Can someone give me the correct pronunciation of "Ateh" in the qabalistic cross ("Ateh Malkuth", etc.)? Presumably it's pronounced the way it's spelled, but I've been given conflicting information. An answer from someone who's actually studied Hebrew <coughJimEshelmancough> would be ideal. Even more ideal would be an answer in the International Phonetic Alphabet but given the forum software I guess that's not possible. While we're at it, how is it spelled in Hebrew? Thanks.
It is "Atah."
But "Ateh" is 'right' insofar as vowel sounds are relatively recent in their uniformity (the word is ATH with the vowel sound under the Tav).
ATH means "Thou" basically; AT means "Essence" (Aleph-Tav, Alpha-Omega) and is used in Genesis 1:1 as the middle word in a 7-word phrase.
Yes, as they've said... AThH (Aleph Tav Heh) with the vowels provided is pronounced ATTAH, accent on the second syllable.