Is anyone of you a manic depressive?
Any one who is manic depressive is already initiated. Through their compassion they suffer the realities of the world we live in. Through suffering they gain true wisdom of the nature of the universe. The degrees of manic depression vary as time goes by. The more they open their heart to our cruel world the more it affects them and the harder it is to balance their mood. After embracing all that bothers them they will be able to maintain the state of true bliss and buddhahood.
You understand that this brilliant saint of a man Crowley did not lay out a religion of weird deity/Star Whore worship, rather he uncovered an important aspect of humanity, the true nature of the relationship between man and woman and how great souls are inspired to do great things through the love between a man and a woman.
Now when you become Buddha or God Head then you begin to learn how illusory the world really is and how you can affect positive changes in the world simply by concentrating your will.
To understand this relationship between a man and a woman I like to think of the Big Bang Theory. The universe was once a singularity, One, or God.The Big Bang separated One into Space and Time Now consider the one celled animal that replicates its self without any help, is it not One as well? Now at some point this cell divided somehow into male and female halves ( another big bang)or Mother Earth and Father Time. The male half kept some properties and the female half kept some properties. These animals were still able to share each others properties or complement each other as One because they were not far separated from their original nature of being as One. So on for millions of years and trillions of lives our decendants came through to this point where we are today.
So what happened to our Oneness, our ability to find our soul mates and be one with the universe?
Language! As our species has developed more and more languages and words we have lost the ability to perceive the true universe through our confusion. Every ancient culture that has left its unique mark in written history it has further confused our true natures for those unable to connect the dots through analogy and comparison. Now we have Anthropologists who think of all the ancient cultures as different, instead of realizing that they merely had developed different languages and customs. Their true natures and therefore our true natures are still in the art and writings the ancient cultures left behind. The Egyptian culture was assimilated by the Greeks and the Greek culture was assimilated by us.
Another problem is that Christians defeat their own purpose by restricting their true natures. They caused the Dark Ages by trying to destroy knowlege and insisting the bible was the only book people can read. But just like any other patriarchal culture like the Greeks and the Taliban they just end up molesting boys.
My point is not to attack Christianity but to say that God (The Universe) made us in nature and to strive against our natures is why our world is so crappy today.
Sex is not Love and Love is not sex. But the greater your soul is the higher your sex drive. Sex is an expression of the art of love.
This Bablyon whore thing is sometimes the nature of every woman with a pure soul. look at Jesus and Mary, soulmates, a Saint and a Whore. But it is also in the nature of man to sometimes be a manwhore.
It is just that they take turns.
The soul of the man goes first (ABRA). He runs around pleasing women for the satisfaction of pleasing women all the while looking for one that he was compatible with. Being manic he is constantly suffering and becoming wiser to the world around him and his true nature and that of the Universe. Eventually around about age 32 he comes to the realization that one of those girls was his one true love (He HADIT all along)HAD is the fourth portal (each portal is a rare meeting between the two), when his heart starts burning with desire for this girl who has gone on and gotten married or whatever. Also the Holy Trinity is formed between their souls. In his heartache (death) he becomes a changed man.He used the sensation of her true love as a pattern with which he would love everything in the universe in the same manner he loves her (thus the attainment of universal love). She on the the other hand doesn't stop loving him but tries to forget him, kills her heart, and uses sex as an outlet, or art. So they trade places or natures. But for him having been a wise compassionate man, he is then compelled to perform the art that his will divines, which is that of the nature of his soul, and something to do with the betterment of man kind. In this soulmate bond (trinity) they can also communicate through dreams (his conversation with the holy ghost).She can be pretty bossy I hear, it is pretty much she talks and he listens!
Parsival is HADIT and Kundry is NUIT, it is her true love, her having waited a long time for him, that touches his heart, gives him a glimpse of true love and propels him to greatness. Jesus is HADIT and Mary is NUIT.Socrates is HADIT and Diotima suggests it still may not be too late for him. Symposium (Plato) lays the path out for all to see just ignore everything but what Socrates and Diotima say.
So I am obsessed with the third part of the word (ABRA) it suggests that if one keeps that love in his heart somehow while letting go of all his desires that HADIT may be able to unite with NUIT ( the most Holy Trinity)
Can you imagine how wonderful the world would be if we could give our children the gift of wisdom, knowledge and how to unite with their soulmates, their first loves? ABRAHADABRA = Peace on EarthI was on U tube the other day and saw some Church video accusing Saint Crowley of being evil and starting some music revolution of evil in the music that came out of the peace love movement of the 60's and 70's. I wish these people were not so ignorant....
