Gunas versus Rushis
The Gunas are Rajas, Tamas, Sattva
The Rishis are Ananda, Sat, ChitThey seem to correspond to one another (Rajas with Ananda, etc.). Are they related? Is one set on a higher octave than the other?
Different triangles.
All triangles are related to, and somewhat seem to reflect in relationship, all other triangles - but they aren't the same.
So they are only related in the sense that all triples are related. No more so than either are related to Fire, Water, Air. Right?
@ar said
"So they are only related in the sense that all triples are related. No more so than either are related to Fire, Water, Air. Right?"
I would say that's right, yes.
If you start relating Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss to the Gunas, you're stuck in the place that all three of them (or especially Chit and Ananda) would correspond to Sattva.
Thanks, Jim. That clears it up nicely.
Sat-Chit-Ananda typically transcend dualisms and triplicities, its more of a 3-in-1. The 'Being' of Sat is beyond Being and Non-Being, the Consciousness of Chit beyond Consciousness-Unconsciousness and the bliss of Ananda beyond joy-suffering. If I HAD to, Id have Sat = Rajas, Chit = Sattva and Ananda = Tamas although I can see each guna in each of those previous three.