Self Love & Stardom
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Many thanks for that sweet sunkist eargasm this morning at around 9 am! I'll be sure not to raise my voice in your house again pops. Here is my analysis of your dragon breath:
The order of operation given in the oath adheres to Crowley's Alchemical formulation of Pentagrammaton as the Greek AIThER, as described in Ch. 86 of The Book of Lies, & NOT the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHVH or the Hebrew Pentagrammaton ALHIM. You can see through the tables of correspondences that ALHIM does in fact reflect a celestial formula:
Aleph - Air - Elemental
Lamed - Earth - Libra - Cardinal
Heh - Spirit - Aries - Cardinal
Yod - Fire - Virgo - Mutable
Mem - Water - ElementalGoing by Crowley's description of the ALHIM formula in Liber ABA, Magick in Theory & Practice Ch, 4, it is the word of Sorcery, 333 [Abrakadabra] & not Magick, 418 [Abrahadabra]. "ALHIM, therefore, represents rather the formula of consecration than that of a complete ceremony. It is the breath of benediction, yet so potent that it can give life to clay and light to darkness."..."It represents Shakti, or te; femininity always means form, manifestation. The masculine Shiva, or tao, is always a concealed force." And, likewise it is therefore the unbalanced logos of the black-brotherhood; blind spiritual force lacking the mediation of the mind. Hence, the necessity of the Oath of the Abyss. This is particularly apparent given the nature of semen, as the medium of Shakti in men; once the thelemite "death" is had, BABALON; the neschamah becomes the directing & uniting intelligence.
Lie to me again; and I'll be forced to use the hose.
Ankh F N Khonsu
Is semen feminine?
I always think about my sperm being male. Shiva not shakti.Shiva as in a concealed force.
A concealed force? so naturally you must ejaculate clouds of dust? HaHa! Force is apparent in semen, regarless if it's used in rites of sex magick,...[+spermos+ greek, meaning "seed"] are living cells with the potential to fuse & fertalize with the female's ovum hence, living organisms. Thus, have we been brought to the significance of their importance in sex magick rites of "sacrifice" where the thelemite ritual rightly performed unto Nuit, Shiva/The Hiding of Hadit begets a magickal force akin to annihilation of the Hidden God, with the potency of (Pi)(Alpha)(Nu) (PAN) the rugged & ruddy selfhood of humanity. The ritual being initiated by God-Kether, that She may lose her self in the joy of revealing Hadit; Him being Her manifestation.
The "Self-Slain Ankh F N Khonsu"; The Hidden God, that he manifests another person's witness of his being; is the hell I've observed. Other's see him as a tormented soul, and so the god seeks solitude to manifest love. God's laughter exists in his knowing that the joy of orgasm destroys all sense of self; and so each child/cell carries with them the seed of her mystery. God is never revealed, or profained.
Either dispersed at ejaculation externally or focused at the gnosis of the orgasmic upward draw internally; each identity conceived is slain in Joy; All of which become one when Unity is manifest in the assumption of the motto of the oath of the abyss. Dive deeper, and the motto is analysed via samadhi on the sphere; the orgasm of the woman/priestess. Dive yet deeper, and the light begotten via the aforementioned mystery of Nuit, is self willed annihilation of subject to object & force is welded to knowledge. Daath is only existant to the oath-breaker. Ra-Hoor-Khuit, exist above the abyss in utter annihilation of All (unity of subject hadit, with object nuit). [Pi. Alpha. Nu.] Unity is never lost nor found; it simply is.
Ra-Hoor-Khuit Lord of the abyss of Reason. The God Has Spoken.
I've got lumps of it 'round the back.
Seriously though, was that an answer to the question?
Does studying NAEQ make everyone so keen on filling up huge blocks of text with irrelevancies?
your essays - minus 20% = good -
O? I suppose that's why you won't confuse my work with magic or magick. Tricks! I eat raps for breakfast - just boxed up your dildo with my lucky charms. Abrakadabra? Just between US I'm not afraid to scratch my nutts before you squirrels!
It ain't a gamble with me suckas, I'm a sure thing. Momo is always wet & Haters get the balls. Now showgirls hit the strip, and get my money!
tick tick boom
incoming? cannonball!
Io Pants!
@red cloud said
"Daath is only existant to the oath-breaker."
I would think, it exists only to the oath-taker. Once you have crossed the Abyss, is there a need or point to taking an oath? By then, perchance, every word is as good as an oath.
@PainMeridian said
"Is semen feminine?
