Rising on the planes Vs. Path-working
93 All,
I have been reading The Mystical Qabalah and the method Dion Fortune gives for exploring the Paths is essentially what is termed Path-Working which seemed very similar to the Rising on the Planes of Liber O.
My question is this. Is there any certain benefit of using one of the methods rather than the other or are they simply two methods to reach the same goal? -
Yes. They are distinctly different practices.
Do what thou wilt should be the whole of the Law
the benefits of doing as many types of pratices as you can to develop your body of light is similar to the benefits you gain from doing more than one kind of exercise at your local gym. if all you do is the split military press, you're not going to have a muscular structure that's in balance. it's the same with the body of light.
the more you can do with it, the more... well, the More, you know?
i would venture to suggest, of course, that if you were actually performing these practices you wouldn't need to ask how they're different.....
Love is the law, love under will
@phoinix93 said
"I understand the difference between the practices. But what are the benefits of using one rather than the other?"
Path-working is a process of exploring a specific Path of the Tree of Life for purposes generally specific to that Path, and almost invariably limited to the World of Yetzirah.
Rising on the Planes is a process of transcending (eventually) the Four Worlds or (intermediately) substrata within Yetzirah. It's purpose is altitudinal.