ve Gedulah
I am reading that Gedulah is another name for Chesed. This would make sense in the mirror-image ritual of the Cabalistic cross, where you mirror-exalt the sephiras attributed to the left and right shoulders, Geburah being on the left.
One vibrates "ve Gedulah", which is normally translated as "the Glory". Though Gedulah means "greatness", Hod means "Glory".
Does anyone think this is another ritual where attributes of another sephira are reflected upon a specific other sephira? Up is down, dark is light, salt is pepper, etc..?
@ThelemicMage said
"I am reading that Gedulah is another name for Chesed."
Correct. The shoulders are Geburah and Chesed.
"One vibrates "ve Gedulah", which is normally translated as "the Glory". Though Gedulah means "greatness", Hod means "Glory"."
There are several words that can be translated that way. Tifereth can be translated "glory," as can (more rarely) Netzach. Gedulah means great, large, glorious, etc.
"Does anyone think this is another ritual where attributes of another sephira are reflected upon a specific other sephira? Up is down, dark is light, salt is pepper, etc..?"
Thanks, Jim.
Take it easy.