@Dannerz said
"... kill each kakodaimon ... kill more and more and more, make sure to burn .... Burn up and nullify .... Kill ... and then destroy ...."
That's one formula. I'd be afraid the energy of all those dead demons would just turn up somewhere else. Lon Duquette has a story of killing a woman's demon, only to have demons afflict her children.
I prefer a more organic approach. The demons, too, should learn to do their True Will. If conjuring my inner God were to somehow actually succeed, then I ought to be able to turn the demons to good account; at least, that's my understanding.
@gmugmble said
@Dannerz said
"... kill each kakodaimon ... kill more and more and more, make sure to burn .... Burn up and nullify .... Kill ... and then destroy ...."That's one formula. I'd be afraid the energy of all those dead demons would just turn up somewhere else. Lon Duquette has a story of killing a woman's demon, only to have demons afflict her children.
I prefer a more organic approach. The demons, too, should learn to do their True Will. If conjuring my inner God were to somehow actually succeed, then I ought to be able to turn the demons to good account; at least, that's my understanding."
What I have suggested is not most right or most perfect.
If we are to kill the Buddha if we see him, why not moreso a demon?
A mind is most healthy when it has no divisions, no distractions, no big stupid contraptions. So when I said to destroy all of them, I meant to completely empty yourself; I said "If these kakodaimons are inner 'demons' ".Now we all know what a tumor is like, in cancer of the cells. It is a new independant hungry little mass of life which does not surve any good purpose or serve the body-union anymore. If there is fantasy individuals feeding off of and reproducing in the mind of the individual, isn't that very similar to the growing tumors? Are these real individuals or are they chunks of hungry insanity trying its best to spread itself?
If they have no natural purpose and are cancerous then they have no True Will either.
But if they are needy ghosts of some sort, then this matter is entirely different. I should have asked you for more details on what they exactly are, the essential nature and appearance of each, their effect and persona. Could you describe them more please?
@Dannerz said
"What I have suggested is not most right or most perfect."
Nothing, of course. I consider you a teacher, or I would not have bothered to reply.
"If they have no natural purpose and are cancerous then they have no True Will either."
Interesting point.
"Could you describe them more please?"
Not really, except that they tend to have a devious (and sometimes abrasive) sense of humor.
@gmugmble said
@Dannerz said
"What I have suggested is not most right or most perfect."Nothing, of course. I consider you a teacher, or I would not have bothered to reply."
Well then I am quite a crappy teacher.
But I am kindof proud of that Baphomet drawing I made earlier today.
Did you see it?"
"Could you describe them more please?"Not really, except that they tend to have a devious (and sometimes abrasive) sense of humor."
When I remote viewed around you, what I saw was:
Spheres of generally blackish or darker fields in relation to the estimated demons. Mainly residing in a plane just ontop of the physical. Each of them has a rather thin energy-body, not much light at all inside of their lifelight. Their feeding systems absorb from multiple places and sources, particularily group feeding [from where a large group of people are at] and ambient energy osmosis. They are not exactly vampic par se, in so far as they absorb not only from people but also a bit from plants and the dirt and the air. Their frequency shapes of their energy patterns looked to be slightly distorted, and not strait; they are not in great health or of great strength. Their inner mental system looked like a small glowing orb which behaved as a type of empathic reactor, their mind mainly is made of a more instinct oriented and wild kind of function, not cool logic or sophisticated math. The whole group has more than one astral form; they are not of a monastic singular species. They do not dislike you but they do not want to protect or help people either. I felt they were the equivilant of wild animals on astral, but up to the level where they are maybe like wild monkeys, though having ofcourse not such a familiar shape.Ask more clarvoiants, remote viewers and sensatives to observe around yourself, without telling them about what I said or giving them any sort of clue other than a very minimal suggestion of where to look. Compare their results to mine and to what you also have personally seen. Filter out the accurate reoccuring sightings from the inaccuracies, until you have a more clear picture of what they are all about.
Now if I have seen at all correctly, I would not want to hurt or damage these kinds of entities. If they were in the wrong place I'd give them a push or a boot. Not cancerous or evil, but, mental entities that are unhealthy = mentally ill astral critters. Their home planes seem to be overpopulated and polluted. Their culture and sciences are stail and linear. They are a gang of astral noobs.
@gmugmble said
"If they have no natural purpose and are cancerous then they have no True Will either."Interesting point."
But it has all the weaknesses of a truism. This basically says: If they have no natural purpose, then they have no natural purpose. Agreed; but the first term of the conditional has yet to be proven.
@Jim Eshelman said
@gmugmble said
"If they have no natural purpose and are cancerous then they have no True Will either."Interesting point."
But it has all the weaknesses of a truism. This basically says: If they have no natural purpose, then they have no natural purpose. Agreed; but the first term of the conditional has yet to be proven."
Sorry. They do have natural purpose outside of my understanding and outside of my parameters of awareness. Even if it were small it would be preceeded by a greater principal, greater natural laws, etc. And in some way a piece of the puzzle of the whole universal process.
@Dannerz said
"When I remote viewed around you, what I saw was: ..."
Thank you for taking all this trouble. I honestly don't know what to make of your visions, but I will keep them in mind.
@Dannerz said
"Ask more clarvoiants, remote viewers and sensatives ..."
A sensible plan, but these days I don't know any sensitives except you. I'd like to see your horoscope. Maybe you could trouble the guardian angel of Or you could give me your birth data directly.
@Dannerz said
"They are a gang of astral noobs."
Then that would rank them a notch above me.
I was born August 31st, 1984... or maybe 1983.
I can't even remember my own birthday.
I know nothing about astrology.I have more than 10 sensatives/psychic friends on my MSN, I chatted to them before with the old : "what color is the object in my hand? or what's that person's energy field look like?" etc.
I guess I could ask them to RV you aswel, but that would be tedious.
I also had the feeling like those demons are in a plane I would not really be able to reach? What density of energy do they seem to have, in your opinion and experience? Like are they only mental, or can they be felt prominantly and physically aswel in whichever place that they occupy?
@Dannerz said
"I also had the feeling like those demons are in a plane I would not really be able to reach? What density of energy do they seem to have, in your opinion and experience? Like are they only mental, or can they be felt prominantly and physically aswel in whichever place that they occupy?"
Pretty much everything I experience is mental. Lon Duquette has quipped about John Dee that he was so left-brained he had to have a special hat made; I'm sort of like that (except without Dee's genius). I'm all about words and numbers and logic. By the same token, my demons will be the opposite -- obsessive, immature emotional states or else senseless mental prattle (which probably masks obsessive, immature emotional states).
By the way, I'm not sure we're actually talking about the same thing. My sense of "demon" is like that of Ramsey Dukes's Little Book of Demons, while yours seems more like the Goetia. I'm sure these two conceptions are related in some deep way, but I can't say how. Dukes says if you get to know your demons, you might discover they're not so bad after all, and that (if you're honest with yourself) you'll see that you derive some reward for having them about. Once you see that, you can decide if the reward is worth the price; if so, you express your gratitude; if not, then you re-negotiate the contract.
Mieczyslaw Sudowski ("Mouni Sadhu") in his book The Tarot describes how to make a three-pronged magical weapon for destroying what he describes as astral parasites. That's another approach.
I cannot find you on myspace.
Not under ""
Still looking for that blog.