Liber Reguli question
in liber v vel reguli the first part of the horizontal part of the enchantment is
"Let him touch the Centre of his Forehead, his mouth, and his larynx, crying AIWAZ!"
I thought Aiwaz was the name of A.C's HGA
but the description is
"Located at the larynx the location of the Vishuddha Cakkra, attributed to Saturn and Da'ath."
so how do they relate to one another?
@PainMeridian said
"I thought Aiwaz was the name of A.C's HGA"
Yes. But also the Third Order representative who communicated The Book of the Law, and whose essential nature is equal to 93 and 418 - in other words, the Supernal embodiment of the The Word and The Law.
makes sense. still of lot of material to read through
93, All,
@PainMeridian said
"Let him touch the Centre of his Forehead, his mouth, and his larynx, crying AIWAZ!""
It's also pretty intense to intone as well.