The number 11
So, I'm a bit confused because things I've read seem to contradict each other on this number. On one hand, it's the joining of the microcosm and macrocosm. The number of magic. The number of the great work completed. The magic force itself. A seemingly awesome force.
On the other hand it's the hendecad. The accursed shells that only exist outside of the tree, because 1 + 1 = 2; duality.
On top of it all, it's both things to the same writer. Am I missing something, like before the dawn of the new aeon it was considered Qlipothic, but in the aeon of Horus, it no longer is? Is it a matter of intent? Is it both?
@Skia said
"On the other hand it's the hendecad. The accursed shells that only exist outside of the tree, because 1 + 1 = 2; duality."
That's mostly the old Golden Dawn view. In the 3=8 and 4=7 grades, they have certain diagrams that play off Q'lippothic ideas relating to 11. Though there is at least one sense in which this is meaningful, it's not the most common formulation. Your confusion is understandable.
If you want to dig into 11 more, I have a lengthy list in one article in Black Pearl - I forget the issue, but suspect it's No. 3. You can get all the BP issues in a free download on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (essentially the same info is in an appendix to my book Visions & Voices, in case you have that.
"On top of it all, it's both things to the same writer. Am I missing something, like before the dawn of the new aeon it was considered Qlipothic, but in the aeon of Horus, it no longer is? Is it a matter of intent? Is it both?"
That's ballpark, and possibly the best conclusion; except that it would exclude continuing to use that particular symbol. I'm not sure that conclusion is entirely warranted.
But let me throw you something to think about... You appear to see an irreconcilable disjunction between
(1) "joining of the microcosm and macrocosm... magic... the great work completed... The magic force itself," and
(2) "The accursed shells that only exist outside of the tree, because 1 + 1 = 2; duality."How do you justify this irreconcilable disjunction?
I have them all downloaded and I've read them through a while ago. I will revisit them.
@Jim Eshelman said
But let me throw you something to think about... You appear to see an irreconcilable disjunction between
(1) "joining of the microcosm and macrocosm... magic... the great work completed... The magic force itself," and
(2) "The accursed shells that only exist outside of the tree, because 1 + 1 = 2; duality."
How do you justify this irreconcilable disjunction?"11 is also the path of Aleph, or the Fool that leads to Kether. Perhaps if used as a path, towards the aim of the Great Work, it's not Qlipothic, but it becomes Qlipothic if it (magick, the magick force) itself becomes "the goal". So maybe it's not so much that it's 11=1+1=2, but that nothing should replace "The One".
... this is at least my best attempt of it for now, before I go hit the books...
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Skia said
"I have them all downloaded and I've read them through a while ago. I will revisit them.
@Jim Eshelman said
But let me throw you something to think about... You appear to see an irreconcilable disjunction between
(1) "joining of the microcosm and macrocosm... magic... the great work completed... The magic force itself," and
(2) "The accursed shells that only exist outside of the tree, because 1 + 1 = 2; duality."
How do you justify this irreconcilable disjunction?"11 is also the path of Aleph, or the Fool that leads to Kether. Perhaps if used as a path, towards the aim of the Great Work, it's not Qlipothic, but it becomes Qlipothic if it (magick, the magick force) itself becomes "the goal". So maybe it's not so much that it's 11=1+1=2, but that nothing should replace "The One".
... this is at least my best attempt of it for now, before I go hit the books...
Its also the number of words in the first sentence of this post: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I haven't seen the word ABRAHADABRA anywhere in this thread, but I essentially hold it as the quintessence of these Eleven Words. Its the "name" of the Sentence, so to speak; it has a deeper quality of force, as in the difference between calling for someone by name and simply voicing an observation.
I find the whole "irreconcilable disjunction" a little funny, considering you seem to know about the Great Work, which would take care of any of this you might have. The First Oath is one of commitment to Equilibration, of consciously balancing all that occurs to one's self by its opposite before the Mind's Eye, as far as I know. I would look deeper into this distinction you've made within that context, if I were you.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thanks, all for the insight.
@Zalthos said
" I haven't seen the word ABRAHADABRA anywhere in this thread."
In a roundabout way, I had it in my opening post - "the completion of the great work". I always took "Do what thou wilt..." to be a welcoming, perhaps an invitation, for all people to find and follow their own true will.
This whole topic could be something that has no rationalization.
It just struck me as odd that non-Thelemic publications from practitioners that I have read (Fortune, etc) seemed to have a huge issue with all involved with the number 11. For example, Fortune writes in "Applied Magic" about Crowley's replacing a battery of 10 knocks to 11 in formulas and comments that in doing this, the ritual becomes "an invocation of the Qliphoth" and "it is an ugly trap for the unwary student". (And then I found it more strange that in 777 it's both that and Abrahadabra)
I'm uninitiated, so no, I really am not deeply familiar with any oaths
I'm just (currently) a reader and a practitioner seeking the path that sings to me.
"It just struck me as odd that non-Thelemic publications from practitioners that I have read (Fortune, etc) seemed to have a huge issue with all involved with the number 11. For example, Fortune writes in "Applied Magic" about Crowley's replacing a battery of 10 knocks to 11 in formulas and comments that in doing this, the ritual becomes "an invocation of the Qliphoth" and "it is an ugly trap for the unwary student". (And then I found it more strange that in 777 it's both that and Abrahadabra)"
Don't think to hard about it! You're on the right track.
I've wandered the same intellectual paths, and come to much the same conclusion.
Consider the lively Gemini (II)--these creatures neither toil nor spin, and yet the heavenly father provides for them. They fit perfectly the model of the Fool: flippant, careless, bound by nothing and in thrall to no creed. And yet, despite all their apparent nonsense and imbecility, a certain priceless genius tumbles from their lips--because they fail to take themselves seriously. As soon as one seeks to define (i.e.: limit) any subject, it ceases to become magical. The root and truth of all being is the eternal aspect of life: an ethereal, wonderful thing--and this is embodied in the term "eleven equals two," or, II=2. So, like the lively Gemini, give no thought for the 'morrow, and embrace the priceless madness of being.
(Spoken as one who knows.
Edit: For those of you thick of wit, the term "II" both applies to "eleven" and the Roman numeral "two," which is the Astrological sign of Gemini, the Fool.
What is consciousness but electricity?
11 is a battery."Mephisto wrote: Consider the lively Gemini (II)--these creatures neither toil nor spin, and yet the heavenly father provides for them. They fit perfectly the model of the Fool: flippant, careless, bound by nothing and in thrall to no creed. And yet, despite all their apparent nonsense and imbecility, a certain priceless genius tumbles from their lips--because they fail to take themselves seriously. As soon as one seeks to define (i.e.: limit) any subject, it ceases to become magical. The root and truth of all being is the eternal aspect of life: an ethereal, wonderful thing--and this is embodied in the term "eleven equals two," or, II=2. So, like the lively Gemini, give no thought for the 'morrow, and embrace the priceless madness of being.
"As a fellow Twin, I salute that wonderful Truth.