Volunteers needed for experiment.
I'm assuming you never studied chemistry in school?
Although, on consideration, something would definitely happen in my consciousness as a result of wanking into a bowl of yeast, I'd begin by feeling quite satisfied at having emptied myself, due to a release of endorphins and other relaxing chemicals into my bloodstream, followed by a feeling of mild embarrassment for actually having done this.
One thing, out of curiosity, why do you think this would have any effect soever?
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Does that mean don`t question it?
m currently studying biology, so I
m interested, and being a Magickian Im interested in consciousness, but I
d like to see some citations to back up what honestly sounds like a goofy theory that sounds more like something from a medieval grimoir than a modern scientific journal.Thing is, although it can easily be surmised that yeast contains the beginnings of consciousness, being a living thing, there is nothing to suggest that ejaculating on said yeast would in anyway create more than a superficial and imaginary link between that proto-consciousness and that of the experimenter.
Any link formed is likely to be more psychological, like eating the cakes of light.
Remember that causality is not causation.
Quite what use it would be afterwards is another matter, are you going to make a homunculus, or maybe you could use it to consecrate a talisman?
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Not fair
Not fair at all!Dar I am utterly shocked that you would exclude females from this!!
Female ejaculation is NOT a myth, and while your country has actively banned any images of Priestess who are functional in this regards, my county not only allows us to have guns, but videos of this sacramental act.
And further
I Know that chemical properties of such seminal fluid has a high concentration of the most sought after........
The thing is, the mechanisms involved in the whole "sperm and egg" thing is well understood. "Sperm and yeast" just does not fit the bill, they are like chalk and cheese, the fact that they are both living organisms is neither here nor there.
A decent biology text book will explain all that in more detail than most of us will ever need.This is the general standpoint, not through ignorance or superstition, but by examining the know facts, drawing hypothesis from said facts and then proceeding accordingly, all the while being watched by ones peers, putting one`s work up for criticism, in a step by step fashion.
For the record, my personal opinion about cakes of light, is that the mechanism by which they affect consciousness is pretty much psychological, and I
m fine with that, its good science, and it
s good Magick."The Method of Science, the aim of religion", is our motto, we should strive to uphold it.
In short, if your going to assert a hypothesis, you need to explain why.
@Dar es Allrah said
@Archaeus said
"In short, if your going to assert a hypothesis, you need to explain why."Fine. But lets make sure that I don't need to baby talk you through the theory first. If so then I would rather wait and debrief you at the end of the experiment because it takes a lot more time and preparation to write for people with a limited background in the subject. If you could briefly (in just a few lines) explain to me how you think the consciousness of yeast functions at the quantum level in terms of it's perception, then that would be enormously helpful to me when gauging your capacity to understand the theory. Hopefully, you'll already have done some work in quantum biology and I'll be able to keep things short and sweet. Thanks.
That's probably the most condescending thing you've yet posted on this forum, well done.
I'm surprised and a little disappointed at that to be honest, but I'm not going to get involved in a "who's got the biggest scientific background" pissing contest, so I'll leave it at that.
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I have a whiff of the direction you're going in, Dar.
I only have a passing understanding of the Orch OR model, and quantum biology as a whole, but I can definitely feel the call to experiment here.
Perhaps the yeast could become a vessel for the consciousness transferred by the semen, like it would take on the imprint of the intention and use it to alter the charge of a crystal to align it with the charge of your DNA.
A crystal that is resonant with your own DNA would be a powerful magickal tool indeed.
I can't guarantee anything, but I will search for the means to test.