Peace and Love = evil? not likely!
But I see the same phenomenon ABRAHADABRA happening in the hearts of these artists.
Stairway to heaven- Girl who knows all that glitters is gold,the May Queen (NUIT)
The Piper (Pan or HADIT)
( also notice that Led Zeppelin I, II, III, IV , IV being HAD- no one ever completes the word ABRAHADABRA, I suppose that is why they are singing for the Son (777)(the Seventh Son)to come in the song Carry on by csny or Carry on Wayward son - kansasCarry on, Suite judy blue eyes, Teach your children, helplessly hoping(with reference to stairway to heaven) Guinnevere(NUIT) someone obviously HADIT in order to write these beautiful songs and Crowley refers to the agony of the great soul who does not have the technical ability,those that express and not teach, But these men did their part for my opinion anyway for they have taught me a great deal.
Aretha Franklin-Freedom and Lionel Ritchie-Zoom are calling for the one called Freedom that will come after the Son and the Moon
The road, the river, the highway all references to how we are compelled by our soul to the destiny that is already decided.
Earth Wind and Fire sing a song that says we are all stars.
Eagles-Witchy Woman, Santana-Black Magic Woman, those are the best kind if you ask me.They are scarlet women.
These people left the incredible wealth of their souls for all to know and they were compelled by their love of NUIT, not a mysterious deity but a girl with a pure heart that waited for him until he realizes he HADIT then the girl becomes the scarlet woman. A heart of gold, alchemical gold, the philosophers stone, true love waits. Untill HAD then its HADITs turn to create his art and stay faithful as she did for him. Just like Parsival.
But it is also influences by the motion of our planets I am certain, astrology plays a huge part in this phenomenon, Venus strongly affects the ladies and Mars the Men, and to some other extent the rest of the planets. the solstices as well, and by the way, 12, 21 2012 is the Solstice of the Gods, Not to argue with Saint Crowley but he was on sort of a dry run so as to leave guidance for 777, the One who is to come.
Anyways every religion or ancient culture still reflects this stuff in certain ways. The problem was that the messengers that brought this information also showed off their powers and people started worshiping them as deities rather than absorbing their wisdom. The Norse sun disk looks like an eye, the Mayan sun disk looks like an eye, the Egyptians had the eye of horus, the Greeks had the grade of watcher, Buddhists have a flower that is representative of an eye.We have the eye of providence of our money in America.
What is the significance of this eye that turns up everywhere? Chemistry is in the eyes. Our eyes are windows to our souls. Moreover we only learned complex languages in the past couple tens of thousands years. Our eyes actually used to be how we communicated. Hundreds of millions of years ago when eyes were first forming on the creatures that would some day evolve into humans they needed an alphabet to communicate just as we do.
How do you imagine the universe decided to make an alphabet? It already had one actually, the elements. Now in our complex world we have lost sight of the fact that our virtues in our mind and soul are simply the manifestation of elements that are found within the universe and we use them to communicate through our eyes. If you look at the periodic table there are two series of elements that do not fit well with the rest. It is no accident that they include Uranium and Plutonium. These are elements that are not good for our world just as their counterparts that we communicate through our eyes are not good for our world. Ever seen a scary look in someones eyes? Or do people have a hard time keeping eye contact when they are lying or decieving? It is because they instinctivly know that they could give their dishonesty away by maintaining eye contact. A taliban man I saw once had a whole array of ignorant elements fixed in his eyes, undoubtedly using these bad elements to persuade people to do evil things.But it goes both ways, when you have a pure heart and nothing to hide you can go through life and the world with wide open eyes, the eyes of a child, the child Horus if you will, and peoples souls will be wide open for you to peer into their hearts. This is obviously limited to the culmination of your own suffering, so you actually recognize what they are experiencing because you already have in your manic depression. If you run into a bad person your eyes will scare the crap out of them.
When a kid goes crazy in college and selectively murders his peers it is the ones with purest souls, innocent eyes that he spares because he is lashing out against ignorant people, which can be seen in their eyes, and the sad thing is that these kids are good kids, its just the black brothers drive them to snap.
But next time you see some black brothers look into their eyes and see if there is some recognizable part of the old you in them. There is great power in this art. Most people, especially black brothers,give away their intentions unknowingly. Betraying their selves and giving people of light fair notice and warning.
I am not manic depressive, and I am not trying to be a jerk but I have no idea what you are talking about in most of your post.
