"Modern" Magick?
A Modern look at Older ideas. I found this Kaos, Magick Journal, published in 98 & 99, which coincidentally were the two most influential years of my life. This article was published by Pete Carroll
0 Neophytus Nullicus is one sufficiently fortunate to have his attention turned to occult matters by spontaneous, mystical experiences - seeing a ghost, witnessing peculiar rituals, drugs, or even reading Dennis Wheatley. He is most likely to remain where he is, dabbling with mere ideas until his interest exhausts itself.
1 Nivitiate Practicus feels goaded to overcome the sloth of his being for reaons as diverse as the promise of occult powers, imporvement of health, mental calm or spiritual development. He begins some sort of occult pratice.
He may go right off the deep end immediately and be apprehended with pick and shovel in Highgate Cemetery. He should have laid off the Waite and Wheatley.
However, presuming he gets down to more sober work of yoga meditation, elemental visions, simple rituals and visualization; he may expect several resluts. The mind and body begin to work better as the will becomes disciplined and leaves them to function without interference. Concetration and the capacity for self-determination also increase. The Practicus is likely to remain where he is, enjoying the fruits of a little meditation; until he takes the benefits for granted and slips back to his original condition.
2 Wizard Maleficus Minor is one of who manages to let go of his reason long enough to test the absurdist hypotheses of Magick. He may be helped in this if his preliminary meditations have had bizarre or peculiar elements. Out of curiosity, greed or for the hell of it, he tries to produce some result.
Because the Universe is an infinitely more comples institution than reason allows, he will, with persistence, obtain effects. Nevertheless, ignorance ensures that his efforts will be a catalogue of disasters of both the success and failure variety. Any success drive him into some variety of sorcery. Even the best- intentioned acts spring from personal consideration.
He may eventually get his extravagances under some control and reamin a reasonably competent sorcerer, plying his uncertain arts in a little divination and manipulation.
3 Wizard Exemptus is impelled onward by the momentum of previous disasters or the thirst for knowledge. He finds that further progress in Magick demands loss of the Ego. It is the Ego, which causes attachment to pettiness, and grounds the magician in acts of emotional gratification. From the uncertain arts of sorcery, he rises above personal considerations to the science of the Otherworld; exploring the Astral Double theriomorphism (shape shifting), the Kundalini or body chi energy and congress with spirit forces.
Though his power now becomes great, he no longer employs it in ill-considered acts of interference in the world of men.
4 Parabatrochus. He is greater than the winds, and breezes in and out of the otherworld as he wills. Free of all limitation.
Funny how your BeliefNet self-description is verbatim identical to Temple of Thelema's self-description at helema.org/temple_of_thelema/init_magk_myst.html - This is evidence of real magick, because the odds against that happening by chance are truly phenomenal!
I didn't understand what you meant at first when you posted this, then I went to my belief net page that I haven't been on in months, and saw what you meant. My jaw dropped and I got goosebumps.
Hehe. It does begin, "About Me."
So did you google search me or something? I didn't even remember having a BeliefNet page? lol. Sometimes when I start writing, I "zone out" and when I next notice my surroundings, sometimes I have written quite alot that I have no conscious memeory of writing. Same with reading, I'll zone out and just by reflex turn pages, and then come to again, and although at first I'll be upset that I have to re-read the pages I had just read, I realize that I recall them just fine. When I posted my magickal background on here, I mentioned the being in the right place at the right time situation. This "zone out" is related to that as well, when I'll just be relaxing or going about my daily business when out of nowhere I'll get up and go. When I arrive it turns out that for one reason or another, I needed to be there. My truest friend in life has often commented that I have, "impecable timing," and we'll laugh because it has a special meaning between us.
I feel that I have alot of latent, potential magickal energy, and I just haven't properly focused it yet. But even now, when I do pranayama, at that moment when I truly lost my surroundings, I always see myself being drawn towards this Clear Light. Until I found this message board, I was thinking it was the Light of the Bardos from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, but now I think it's something else, just not sure what.
At two times in my life I have conversed with what I consider to be my higher self, once when I was a kid and had a horrible ear infection (they wanted to put tubes in my ears) and was laid up, and once in high school when I got a debilatating migraine and had to be confined in a dark room for three days. It told me of things to come and things that have passed and while I can't remember the specific conversations, pieces of it have come to me at certain times when I "needed to know" I guess I'm on a need to know basis.
guess it's simple that (and I think shane will agree), my doors of perception have become very clouded over as time has gone on, and I can no longer do the things I was doing in the past that made me so open to these experiences. I don't want them to close all the way in this life, but if that is what is meant to be, than I will accept it, but in the meantime, I feel that all of these things I've experienced and done are still there, and that if I can just re-open those doors, than I would find what I've so long searched for, and hopefully pass that knowledge on to my son if he choses to ask one day.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Wow, this has become a DEEP conversation..
I am the same way, as when it comes to "zoning out" But I will research the web, flip pages I'll zone out, Although I dont have to re-read most of the time. I am relating to this topic very much.
I am glad that this forum board was created, it encourages so many of us magicians.I have learned so much, in less than 2 years,
My magical path started in Jail, on January 12th, 2006 I believe that what I saw in my dreams were correct, 3 entities, who told me to "follow a masonic path which will lead to True Freedom to do anything I will"I became A Freemason in September of 2006 and A member of the OTO in December 2006. And Just last year, I have the yearning, as if it was like a calling to a correct Lineage of the A.'. A.'.
What I am saying is things like this will happen, especially if you are attuned to it. Be proud of who you are, and Aspire to do what you will, and what you want.