The tree of life; why......?
Why do we always see the tree of life depicted in the Briatic colour scale? Surely the Assiatic scale would be the most intuitive as we reside in the sphere of Malkuth? I am part of an OTO encampment and even the most learned of my Brethren seem to be stumped by this one. Any takers?
@worldofjimbob said
"Why do we always see the tree of life depicted in the Briatic colour scale? Surely the Assiatic scale would be the most intuitive as we reside in the sphere of Malkuth?"
The most common representation of the Tree of Life is in two different color scales. The Sephirah are in the Queen scale and the paths in the King scale.
To a great extent this is historical, from the Golden Dawn. This particular form is called the Minutum Mundum and was first seen in the last point of the the 5=6 initiation in exactly this form.
Color was the real secret of the Second Order of the G.D. - it barely appeared at all in the First Order, where almost everything was completely black and white. Almost anything seen in color in the First Order was actually a Second Order symbol, e.g., the regalia of the Hierophant and Chiefs on the dais. The exceptions were strategic: a red lamp and red rose on the altar, for example. It was all pretty much Wizard of Oz and quite effective - stepping from an almost entirely black and white world into one saturated with color, clearly "over the rainbow" and wondrous and frightening and overwhelming all at the same time.
And in the midst of this was the first colored diagram of the Tree of Life.
The Sephirah are colored in a feminine scale because they are regarded as states. They are often seen as more mystical than magical; representing the grades themselves rather than the paths of going; plateaus along the way; containing receptacles of the light; round in shape, inferring a feminine idea. Similarly, the Paths are colored in a masculine scale because they are regarded as the actual streaming power or potencies of the tree. They are regarded as more magical than mystical; representing the pathways of going or movement; phallic scepters of the light; shaft like in shape, inferring a masculine idea.
The Princess scale is much more rarely used, and then only in specialized ways. Your argument might hit home if this tree had been introduced to beginners but, in fact, it was only introduced to those in the Adept grades. The King and Queen colors are also much safer to use, especially the Queen - they are high potencies that lead the psyche upward. The Princess colors are a bit dangerous to the unprepared (yeah, I know some people are gonna jump right in and say Oh Boy! Let Me Have Some!) because they make the borders between the physical and astral worlds much more transparent and easy to pass - something you don't want to casually show to people starting out on the Path.
Thanks you so much for your reply, Jim. Most satisfactory.
All the best to you. -
That you for such an insightful post, Jim. The whole color thing I wasn't entirely clear on but this certainly clears it up