The Aeon is going to be over in 2012??? According to who ... the Mayans?
Black Brother's are driving mad gunmen to snap, and shoot people, but not "pure" people?
Mary is a whore? And Jesus is soul mates with his own mother?
Led Zep IV = HAD?
I think maybe you have many different topics going on that could be broken down in many different posts. Maybe in each post you could go into more details about each topic so people like me can follow what it is you are trying to say. As of right now I just can't follow the point of your post. Seriously, take a deep breath and talk about one subject for more than a couple lines. You can reach more people that way.
J -
@Frater Pantha said
"I am not manic depressive, and I am not trying to be a jerk but I have no idea what you are talking about in most of your post.
The Aeon is going to be over in 2012??? According to who ... the Mayans?
Black Brother's are driving mad gunmen to snap, and shoot people, but not "pure" people?
Mary is a whore? And Jesus is soul mates with his own mother?
Led Zep IV = HAD?
I think maybe you have many different topics going on that could be broken down in many different posts. Maybe in each post you could go into more details about each topic so people like me can follow what it is you are trying to say. As of right now I just can't follow the point of your post. Seriously, take a deep breath and talk about one subject for more than a couple lines. You can reach more people that way.
J"Yes, many posts, clearer message.
Much appreciation.
I'm guessing, from the length of your post, that it comes out of the manic side of the coin. There's too much here to address effectively, but I do question your first sentences:
"Any one who is manic depressive is already initiated. Through their compassion they suffer the realities of the world we live in. "
There's a quality to depression that is almost tangible, and that makes it seem like reality. It isn't - it's one, rather partial, view of reality. For many people, what we might call the 'embrace of depression' feels close to love, even if it's only love of self. It's not hard to feel drawn into it, but much harder to pull away from it.
But this makes me suspect it's the opposite of actual initiation. Initiation opens us to an objective reality, which lies beyond our emotional polarities. Sure, it can <i>trigger</i> those polarities as we work our way through the initiatory process, but the aim is to find a head-space that is past them, or at least separate from them.
"When a kid goes crazy in college and selectively murders his peers it is the ones with purest souls, innocent eyes that he spares because he is lashing out against ignorant people, which can be seen in their eyes, and the sad thing is that these kids are good kids, its just the black brothers drive them to snap. "
This is speculative at best, and most probably nonsense. We really don't know what happens when someone disconnects enough from the human community to go and kill a bunch of other people. I really doubt if anyone blazing away at fellow students, semi-automatic in hand, has any concept of the mental and spiritual condition of the people he's shooting, beyond some overwrought delusion.
Initiation leads us <i>through</i> many emotional states, but it is intended to take us on to a stage where they become part of the scenery, not the sole content of living. That is one reason why compassion is said to be the "vice" of kings: the king (or queen) is ruled neither by compassion nor by the kind of pointless rage that fuels a Columbine-style gunman.
93 93/93,
The V-Tech massacre had "33" victims as reported..including the gunman.
Why would they report 33 instead of 32 and the death of Cho?
Numbers are relevant aren't they?
Googling v-tech massacre brings up loads of "oddities" and "conspiracy theories"
To me, he seemed like a sleeper cell. Human technology that passed a test and caused a lot of Fear. People can't live with the fact that security and safety is illusiary.No matter how much psychology tries to frame manic depression or any depression as a disease, I look at it like a symptom. Just like alcoholism isn't a disease itself it is addiction to a drug(poison). My opinions.
"The next time you see some black brothers, look into their eyes...."
I see eyes like holes.
93 93/93
all the great men of the world were deemed madmen.
maybe they were. -
Good post, Mr. Mason. Are we to cultivate the ability to experience more powerful moods and wilder swings from a detached 3rd person perspective, with the aid of 2nd person agency? I've heard that intense and oscillating emotions can 'pump' one's energetic channels. Is it just a matter of how that energy is directed?
Actually I am incredibly manic depressive at time. I go ok for long periods of time but every now & then, say 6-8 months I will have a period of a month or two where I swing back and forth but not instantly, the depressions linger and the manic states are intense but short lived. The rest of the time I am kinda just happy
"The next time you see some black brothers, look into their eyes...."
I'll take note of that.
There are a great many interesting ideas in your post, but I'd like to mention one or two things:
Magick functions in the same way as science. Claims aren't simply made, they must be proven, tested, and approved. This isn't to quash the sense of individualism, but without a basis by which to classify knowledge, humanity would be awash in conflicting ideologies and symbolisms. Oh. Wait. It already is.
