6 as the number of the Sun
a quote from a paper by Frater Perseverantia and Frater L.F.:
Because 6 is the number of the Sun, 216 therefore represents sunlight solidified into three-dimensional form or matter.I don't know why/how 6 is associated with the Sun.
Could somebody please shed some light on this?93 93/93 -h
The root numbers of each planet arise from their Sepirothic attributions.
6 is the number of the Sun because the Sun is attributed to Sephirah 6.
7 planets, 10 Sephiroth...
what are the remaining 3 Sephiroth attributed to?93 93/93 -h
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
In the astronomical sense of your question:
Kether - the "primal swirlings" - old Greek concept of the root idea of the cosmos, the primary axis about which everything turned. With modern astronomical knowledge we can think of it as the Big Bang, or as the center of a galacy, or a white hole, etc.
Chokmah - the body of the stars themselves (in the old Greek model this would be "the sphere of the fixed stars" - they envisioned it something like a big sphere that had all the stars painted on it, that was outside the concentric spheres in which the individual plaents spun).
Malkuth - Earth.