I'm still a fledgling adept, but I like playing! -
@Dar es Allrah said
...Now usually - there is a correlate in the physical world that reflects the spacetime movement and action of consciousness. There are chemical signals in bee's and micro-organisms that have led some scientists to believe that the whole matter can be explained by the chemical correlates without reference to the workings of consciousness in spacetime. They're dragging their heels and asking for proof that consciousness is a dual process of outward perception from chemical stimuli as well as inward quantum processing of spacetime qualia - and I've found it! I was playing one day and I stuck my Amethyst in a vat of Yeast, took it out the next day before they'd given up, and found that it's Piezo-electric properties were radically different. Just as in the maze experiments with the slime mould, the yeast had explored it's local environment in spacetime in it's hunt for nutrients (and yeast needs a very small iron content to be healthy that Amethyst contains). So the yeast colony could collectively 'see' the iron and direct multiple waveforms towards the target, but what it cannot do is physically get to the target iron because the quartz is in the way. It tries all ways to get to the iron it needs in the Amethyst but can't. However - with the yeast 'thinking' about the iron and directing it's waveform at the iron element in the crystal - the piezo-electric effect of the crystal is changed in a manner that cannot be accounted for by any kinetic effect.
My yeast doped crystal, when placed to the forehead, seemed to stimulate my pineal gland, and the effect is apparent on all the family and friends I've tried it on. I attribute a very high and concordant resonance with consciousness to explain it...... Given that my ex's experiments show that yeast can alter the qualia of spacetime, and therefore acting like little alchemists that transform the atomic weight of elements as they are balancing the pattern and making it 'safe to eat' - then it makes me even more interest in the fundamental building blocks of consciousness in both yeast and human beings in the form of the Platonic solids.
Different frequencies(light and sound) produce different geometries, as in cymatics.
Amethyst is an indigo-violet crystal. Within the pineal gland is a highly specialized cell(pinealocytes) that has a resemblance to the photoreceptor cells in our eyes.
As the cells in our eyes pick up white light frequencies, the cells in the pineal gland pick up indigo-violet...As far as I know, our DNA is built on a pattern of Dodecahedra.
Get an amethyst cut in a dodecahedron, infuse it with your DNA(via the yeast transfer), place it on your forehead in order to stimulate the pineal gland, and allow your consciousness to enter into the crystal..
For posterity, you could even wear headphones and send a sound of the same frequency through your body.
BOOM. Stargate.
Smoking DMT would probably help too -
@Dar es Allrah said
You know that you've ran over the hill with this one, don't you?Drinking and smoking? lol. Have fun with it but don't believe it son.
Get what you can and then - in normal consciousness - study, study, study. Back it up and do it again. That's the way.
Oh, I know
Just poking fun.
I'll be at this stuff for a while, be sure. -
@Dar es Allrah said
"I'm sure that there's very little difference between a magus and a schizophrenic in mentality if not functionality....
... you might want to include a lot of stuff before that, no mater how talented you are with the axel of the balance.
I've never been committed myself (and there's a certain skill to that) - so don't lose the talent when you age.
Fly under the radar."
I'll do my best
So, just checking--has anybody applied Alrah's theory to direct experimentation? The premise is, I'll admit, rather out of the ordinary, but fortune favors the bold, right?
The basic premise--that of combining two major sacraments--is neither odd nor new. The fact that Alrah failed to couch her terms in pseudo-scientific lingo is merely a tribute to her inability to take anything seriously.
I suppose, if nobody else is willing to bless a bowl of yeast with their seed, I'll take that quantum leap and have what amounts to sex with a household commodity. At least it'll be more interesting than my girlfriend or a used sock. Who knows, maybe now I can produce that test-tube homunculus I've been working on.
@Mephis said
"has anybody applied Alrah's theory to direct experimentation?"
Nope, not yet. It's certainly on the agenda.
I wanted to learn a bit more about the subject matter first. -
@Mephis said
"Interesting. Both volunteers have a Mercury in Gemini. Proof that our kind are capable of subjecting just about anything to rational experimentation.
"Do I remember reading in a post long ago that Dar is a Gemini as well?
Either way, a fun testament to the Twins.
The Curious Disinterest.@Mephis said
"Boldly going where no spermatozoa has gone before!"
@Dar es Allrah said
I have reason to believe that if the guys on the forum wank off into a batch of live yeast and then meditate on their seed thus deposited, something interesting may happen to their consciousness. Also - if there is a 'creator god' that started the whole consciousness in matter ball rolling with micro-organisms, then this would be a very good way to say 'hello' and let him know that we know he's there. However - as I don't have a dick I can't test the theory. "Let me get this straight. I can talk to God? With my penis?
