way.