wandering UFOlogical spectral dream spirit
i did a Tarot reading in the past where the answer was 4 cups. I stared into space and thanked the divinatory entity for it's help after the rite. that night i had a very vivid dream and i was in a UFO with a mischeivous alien/entity which handed me a big golden cup. i drank the serum then it/the alien entity (who was some kind of electronic spectral rainbow colour) fused with me and was at one with me . i "heard" an electronic noise and i experienced euphoria. Then i woke up and the entity had appeared in malkuth and was encircling me. I commaded it to accept the 3 principles of Thelema and cast him back to his zone.
I think it was a few days later i was in a disused church alone and who do i see zig zagging it's way in the background? yes ; said entity. This time i didn't let him in and he faded.
What do you think? Elemental? Shamanistic dream spirit? Angel?
I recomend reading some of Grants work but mainly Sor Nema's Book Maat Magick..it deals with some of what you are talking about but not in a wacko UFO Alian cult way.
You may find some answers there.
"I suspect you think that astral entities are sometimes time-travellers a la the "future children" referenced in Liber Pennae Praenumbra"
I'm not going to speculate on what SetiDraconis thinks but there is a lot of psychological thought that the entities we encounter in dreams are aspects of ourself such as our inner child who neglects to understand something and feels hurt or the guidance our HGA or higher self. The fact that your friend is rainbow colored electric energy and offered you a drink from a golden cup he/she doesn't sound bad to me. I had a dream once where I merged with an alien and it turned out it was just an alien (foreign) concept and perspective I needed to consider. Perhaps you should get to know it better before banishing it away...
However the 4 of cups concerns me because it can often indicate alcohol or drugs to escape emotional imbalance. In which case your dream could be interpreted as a foreign substance being introduced to your body to reach that euphoric state and this creature is the demon form addictions can often take. I know nothing of you so I truly can't say but I hope to be of service in this kind of way. Not sure why but I feel I should recommend the LAM workings if I may...
hahah thankyou no i can assure you in my time i have been known as a light drinkerl,have never taken psychedelics but have smoked marijuana in the past when friends have had it (occassionally) or in the summer and not every summer. Personally the 4 of cups is related to friends we have not contacted for some time. Btw this event happened about 7 years ago. Also i felt this entity may be related to aparticular magickal organisation because the Tarot reading was a guidance working to ask if i should join the organisation. I have since learnt that a couple of members of this organisation have too seen such a similar entity (one in a ritual with other members present) and one where a member attempted to get to the source of th eentity of this organisation.