Second point. The method by which we being are to overcome this conflict is by unification. Unification of what? Of peoples, countries, religions, cultures? Of mind. Without coherance, the manifestation of thought is moot, useless, without purpose.
Point the third: what separates those who are manic-depressive and, say, Jesus, is this: Jesus unified his ideas into a coherant system, which he proved (for better or worse) by example and application. The same applies for the Buddha, for Crowley, or any other saint one wishes to mention: despite their innate madness, they retained an ability to relate said insanity to the rest of their kind. It is this that separates madness from genius.
That being said, I think you have many interesting ideas, from a pathological standpoint.
Manic depressive? Yes. You could certainly express what I go through as this, though it's more Mania than at is depression. It's a sort of Indigo hypersensitivity to my enviroment and conditions, which tends to lead to depression because I'm 17 years old and choked in the suburbs of the dead and still dying Detroit, and the larger macrocosm: human society, which isn't quite dead yet, but it's getting there.
I could land you with a novel of astrological causes for my paradoxical psyche, coupled with the stories of an endlessly turbulent adolescence, but it'd all be belittled as angst and other irrationalities. You have no idea what it's like being the result of so many damned incarnations, here at the apex of all things. Pressure. Chaos. Tension and madness like you couldn't imagine. Swinging wildly from memory to memory, conclusion to conclusion, paradigm to paradigm, hoping for ground to stand on but only being served with more Chaos. There are moments of light, yes. Every new level of attainment brings with it pretty lights and syncronicity up the wa-hoo, but also the responsibility for the understanding and the ever-so-sensitive balance point that is constantly pushed.
What am I supposed to do when I find myself catapaulted into a world where no one can define reality and everyone is either afraid of the vulnerability that addressing this involves, or is simply too ignorant to recognize it? As if I have no personality of my own, I reflect the Chaos I percieve. Those who get close enough to me are only repulsed by the confusion it produces. I find a place for myself in occultism, and am welcomed by the Universe with open arms and subtle encouragements increasing my momentum, but even here, I am restricted to isolation simply because of my age.
A lot of what you said makes sense to me as well as aligns with my experiences as a lover and aspirant. We speak of emotion, the lunar world of feel, no amount of cerebral reduction would relate to what was said here. Only direct experience of what The Lover speaks of initiates you into empathy with its content. That is, of course, if I'm not just some manic depressive teenager going on a nonsensical rant about the paradox of his existance.
93 93/93(11)
"I can relate quite a bit to that.
Not to all of it, of course, but I've walked some similar wastes.
I can tell you that this is what I wish someone would have said to me:
I'm not scared to talk about it, but there's rules. If you start screaming at me like I'm the only Other in the Universe besides you, we're probably gonna be done pretty quick. It can get weird and potentially violent. Save that for mystical experiences, poetry, or the loony-bin. This incarnation is Lance.
That the kind of real you're looking for?
It's the kind of real I was looking for."
I sat on that bit of wisdom for a couple days, digested it, to make sure my response wasn't from the part of me that wants to keep shouting but from the part that wants to improve.
First of all, I want to apologize for the anger and resentment present in my post. This forum is no place for wild venting. The Lover's writing seems to have hit a spot in me that triggered quite the deluge of pent-up frustration, so I lashed out. Obvious, I'm sure.
The thing with Mania is that it blurrs the lines between.. uh.. everything. Existance is a mystical experience, human interaction is poetry, modern society is the loony bin, in the eyes of someone who has experienced them all in the way I do. The bottom line is that I'm a kid who grew up way too quickly not to be pushed to such extremes of perception and is consistantly skewed by it.
The occult has been helping me to understand myself and these concepts much better, but it leads to me channeling it rather than controlling it; actually amplifying the Chaos it produces, while constantly reassuring me it's the right thing with spiderwebs of synchronicity and attainment in ways no one my age should have gotten to.
Things are just weird. It gets to be too much. The opportunity to talk about my world to someone with ears to hear me does not cross me often, so thank you for the response and stern advice. I'll keep that in mind when I find myself slipping back into irrational lashing.
93 93/93(11)
@Aegis said
I submit my suggestions to communal critique."I agree with Dar that its a great advise - and it can be applied to anyone who is into exploring various planes of existance (adding this because most of my life i belonged to other paths, using other terminology - and yet i wish someone had given me this advise when i started. )
I'm not sure I want people will mental health issues involved in magick. There are two main reason for this. I'm sorry if this offends people who feel magick should not be elitist.
