Chanting AIN
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I copied this from the blood on the Moon tread. Since I didn't get a responce, I am sure I put it in the wrong place.
I just recently picked up Lon Milo DuQuett the Thoth Tarot . In it Lon states that a friend of his (Donald M Kraig, Author of Modern Magick) wrote: In the timeless state of orgasm this is the moment that you and the object of your desire become one.
What I got from that statement was at the moment of orgasm there is a timeless state. This is the moment that a magickal intention is made with a word an Image or both. Now that would take some practise!
Curiously, I have found a blank timeless state but not with sex.
It is when I chant The Ain (Aleph-The Fool ATU 0, Yod-The Hermit ATU 9, and Nun-Death ATU 13) from the Ain Soph Aur. Ain means No-Thing.Doing this clears my mind. This may sound silly but, what I use it for is to help me sleep at night. To forget everything before I crash.
This leads me to these three questions that I hope can be answered with out spilling any magickal beans.
Has anyone on this forum chanted the Ain from the Ain Soph Aur with these or other results?
Has anyone on this forum tried chanting the Ain Suph Aur in place of sex magick?
Also, I am curious. Is sex magick a part of Temple of Thelema curriculum for it's Initiates? My first guess would be yes but, I just wanted to ask. -
No comment on your mantra technique, but answering a few questions where I can.
@Ankh said
"in the timeless state of orgasm this is the moment that you and the object of your desire become one. "
Not just any orgasm; but there are orgasm where this is true. Without training, it varies from person to person and circumstance to circumstance. With training (or, at least with practice!) one can increase the frequency with which this kind of "mind suspending" happens, especially by prolongation of orgasm and the extent to which one throws oneself into it.
"Has anyone on this forum tried chanting the Ain Suph Aur in place of sex magick?"
LOL! This one needn't be an either-or!
"Also, I am curious. Is sex magick a part of Temple of Thelema curriculum for it's Initiates? My first guess would be yes but, I just wanted to ask.