93 All,
I was wondering if y'all used music during rituals? What do you think of the practice? I find that when I use music during activities I can more fully get into what I'm doing and connect with the artful part of my mind. I have been a musician for 6 years, maybe that has something to do with it? lol, anyway, send your thoughts.In L.V.X.,
Kenneth -
@Techpries said
"I was wondering if y'all used music during rituals? What do you think of the practice?"
In private (solitary) work, I'm not sure I ever have. Music is something to which I respond strongly - I want to listen to it - and it interferes with the one-pointed concentration of mind which I hold to be essential to most of the higher forms of magick.
OTOH, in group work, especially public group work, we use music pretty regularly. It together the rhythm and focus of the various people working, helps weave the desired emotional matrix of the audience, etc. - making it altogether quite useful.
"OTOH, in group work, especially public group work"
Pardon the ignorant question, but what is OTOH? This is a new term to me.
@phoinix93 said
"OTOH, in group work, especially public group work"Pardon the ignorant question, but what is OTOH? This is a new term to me."
Sorry. On The Other Hand.
Wow that was obvious
I was thinking ordo templi ori-something about Hoor!
my bad...
There are always random noises around where I live. From cars honking to children laughing. Firecrackers going off.
Normally, I have music playing during any work. As it helps to muffle the random sounds, which my awfully inquisitive mind are drawn to. "What was that sound!?" Since the music is coming from a single , steady source - I find it easier to 'ignore' it.
lol, what kinds of music do y'all choose?
I'm trying to organise my music along the lines of the Sephiroth! (no not Holst !
) The trick comes when you add the four worlds and I'm entering real confusion with the paths but I'm sure they will fall into place.
It's not too difficult if you have a very wide taste in music.
For me The supernals resonate with the middle c exploration that dominates he beginning of Shine on you Crazy Diamond or Ode to Joy. The Middle Pillar is captured perfectly by Steve Vai's 'For The Love Of God' (I've had people meditate to that in previous groups and the results have always been highly positive).
Some few examples I'm using -
Chesed- Becoming More Like God - Jah Wobble
Geburah is a common theme amongst speed metal.
Tipereth - Fantastic Place - Marillion "What about Love' MeatLoaf
Netzach I'm sure there is such an overload of Netzach related songs they don't bear mention here.
Hod- Er. Philip Glass?
Yesod - Crazy Train - Ozzy
Malkuth - Workout Song - RockyI find it not only a intellectual excercise but it also allows me to add mnemonics to the tree so it becomes more than simple memory function and starts to resonate as a living breathing entity that I can have a personal emotional relationship with. As I am just starting out in the real experiences rather than book rote learning I find it invaluable. I also find Crowley's method of working the QBL 'on the hoof' is the easiest way to rel
I'm actually seriously considering writing tunes from my results in pathworking being a guitarist. After all it's a literally endless source of inspiration.Am in a bit of a bouncy mood this morning
I do have a tendance to write invocations and the such in lyric form. The reason being, it is much easier to memorise and flows much better in working.