Magick frequently involves interaction with ontological (entity filled) worlds which most people do not witness. The regular shifting of consciousness to these places where stuff may be going on is going to put a stain on the the body/mind and shift a mind to a state that may appear slightly mad. If a person is already having mental issues these combining these with further seemingly insane activities could make a person unemployable and as such, unable to look after themselves.
I do magick. I'm completely sane. I find it hard to explain to people that I get experiences from magick that make me trust in those practices enough to continue to practice them. I find it hard to explain that I believe the universe and its deities should be explored as an astronaut should explore the skies
. With expectations yet a scientific method.
I think that my motivations are laudable. However when I want to explain to someone that I practice the Magick of the O.T.O, the A.A. and the Golden Dawn, the last thing I want them to think is "I remember a person with some serious psychological problems who was doing that kind of stuff too."
I already have issues with a certain someone who thinks of me as a wiccan worshiping the tooth fairy and Santa Clause by their olde fashion names.There is a huge magickal community and its seriously getting bigger represent us well otherwise as soon as someone finds out information about someones magickal path they won't respect them as much or give them the same opportunities in life and then we really will see an elitist society and we certainly won't be the elite.
I guess it's not fair to only be sarcastic.
The "Aeon" is here. Human's are evolving - opening to new levels of consciousness. At first, this will be seen as madness by those who do not understand it.
I, for one, feel something of the urge to throw a lifeline to those strong enough to save themselves if someone would just for a moment accept that something of their experience is real and part of a process they need to complete.
I realize that Liber Legis warns against turning aside from Will to the weak, but if it has anything to do with my Will, then Will desires for humanity to be guided into its wholeness and for the waking potential of those initially mislabelled "mad" and "weak" to be fully realized. That's not turning aside from Will for me. There is simply nothing else as challenging or interesting.
That's my general take on the topic, but, yeah, I'd agree about serious magical workings - at least until a set period of stability is demonstrated. And I don't think you'd find any disagreement from people who actually accept at least a part of their diagnosis. If they're willing to do that, then they've had at least one experience where they lost control, and they realize something of that. Survival fear takes care of the rest. For me anyway...
@Aegis said
"Prophet of the New Aeon." Talk about megalomania, delusions of grandeur
"It is really a matter of perspective Crowley spoke in riddles and often meant things which are different to what you believe he said. a popular example is the "I sacrifice 100 children a year"
You say that he's deluded in his claim to be the prophet of the new Aeon. Well most new agers, wiccans and occultists know who he is and don't realize that Gardiner was in the OTO and Crowley took him up a degree or two as an initiator. Without Gardiner being in the place he was would we have Gardinerian wicca today? Alexandrian Wicca?
If Crowley didn't bring so much attention to Golden Dawn and Thelema magick would new agers use middle pillar to increase their auras and would the Golden Dawn, the OTO and the AA be here today?
maybe he was surrounded by believers and thought their opinion of him was the world's opinion but i would say as far as prophets go. he might not a Mohammad but he's pretty well know and its still early days yet. I'm not saying he's a prophet but i don't think we can afford to deny him that title until all the votes are in.
@Aegis said
"...have you read his poetry....! Talk about a sex-addict and a severe neurotic who attempted to blend spirituality and sexuality
"Are you saying that sexuality and spirituality are not meant to be blended? What church do you go to because I think the vicar loved it when i kept saying "jesus" and he was banging me!
I'd like to tell you about a religion called tantra. with practices such as chakrapuja which often include sexual rites amongst other things such as drinking potions out of skulls.
@Aegis said
and went insane...!
"Are you telling me there was a change in Crowleys sanity
@Aegis said
Do you understand that he actually claimed to have conquered the whole Universe in his own lifetime by the simply force of his own human will?The balls on this guy... How laughable...
"Is the universe simply not another word for the way it is. OR potentially fate. Surely any ritual that appears to change reality has conquered the whole universe. Changing it. Perhaps he meant something else. Perhaps he meant the universe within. Maybe this was a term that was used in a specific way within his group that we no longer understand.
@Aegis said
And you want to follow this guy's methods...????AHAHHAHAHAHAH....
Yeah, you're sane.
[It really is all a matter of perspective and culture.]
"Actually its a matter of being able to fit in to a culture and get on with daily life. Being able to provide for yourself without being dangerous to other people. As a Law student who is able to maintain his degree, look after a family member who is 94, keep two jobs and still do well at all those things. I think I'm pretty stable, rounded and yes you're right I'm "sane".
