paths of love, weath and vengance
the path of kaph is for financial success
what are the other paths for finding love
and finding vengeance against thou enemyand what are the correspondences for the above when doing goetia or abramelin
someone in the last topic before this one struck up a good point. in planetary magick, there are qabbalistic paths
but what about abramelin and goetic workingsi hope im not overthinking this much, but i'm interested in this quick reference as i'm learning more in magick
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@Kingsolomon said
"the path of kaph is for financial success"
The Path of Kaph is not only for financial success, but it can be utilized that way.
@Kingsolomon said
"what are the other paths for finding love"
The Path of Daleth can be used for that.
@Kingsolomon said
"and finding vengeance against thou enemy"
The Paths of Tzaddi or Peh are sufficient.
@Kingsolomon said
"and what are the correspondences for the above when doing goetia"
If you do not know the basics, such as the Paths & their correspondances, I would recommend not jumping into Goetia just yet.
@Kingsolomon said
"or abramelin"
All of the workings with romantic love are in Book Two of The Book of Abramelin, but they are dealings for people who are already married. There are, OTOH, workings for is one:
@Abraham said
"To Conquor Your Enemy in a Battle
With almond oil, write the prayer on the top of your crest or flag. Then wash it away with running water and sprinkle it over your whole armyIHVH TzBAVTh & ALHIM TzBAVTh)
{see The Lesser Holy Assembly Cap. XXII v. 741-742 of Sepher ha-Zohar}]. Then attack with trust in the name of Adonai, your God. You should not be unsuccessful. The prayer:
When Adonai sharpens his sword and streatches out his hand to punish, he will take revenge against his enemies and will repay his clan. He will soak his arrows in blood and give our swords flesh to eat, plus the blood of those strangled in their jail, and let them lose their helmets."
@KRVB MMShCh said
"Then wash it away with running water and sprinkle it over your whole armyIHVH TzBAVTh & ALHIM TzBAVTh)
{see The Lesser Holy Assembly Cap. XXII v. 741-742 of Sepher ha-Zohar}]."
the table of the demons of the Goetia and their corresponding tarot cards are wrong, in my humble babbling opinion. tread carefully.