Qabalah Apophenia
Do the various systems of the Qabalah such as Gematria seem like a case of Apophenia to you? Have you proven yourself to be the one spoken of in the holy books of old because your name enumerates to some number? Have you been seeing 23 everywhere?
Does it matter?
View some clips from the Dark Side of the Rainbow and enjoy the ride.
@Scarecrow said
"Do the various systems of the Qabalah such as Gematria seem like a case of Apophenia to you? Have you proven yourself to be the one spoken of in the holy books of old because your name enumerates to some number? Have you been seeing 23 everywhere?
Does it matter?
Nah, my name enumerates to nothing remarkable at all; I've tried, I really have . OTOH a former girlfriend, who assisted me in some rituals and acted as a sounding board on matters magic[k]al, had a name that, in its first and most obvious transliteration into Hebrew, totalled 186= QVPh - the Ape (cf Leah Hirsig). From then on, I needed only one character to refer to her in my diary. Oddly, she didn't seem to mind
And I did see those Five White Brethren turn red on the day of St Tiddley-Om-Pom. That must have been significant surely.
It's called sortilege. Observe a random distribution and through the natural compulsion to see some pattern, what you see is the inside of your own head, or the future. That doesn't mean it's not valid.
I wonder if anyone's called Pink Floyd's producers and said: "obviously tracks 3 and 11 of *DSotM *should be exchanged, because it fits The Wizard of Oz so much better"
The Rorshach blot, BTW, is clearly a vision of Babalon,with legs lustfully parted - in her Betty Boop incarnation.
I once met another girl whose name was Alyx, with a Y; "Ah!" I said "A is the being [Ox], L is the impulse [goad] and Y,X is the direction." She looked at me as though I was mad
@Scarecrow said
"Do the various systems of the Qabalah such as Gematria seem like a case of Apophenia to you?"
Over on another site (where I see some familiar names) a group of us are seeking out Crowley and Thelema references in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake Classic apophenia. Quadrophenia, even.
As a result of a recent post here, though, ("Fixed Air Aquarius..") I've been reminded that Joyce was apparently ignorant of traditional Kerubic attributions to the elements FW P223]. I must pop over and tell them the bad news
"The Rorshach blot, BTW, is clearly a vision of Babalon,with legs lustfully parted - in her Betty Boop incarnation. "
Nice Betty is awesome: I'm listening to some tunes and see this guy: maybe this guy: guy is just ridiculous though: