Galangal in Abramelin Incense
Does the presence of galangal root in Abramelin incense serve any specific purpose? Can it be left out? smells foul when it burns
@Red Eagle of Death said
"Does the presence of galangal root in Abramelin incense serve any specific purpose? Can it be left out? smells foul when it burns
Galangal root isn't called for in Abramelin incense - you are confusing the Abramelin incense recipe with the Abramelin oil recipe. Abramelin oil calls for myrrh, cinnamon, cassia, galangal, & olive oil. Abramelin incense consists of olibanum, lignum aloes, & storax.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Red Eagle of Death wrote:
Does the presence of galangal root in Abramelin incense serve any specific purpose? Can it be left out? smells foul when it burnsKRVB MMShCh is correct, but, I personally have added Galangal root to my mixture of Abra-Melin incense (Resin.)
I, personally find it to enhance the incense with mixing the root.
I used a coffee grinder to grind up the Galangal, and then mixed it with the Abramelin Incense. when mixed properly, the smell is not foul at all.Then again, this is simply my opinion and perspective on the whole thread... I personally found the Incense to be more effective WITH the Galangal mixed with it.
best wishes in your endeavors.
Love is the law, love under will.
As ever,
@Shachdar8=3 said
"I, personally find it to enhance the incense with mixing the root.
I used a coffee grinder to grind up the Galangal, and then mixed it with the Abramelin Incense. when mixed properly, the smell is not foul at all.
"You might like Soma Luna's so-called Thelemic Abramelin incense that is based on the Abramelin oil recipe.
They also sell a pre-powdered galangal root:
Thanks for those links KRVB!
Just FYI: Soma Luna's Thelemic 'abramelin' incense is absolutely amazing. I keep a stock of the stuff on hand for ritual work. It is particularly well suited to temple openings and prior to invocations.
It also mixes fabulously well. Add a pinch of Dragon's Blood, and it really shines for banishing work also.
@peregrinus93 said
Just FYI: Soma Luna's Thelemic 'abramelin' incense is absolutely amazing."I wasn't impressed with it...I think their intention was to create a substitute for burning cakes of light - I just don't see the point.
Great links KRVB MMShCh!!
93 93/93.'.
As ever,