@Dar es Allrah said
":D There is a very old, very long (and probably very firm) tradition of men talking to God (or Goddess) with their penis."
Preferably Goddess
Dar, it is interesting you would wish for the men to participate in this experiment, aside from all of the obvious ones already explained fully by you:
Microtubules are somewhat the phallic like substance of the cell, from what I can understand. I mean, that they are like rhizomes, in that they start to "rope together" in a straight, tube-like shape.
To further explain, rhizomorphic mushroom mycelium is the male part of it. I forget the exact name of the female part of mycelium, but when you inoculate spores, both kinds are produced, and interact with eachother to devour the substrate and eventually produce mushrooms, an extremely phallic organism.
Spores and mycelium that tend to be rhizomorphic produce faster and better than mycelium with more "femaleness." This is because, I believe, that there is a better "communication system" between the organism of the mycelium, having to do with moving nutrients and water through itself, as well as with the much needed actual communication so it can tell itself which direction the light comes from, how much water is in the air, and so on.
Just an interesting fact I thought you might wish to read.
Always unto our Lady Nuit!
UPDATE: I spent some time in consideration of the data and implications, so I will now be getting(ha! ha! get it? Be-getting.. ) the required yeast next time I'm at the market.
Then you could actually get to the point where you were so drunk that if you died, your ghost would be drunk as well due to the expansion of consciousness if there is still active yeast in the wine? I'm sorry I had to say something like that.
I never noticed that entry-into-matter like this, but it is very interesting and makes me think of "The emperor is not Tzaddi." Also some relationship between Chokmah, Tiphereth, Elemental Earth and Vault Fire with Netzach, and Yesod being a place where Matter is about to be born.
Awesome, I have something to study into tonight.
Thanks, Dar.
Dar, now I am totally investing in a small supply of yeast. Can I use brewer's yeast in the jar?
Let me explain myself, and please try to keep an open mind as I do so.. stigmas attached to some ideas I am going to bring up might clutter the psyche at first, but I swear it's important.
You say that fungi, including mushrooms are closer to humans than to plants. This would explain some mushrooms having certain enzymes, proteins, and rare vitamins that can be used to totally replace eating meat.
Now the controversial part. Those who are really into psilocybe mushrooms, will admit to the fact that the mushrooms talk to them after eating them, first in a human language, then into higher manifestation of Logos including enochian.
Anyways, eating these little things, is like communing with tiny gods that talk to you and guide you to your HGA, no joke. I mean, I am sure you can appreciate the statement made by the discoverer of LSD (paraphrasing):
"I cannot imagine what harm this miraculous drug would do if it got into the hands of delinquents."But these things are like condensed Logos into flesh so the waves of energy, veins and arteries of Light of the Universe are opened unto one. And here's the real good news: eating them and communing with nature is just like growing up from childhood again. You go through hallucinations, talk to spirits, experience hypnogogia which are images ingrained in the DNA of the human psyche, but you end up breaking through. So there's no more dancing rows of candy or mischevious voices. There are just auras easily readable on everything, including "non-living" beings like rocks, and the veins of Light seem to stay a permanent effect along with reading auras.
Please, understand, I am not promoting the use of, just explaining the use of thousands of years of human/fungi experience that ended up playing the largest part in making the Mayan astral calender.
Now what we were discussing before about microtubules and and the rhizomorhic patterns of myceleum/mushroom growth, is very much like the human brain. Rhizomes in the human brain are what synthetic drugs like mdma burn out, straight-up rhizome mowing down like a lawn-mower. And neural damage is supposedly permanent. A warning against synthetics and things not introduced by Nuit.
Anyways, rhizomes are like the communication "secret-feelers" of the brain. Scientists actually don't have much in on this yet, but it is slowly being discovered, and I bet I could come up with evidence, (as you probably could easily as well,) experimenting with consciousness expansion and yeast consciousness.
This is getting interesting.