I always think about my sperm being male. Shiva not shakti.Shiva as in a concealed force."
When considered as the Creative Force of the Universe, then Shakti is a perfect analogy. Kundalini Shakti, like Hadit, is the coiled & springing Serpent:
"I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring: in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one. - Liber L. II:26"
If Hadit lifts up His head, then He & Nuit are one. Similarly, if Kundalini Shakti lift up Her head, then She & Shiva are one.
@Uni_Verse said
@red cloud said
"Daath is only existant to the oath-breaker."I would think, it exists only to the oath-taker. Once you have crossed the Abyss, is there a need or point to taking an oath? By then, perchance, every word is as good as an oath."
Well, to take a conservative approach to answering: Crowley while 9=2 did discuss the oaths of the 8=3, 9=2, and 10=1 grades. "One Star in Sight" further discusse that to which a 10=1 is "sworn."
So it seems safe to say that Crowley, when in a place to know, would have disagreed with you on this.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Well, to take a conservative approach to answering: Crowley while 9=2 did discuss the oaths of the 8=3, 9=2, and 10=1 grades. "One Star in Sight" further discusse that to which a 10=1 is "sworn." "Can you point me to where he discuss' the oaths? I do not seem to recall reading that. "
It's in one of his published diaries during the '20s.
The 8=3 oath is well known (or, at least, its penultimate clause is well-known). Ah, here it is: His diary entry for May 31, 1920:
@666 said
"I invoked Aiwaz, was shown a phantasm of Baphomet, and suddenly determined to recognize this for Him! I was instantly rewarded by the Word of the Oath of an Ipsissimus: 'I recognize every pbenomenon as God, that is, as my soul.' Hence we see, 10=1 shows God Omnipresent, Dementia; 9=2 God Omnipotent, Mania; and 8=3 God Omniscient, Melancholia."
Someplace similar - I thought it was the same entry, but it isn't, and I can't find the passage - he gave the 9=2 equivalent clause as, “that I will make every act an expression of my Magical Formula.”
@Jim Eshelman said
@Jim Eshelman said
"Well, to take a conservative approach to answering: Crowley while 9=2 did discuss the oaths of the 8=3, 9=2, and 10=1 grades. "One Star in Sight" further discusse that to which a 10=1 is "sworn." "Can you point me to where he discuss' the oaths? I do not seem to recall reading that. "
It's in one of his published diaries during the '20s.
The 8=3 oath is well known (or, at least, its penultimate clause is well-known). Ah, here it is: His diary entry for May 31, 1920:
@666 said
"I invoked Aiwaz, was shown a phantasm of Baphomet, and suddenly determined to recognize this for Him! I was instantly rewarded by the Word of the Oath of an Ipsissimus: 'I recognize every pbenomenon as God, that is, as my soul.' Hence we see, 10=1 shows God Omnipresent, Dementia; 9=2 God Omnipotent, Mania; and 8=3 God Omniscient, Melancholia."
Someplace similar - I thought it was the same entry, but it isn't, and I can't find the passage - he gave the 9=2 equivalent clause as, “that I will make every act an expression of my Magical Formula.”"
Omniscience begets Melancholia?
Dementia, Mania, and Melancholia as the trinity of attainment? I laughed at this one. Mania is definitely a side-effect of the path at times.
@Aum418 said
"Dementia, Mania, and Melancholia as the trinity of attainment? I laughed at this one. Mania is definitely a side-effect of the path at times."
Dementia, Mania, and Melancholia are certainly the shadow play of the attainment.
I would have said, however, that omnipresence begets melancholia, omnipotence begets mania, and omniscience begets dementia.
Hi Jim,
May we have more comment on why those are side effects?
chrys333 -
Everything has its shadow. You can't have a strong effect on the psyche without creating a shadow effect.
These are the shadow companions of the corresponding states of attainment of the corresponding Supernal Sephiroth.
Omnipresence is equivalent to alchemical Salt or the Tamas Guna. At its highest, it is the state of Binah. At the personality level it commonly manifests as depression, inertia, profound darkness, decay.
Omnipotence is equivalent to alchemical Sulphur or the Rajas Guna. At its highest, it is the state of Chokmah. At the personality level it commonly manifests as hyperactivity.
Omniscience is equivalent to alchemical Mercury or the Sattva Guna. At its highest, it is the state of Kether. At the personality level its aberrations are a breakdown of the interpretive faculty and other cognitive capabilities.
Much thanks.