Resh as an elemental self diagnostic?
Are deficiencies in a daily Resh practice reliable indicators of elemental imbalance?
Currently I have no problems with the Noon, Sunset, and Midnight adoration's. I'm pretty much regular as clockwork with those ones. But the morning adoration is another story altogether. Usually I completely forget due to my brain being sluggish at that time of day and the need to get ready and go to work drives it out of my mind. Or when I do remember to do the morning adoration I have no real enthusiasm for it. I tend to mumble and yawn my way through it with eyes still heavy with sleep, while thinking about my first cup of heavenly, life restoring coffee.
Apart from the fact that I'm a zombie in the morning (and always have been), does this difficulty with this particular Resh time indicate a lack of elemental earth in my nature? And is my difficulty and negligence exacerbating the problem?
@Her said
"Are deficiencies in a daily Resh practice reliable indicators of elemental imbalance?"
I'm not at all sure that the quarters in Resh are attributable to the four Elements by their quarter attributions (in any of the three or four standard ways of making those attributions). It has always seemed a stretch to me to shoehorn them into that kind of pattern.
There may be something for you to dig out here, but I doubt it's that particular model. For example, you may not be a "morning person." In the Tree model of Liber Resh, the East is Tiphereth, so you may be resisting your personal "golden dawn." Etc. Self-analysis would be the most fruitful here.
I know i'm not too experenced in adorations or experienced in thelema, but Jim is right, with your personal golden dawn would be a more applicable reason here.
I know i shouldnt say or speak about this, i have no experience but this may help.. I dont know.
My problem was midnight.. and the morning. i had to focus and focus, and focus and as the old proverb says to "pummel myself" until i snapped out of the block.
it may not be simple for you, do you do yoga? maybe some yoga meditation will help you with the morning adoration answer.
King solomon
@Jim Eshelman said
"I'm not at all sure that the quarters in Resh are attributable to the four Elements by their quarter attributions (in any of the three or four standard ways of making those attributions). It has always seemed a stretch to me to shoehorn them into that kind of pattern."
There's a note to Resh in my copy of the Equinox that says if a person has no A.'.A.'. grade use LVX at Dawn, 4=7 at Noon, 2=9 at Sunset, and 3=8 at Midnight. I assume that note is one of Crowley's own annotations?
LVX - Tiphareth - Sol - Terra - Earth ?
@Jim Eshelman said
"For example, you may not be a "morning person.""
I'm not even a person in the morning, but I'm almost sub-human after a shower and 3 cups of coffee.
Come 6pm in the evening and I'm buzzing.
But isn't Resh supposed to help me tune into the solar cycle? Instead I feel about 6 hours out of sync with it. I always have.Surely doing 3 good Resh's daily and one seriously half assed one must have some sort of negative effect. I feel that I should be leaping from my bed every morning to great Ra. Yet all I can manage is "Yawn....Hail unto thee who........ urgh.... they rising...... mumble....mumble....strength.
@Her said
@Jim Eshelman said
"I'm not at all sure that the quarters in Resh are attributable to the four Elements by their quarter attributions (in any of the three or four standard ways of making those attributions). It has always seemed a stretch to me to shoehorn them into that kind of pattern."There's a note to Resh in my copy of the Equinox that says if a person has no A.'.A.'. grade use LVX at Dawn, 4=7 at Noon, 2=9 at Sunset, and 3=8 at Midnight. I assume that note is one of Crowley's own annotations?"
Yes, I have those notes in his own hand writing.
He's positioning you at the intersection of Samekh and Peh with Tiphereth before you, Yesod behind you, Hod in the North, and Netzach in the South. Similar to the positioning for the Pentagram ritual but with the pillars oriented the opposite direction.
"LVX - Tiphareth - Sol - Terra - Earth ?"
Nope. It's not elemental. Tiphereth is an Air sephirah, and therefore there are two Air and no Earth - which makes me doubt even further that there is anything elemental implied.
And I intentionally didn't direct you to the Sephirothic pattern before because I'm not sure there is anything innate on that, either, unless one goes out of the way to build it up.