Treating Spirits with respect.
No argument here. My only point is that science is about process (who else said this? Probably about six people) not definitive conclusions. The scientific method <i>has</i> to allow for uncertainty.
93 93/93,
EM -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
i couldn't possibly agree with you more - the thing that gets me that so many of science's shrillest advocates seem to believe that science is Finished, you know?
"this is what science says! bow before science! Science! SCIENCE!"
my high school physics teacher approached the idea very simply - his catch-phrase was "physics - it Works, and that's all!"
Love is the law, love under will
I fail to see what is unscientific about trances, it is well knows biological fact that certain types of activities and environments induce theta brain wave states or hypnotic states.
Also the effects of cognitive dissonance and how it effects judgments, and perceptual gestalt is well known. The effects or certain patterns of shapes and colors to produce optical illusions, even the illusion of motion are well known. These can also create vertigo, nausea, and even seizures, which can be in the visual cortex meaning the afflicted will see visions.
All that from normal waking conscious awareness of motionless 2D patterns.
Now, when we include, a full 3D environment, symbolic meanings, trance inducing chants, music, or tapping. We put the whole mind into. the psychological and perceptual effects multiply, and the expectations of the stated intent Prime the mind to interpret these effects in a certain way.
There is nothing unscientific about any of this.
The whole point is to understand how it works, how the brain processes these states, to deconstruct the nuero-biology and discover exactly how each aspect of the ritual achieves its effect. There by unlocking the secret science of ritual, just as upon finding a robot one would take it apart carefully learn what makes it tick and start building ones own robots.
What you want to do is look an the robot and shout, its a miracle, a metal man, it must have a clock work soul, how beautiful. Praise the unknown divine for this amazing unfathomable thing before me, It is no great and amazing, like wow man, there is no way we con understand it, its just neato supremo man.
Well I spit on such absurdity. Nothing is beyond understanding. Everything can be torn apart and rebuilt, its mystery swept away, like a cloud of dust.
Preservation of mystery = worship or ignorance.
Objectivism is indispensable for human fulfillment because it reveals reality and necessity that people have to deal with in order to fulfill themselves. Objectivism is imperative because the way we understand and deal with the world has life and death consequences. Life and death consequences follow from whether there really is global warming; whether cholesterol heightens the risk of heart attacks; whether poverty leads to impaired cognitive functioning; whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in 2003; whether psychosis is due to social stress; whether an elderly person is incompetent to make medical and financial decisions about/by herself; and whether your spouse loves you. Humanizing life requires being objective about these things. Denying objectivism -- which is fashionable among some who call themselves humanists (e.g., social constructionists, postmodernists, philosophical idealists) -- obscures real conditions, factors, principles, processes, and problems that debilitate us, and that need to be transformed in specific new directions. Objectivism is humanism, and anti-objectivism/anti-realism is anti-humanism.
Carl Ratner
If we deny objective reality, then maybe your reality is that bullets kill people, but in my reality shooting people with bullets makes them healthy.
If that is the case, who are you to stop be from doing the world a favor by taking my AK-47 on a health spree? I mean I don't stop people from selling oatmeal, even though in my reality its deadly poison, They claim its healthy in their reality, who am I to question it. I mean its not my reality, how can I judge? How can you say bullets kill, you don't know my reality.
@froclown said
If that is the case, who are you to stop be from doing the world a favor by taking my AK-47 on a health spree? I mean I don't stop people from selling oatmeal, even though in my reality its deadly poison, They claim its healthy in their reality, who am I to question it. I mean its not my reality, how can I judge? How can you say bullets kill, you don't know my reality.
"No one forces you to buy oatmeal. It is placed on a shelf and you are given the option of paying the purchase price or not.
If you want to stand on a corner selling AK-47 shots to the face, by all means do so. As long as you do not force it upon others.
In another thread, I mentioned the 'golden guide' ; so if you think bullets heal people, shoot yourself first. If you are miraculously healed, then I suppose you might have something going there (personally, I do not have the balls to find out).
You talk of destroying the mystery, discovering the secret...
To do that would not only obliterate Magick, but make life pointless. I have always thought the mystery, the secret was the experiences we have along the path. A thousand people could be told what happens during a ritual, but it would still be mysterious, it would still be a secret until they experienced it themselves.
Even then, how do you put those experiences into words? How do you explain to someone what blue looks like ? How love feels? Any attempt to put those concepts into words fail. That might scare you, but it just reminds me of how wonderful it is, and that indeed I am alive and an individual. Of all the things that is uncertain, the one certainty is that this is MY life, and it is MINE to choose to live as I Will.
Magick is an art and a science. So go paint the science as you see fit, always remembering that it is just that : YOUR painting. As beautiful as it may be, it is only one of many paintings. Without those other paintings, what meaning would it have?
Alright, I have ranted enough
If I can test out my shot to the yace theory, that means that I must actually have a face, that there is a gun, that a gun is a thing that shoots, etc.
The point is that I know their IS something that exists, that just because I believe something does not make it so, na matter what ritual I use to fool my reasoning capacity.
yes, there are things that can not be experienced by experiencing the words that refer to them. The word blue is not the color blue itself, thus when you say blue to a blind man, he experiences the sound patterns, not the light waves that make up blue.
