Squaring/Cubing the Sephiroth in the Olamoth Beyond Beriyah
I have been contemplating the possibility of the numerical correspondances of the Sephiroth being increased by squares & cubes as they manifest in the Olamoth beyond Beriyah.
A number, once cubed, indicates a measurment as it manifests in three-dimentional space (height, width, & depth). Therefore, it seems logical to infer that the numbers of the Sephiroth maybe ought to be cubed when discussed in the context of Assiyah.
Similarly, a number, once squared, indicates a measurment as it manifests in two-dimentional space (height & width), suggesting that the traditional numbers of the Sephiroth ought to be squared when they are being discussed in the context of Yetzirah (a blueprint comes to mind).
If this line of logic is followed to its conclusion, then the Sephiroth as they manifest in Atziluth would have no numerical correspondances at all, suggesting the absence of seperation, while Beriyah, where distinction first occures between the Sephiroth, would posess the traditional 1 - 10 correspondances.
Any thoughts?
It's a worthy line of pursuit IMHO. Whether anything ultimately valuable and concrete comes out of it is another matter (on that, I'm skeptical), but the pursuit should be enormously valuable to you personally.
It's common to use squares and cubes as 2-D and 3-D expressions of a particular idea. You can also see this in the way Sephiroth 2, 4, and 8 evolve etc.
I think Atziluth should be "X to the Zero power" (meaning always 1), so that the root number (X to the 1st power) is Briah - which is what you were saying, I think.
Should be interesting.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I think Atziluth should be "X to the Zero power" (meaning always 1)"
I hadn't thought of that possiblity but it is quite clever. If that was the case then all of the Sephiroth in Atziluth would be united in Kether (1).
@Jim Eshelman said
"the root number (X to the 1st power) is Briah - which is what you were saying, I think."
Thanks for the input, Jim.
It would be hard for me to resist the temptation to respond to this post as this concept of squares, cubes, 4th power etc is right down my alley, in a sense i have done much of the work for you, if you decide to reduce the product of these powers of X back into single digits, you discover that a pattern emerges, such that the resultng pattern is completely predictable and repeats itself every 6th power of X, moreover particular numbers are associated/exclusive with specific dimensions in a pariticular order/pattern. My initial idea was to create an entirely original system from this concept of worlds/dimensions from first-principles in the metaphor of dimensions as opposed to spheres. However I hope my findings are useful to you, you are free to take a look at the pattern and also my rendition of dimensions 0 through 6, after which the patten numercally basically is repetitive.
6duniverse.onsugar.com/2339205p.s.pls don't use internet explorer!! the pattern won't show!!
p.p.s.also every 0 in that table was originally a 9 in case you are wondering! -
@Scapegoa said
"It would be hard for me to resist the temptation to respond to this post as this concept of squares, cubes, 4th power etc is right down my alley, in a sense i have done much of the work for you, if you decide to reduce the product of these powers of X back into single digits, you discover that a pattern emerges, such that the resultng pattern is completely predictable and repeats itself every 6th power of X, moreover particular numbers are associated/exclusive with specific dimensions in a pariticular order/pattern. My initial idea was to create an entirely original system from this concept of worlds/dimensions from first-principles in the metaphor of dimensions as opposed to spheres. However I hope my findings are useful to you, you are free to take a look at the pattern and also my rendition of dimensions 0 through 6, after which the patten numercally basically is repetitive.
6duniverse.onsugar.com/2339205p.s.pls don't use internet explorer!! the pattern won't show!!
p.p.s.also every 0 in that table was originally a 9 in case you are wondering!"Interesting. I think we're going in two different directions with the process, but the same ground will no doubt be covered by us both. Thanks for sharing
@Jim Eshelman said
"Whether anything concrete comes out of it is another matter"
I don't know about concrete, but I cartainly found a rock ...a cubical stone to be exact
was 729 not the number of the Angel in the Alamantrah working?? instinctively it looks like 3^6
@Scapegoa said
"was 729 not the number of the Angel in the Alamantrah working?? instinctively it looks like 3^6"
indeed ...it is also 9 cubed, & the number of KHPhAS, the stone or Foundation of the church (hence the pun in my last post) ...in this scheme, Yesod ha-Assiyah.
Rather than looking at them as the sides of squares and cubes, a more interesting exercise might be to look at them as the radii of circles and spheres.
It is similar to squares/cubes but with a factor infinite and unknown (pi : which I have a tendency to write as a backwards Heh )
@scapegoa said
p.s.pls don't use internet explorer!! the pattern won't show!!
"Ah! I have visited your site a few times, and that might explain why nothing but headings show up.