Terms of Agreement
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Temple of Thelema Forums are meant to be enjoyable and helpful. There are few rules, and they mostly reduce to these: Use and enjoy these forums and don't interfere with the rights of others. Don't take actions that could cause liability or create legal jeopardy for this Web site, its owner, its host, or any of its other service providers. These are fair rules intended to maximize freedom for everyone. All other terms of this agreement are concrete efforts to implement this one simple idea.
The administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible. However, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore, you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators, or webmaster (except for posts by these people) who, therefore, will not be held liable.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, libelous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented, or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider notified). Sex itself may be a common topic on these forums, and is by no means discouraged except to the extent that it may cause liability or create legal jeopardy as delineated above.
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Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*This post is added administratively solely so that this thread no longer appears in the "Unanswered Post" list. *
The Terms of Agreement were edited today to replace the word "slanderous" with "libelous."
The error in the default ToA should have been fixed long ago. I trust this correction won't throw anybody.
@noctivagus said
"You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, libelous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated, or any other material"There is a lot of pornlinks and sorts in some messenges. I sometimes sit at work and reading this forum and sometimes I click on a message without looking to much on its heading. Then wham I get a big dick or cunt in my face and thank god no one hase been standing behind me.
try to explain that to you're boss. It's not what it looks like"
Like most forums, we get spammers here. I remove them as soon as I see them, and steps are taken to block their return (in addition to filtering that keeps many such links and images from ever reaching here in the first place). Nearly always these are in General Discussion. I regret they are here at all, and I recommend being more careful in reading the topic of a new thread (which usually gives an idea what you'll find inside) - especially when there are 0 responses and the poster's name is descriptive.
And keep your finger on the Back key!
For example, at the moment General Discussion has a new thread called "A little more sex action" with 0 replies by someone named PPActionGuys. I already know what I'll find when I click inside. (Going to remove that one now, and do my first purge pass of the day.)