@Aegis said
"I guess it's not fair to only be sarcastic.
"You can be sarcastic all you want you're just going to get it back. Sort of like the western idea of karma. In fact your sarcasm was what made this message sooo long. Besides that fact I'm replying to two messages of yours.
@Aegis said
The "Aeon" is here. Human's are evolving - opening to new levels of consciousness.
"How do you measure consciousness? because otherwise this statement has no meaning.
@Aegis said
At first, this will be seen as madness by those who do not understand it.
"At first what exactly will be seen as madness?
@Aegis said
I, for one, feel something of the urge to throw a lifeline to those strong enough to save themselves if someone would just for a moment accept that something of their experience is real and part of a process they need to complete.
"What are you calling 'a lifeline'? Magick?
To those strong enough to save themselves from what? their mental illness such as manic depression?
What experience are you referring to? experience of magickal realities, physical reality, duality becoming whole?Be more specific otherwise you will not be able to communicate.
@Aegis said
I realize that Liber Legis warns against turning aside from Will to the weak, but if it has anything to do with my Will, then Will desires for humanity to be guided into its wholeness and for the waking potential of those initially mislabelled "mad" and "weak" to be fully realized. That's not turning aside from Will for me. There is simply nothing else as challenging or interesting.
"The material is there to guide people just look at sacred texts. Why should you challenge yourself to change OTHER people. Hate of that is one of the reasons I left the Christian church. I believe I mentioned the other reason earlier in this post. (snigger)
@Aegis said
That's my general take on the topic, but, yeah, I'd agree about serious magical workings
"the only line you needed to write.
You've spent a lot of words misunderstanding my use of sarcasm. Don't worry. I don't mind.
But.... I don't believe those things. Others do. That's basically what I get told.
It's like when Christians talk about the crazy stuff other religions believe - how crazy it is - they themselves all along asking everyone in the world to believe in virgin birth or burn eternally in hell.
My point is that it sounds all secure and stuff to be able to look down from a high position on people who struggle more than you. But I wasn't crazy when I started, and all I determined to do was to love everything with all that I am. The rest was unexpected. So, I'm just poking the new adamant guy with a stick to see how rigid his views are. Because it really is quite complex.
@Aegis said
"You've spent a lot of words misunderstanding my use of sarcasm. Don't worry. I don't mind.
I think I understood perfectly what you were trying to say. Regarding Crowley he may have seemed mad but you take someone's actions out of context you're always going to think they're mad. Also when speaking of someone who fancies themselves, a poet, it's never a good idea to take everything they say literally. (otherwise the neighbours will be knocking on your dog asking if you saw who killed the dog).
I don't like reading wishy washy nonsensical words. I'm not autistic but I find it off putting when a person spends ages saying something in such ambiguous words as experience, universe and will without first clarifying what they mean. I understood your use of the word will as I'm a bit of a thelemite. But imagine for a sec someone should show up on a pagan forum and start talking about it's part of my way. Is this a way that can change? IS this a custom? Is this the person's spiritual belief often called their path? Or is it their tao / will? What's the point in posting if you're not saying anything? So I often ask people to rephrase if its sounding wishy washy or ambiguous. If everyone who was in a metempsychotic system spoke the same language we would not have so many different beliefs/religions/systems.
@Aegis said
"But.... I don't believe those things. Others do. That's basically what I get told.
"I understand that but upon evidence their view can be changed.
@Aegis said
It's like when Christians talk about the crazy stuff other religions believe - how crazy it is - they themselves all along asking everyone in the world to believe in virgin birth or burn eternally in hell.
"Actually London where I live is very atheist so Christians have the same problem as Magickal users but why do we need to talk about faith outside of a circle? (I'm not a fan of evangelism i don't see the point if people are drawn to these things let them go but otherwise i don't talk about religious stuff unless I'm asked.)
@Aegis said
My point is that it sounds all secure and stuff to be able to look down from a high position on people who struggle more than you. But I wasn't crazy when I started, and all I determined to do was to love everything with all that I am.
"What part of love everything with all that you are is a part of thelema? Crowley seemed anti the Christian way of life. I mean love and hate are irrelevant to spiritual progress as far as I see.
In my buddhist way of looking at things love for the things of this samsara world is what keeps us here. We choose to try again to achieve what we're attached to.@aegis said
The rest was unexpected. So, I'm just poking the new adamant guy with a stick to see how rigid his views are. Because it really is quite complex."Please put your stick down. In this country that's called rape.