However, if we follow this lack of objective reality theory, then shooting myself in the face proves nothing, because, The gun, my face, and the bullet that is shot is just a subjective illusion. If you are having a lucid dream about shooting yourself in the face with a dram gun, anything can happen as a result. You may die, then get up not dead, you may blow your face off, then wake from the dream, the gun might turn into a snake and bite you.
However, waking reality is an objective world, guns don't just turn into stakes, your face does not become bullet proof, you don't wake up before the trigger is pulled.
There is a REAL gun, a REAL face, and the act of shooting has REAL consequences.
Just because we may not see reality clearly or directly, does not mean that a Thing becomes something else just because I have fooled my brain into seeing or thinking about it differently. If your eyes get blurry the objects do not actually smear into one another.
Thus, Reality itself consists of entities with specific properties, one of these entities is our nervous system, which is effected by other objects to produce experiences of them.
When I think of a tree, it does not make a tree grow, It is only when a tree is already growing some where That I can form opinions about the nature of that tree.
@Jim Eshelman said
@Froclown said
"It seem s to me that Hitlers proper place was as an artist, but this was denied to him, and his political career was nothing but a tantrum in responce to his failed art. "According to his horoscope, his actual nature was involvement in acquiring and wielding power, especially through means such as the political, economic, and militaristic, with a particular emphasis om the imperialistic and on the purification and restoration of the underlying mythos and mass archetype of his people.
wow! what would Wilhelm Reich have to say about this?
First and foremost he would say horoscopes are mystical nonsense and the result of body-character armour/ yearning as created by (old Aeon) society's conditions. He would say that all of humanity's macho Patriarchal irrational impulses would have cumulatively manifested in the 1920s ad 1930s a la Mussolini/Hitler/Franco/Imperial Japan especially mythical/mystical race concepts.
Thelema is about health. Hitler was a sick. Look at his shaking hand as Berlin crumbled about him. What about his fear of intimacy with women? Intimacy with anyone? Surely Hitler is a prime example of "the word of sin is restriction". Blind Patriarchal restriction of any natural Thelemic social phenomena including love across racial boundaries, the free musical expression in jazz improvisation, in art.
Also his motives are acrimonious to everyone being a star in perfect orbit e.g. jewish folk were indiocrimately restricted by the state.
@Jim Eshelman said
"If they are objective beings, then it is our role, as magicians, to contribute to their following their own Will. "
This was said, what, 5 yrs ago, but interesting nevertheless.
I wonder, Jim, how many spirits did you invite to your triangle and contribute to their following their own will.
Could your elaborate, pls? -
Classic evocation was never a major interest of mine. I basically learned it as an assigned grade work assignment - to pass examination and acquire what was to be gotten from the task. Never used it much, somewhere between a dozen and two dozen times.
OTOH I've done considerable work with large clusters of spirits, primarily orders of Q'lippoth. There are methods that come rather natively in the 6=5 grade. Thes are a bit hard to articulate (meaning, I've never bothered to write it out or thought through how to communicate it). It think it's more in the form of one of those power that is acquired naturally when moving into a particular grade. The karama-clearing (or, rather, coming to consciously walk through the field of karma as the fabric of reality) that is part of the on-ramp to 6=5 is a lot of what empowers it.
Personally, I've had better results when not using the triangle.
Evocation has always been a major interest of mine since I got seriously interested in magick.
@Shadow Self said
"Personally, I've had better results when not using the triangle.
Evocation has always been a major interest of mine since I got seriously interested in magick."
Well done! When you treat the entities with respect ( many of them have deity aspects and should never be viewed upon as 'a lowly "demon"..') they will be much more willing to cooperate and assist you. You will bond a much better relationship with them and the benefits are amazing...
Very important point, GP. Especially when considering that the Beast of the Earth's seven heads go thusly:
Amaimon, Ghob, Phorlakh, Kerub, Auriel, Thahaaothahe, and the one currently walking the Earth "deceiving" the governments of the world. (The True "Heir", for what it's worth.)
Just as easily as you can say "Amaimon", you are addressing something connected with these other hierarchical elements of the Earth, including Auriel, the mighty archangel of the Earthen quarter.
many interested in the occult are fascinated by the goetia (it's nearly as tedious to me as the interest in the qliphoth - i think we have kenneth grant to thank for encouraging those who feel that magick must be dark and scary in this direction), to the point where - at least from observing discussions online (not so much on here though) - it is talked about as if it's the be-all and end-all of evocation. in my opinion, goetic work is the least interesting and appealing avenue of evocation. i am much more interested in the possibilities of working with the planetary intelligences and spirits, olympic spirits, the elemental rulers, and so on... it's not like there is any storage of beings here to send us to seek out adverse beings out of some lack of choice... there's even those genii of the paths from arcanorum, which i have never seen discussed at all, unlike the carcerorum qliphothic spirits which quite a few people seem almost obsessed in mucking about with. these non-adverse yetziratic beings are a lot more mysterious and interesting to me than the goetic beings.
@Goetic-pries said
"... many of them have deity aspects and should never be viewed upon as 'a lowly "demon"..."
Care to elaborate, pls?
Belial, Seere, Bune, for example, what deity aspects are you talking about?