Question on invoking planets
Are there any guidelines on when to invoke planets? I know for example each planet has its day and hours, and I have been following those correspondences with some interesting results. Also I'm not sure if I should be using the Sidereal or Tropical system when planning the rituals. The AstroClock gives different correspondences for each system, somehow I think it is important.
Thanks for any tips.
@student2012 said
"Are there any guidelines on when to invoke planets? I know for example each planet has its day and hours, and I have been following those correspondences with some interesting results."
Maintaining day-of-week symbolism seems a practice (even if mythic) worth maintaining; but there is no value in Planetary Hours. There is neither astrological nor magical justification for them.
The times when the planets are on the angles (on the horizon or meridian) are their times of greatest strength. Applying this, perhaps within the framework of the Tattwas, seems the best timing in most caes.
Yeah, You can get real technical, once i did a all out scientific time of the hours. meaning at the percise pinpointing location of the planet. It was Actually Saturn I was evoking. I mean, all that work I did.. I had better worked.. and Yes. it did.. But like Jim said.. Horizon or meridian is the strongest points..
I never used the tatwas angles.. hmm.. I'd like to try that in the next couple days
I mean, framework of tatwas, not angles.. excuse me.
Tomorrow I will invoke the Sun. I understand hexagrams for all the planets must be made in order of the Sephiroth - Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Luna, and lastly the Sun. When making and vibrating the hexagrams for each planet, is each quarter to be visited, just as if invoking for that single planet? That would mean 4 * 6 =24 hexagrams + 4 for the Sun makes 28 hexagrams. The opening/closing keyword and NOX are unchanged. Is this correct?
First the technical question, then an anecdote.
In the Liber O and traditional GD method of doing the Greater Invoking Hexagram Ritual of the Sun, yes, in each location you make the six hexagrams. These form a single solar hexagram (under the theory that the Sun qabalistically is the fusion of the other six). You don't use the Divine Names of the individual planets, only those of the Sun at the end, because, in each case, you are drawing a single (multi-part) solar hexagram.
@student2012 said
"I understand hexagrams for all the planets must be made in order of the Sephiroth - Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Luna, and lastly the Sun."
I don't know what you mean by, "lastly the Sun," because, in the model you are discussing, there is no solar hexagram separate from the other six.
"When making and vibrating the hexagrams for each planet,"
As mentioned above, you don't vibrate anything with the six. You just quickly trace the Saturn hexagram, then atop it the Jupiter hexagram, etc. to the lunar hexagram, then vibrate the Divine Names of the Sun.
"is each quarter to be visited, just as if invoking for that single planet? That would mean 4 * 6 =24 hexagrams + 4 for the Sun makes 28 hexagrams."
Correct in principle, but your math sucks. I don't know what you're thinking of for a solar hexagram separate from the other six. In the Liber O and classic GD method that you appear to be discussing, there are six hexagrams drawn in each quarter. Plus, you then turn to the direction where the planet actually is at the time you working (where the Sun is in the sky at that moment) and repeat, with a larger hexagram (set), more intense vibration, etc. Then complete the circle clockwise from that point back to the beginning. Therefore you are drawing 6 hexagrams x 5 directions = 30 actual hexagrams and five actual vibration sets for the Sun.
"The opening/closing keyword and NOX are unchanged. Is this correct?"
Opening and closing are unchanged. I have no idea what you mean by NOX being unchanged since the NOX signs have no part in the hexagram ritual version you appear to be discussing.
Now for the anecdote: When I was in my mid-20s, just before Israel Regardie moved to Arizona he asked me to drive out to his house so he could give me some things. During our visit, one of the questions I asked him concerned this very ritual. My long, drawn-out, animated question (with lots of gesticulation) boiled down to, "So you draw six invoking hexagrams in the East and then vibrate Yod Heh Vav Heh Eloah va-Daath and Raphael and Mikhael and Shemesh ... then to the South and do the same thing ... then to the West ... then to the North ... then you circle around to where the Sun is and really rouse yourself up and give it all you've got in the fifth set... So my question is, How do you maintain your energized enthusiasm through that whole long, mechanical, tedious process and still have something to give at the end?"
I remember his answer word for word: "You can't. Nobody can."
He then explained that this is why he uses the Unicursal Hexagram for the Sun.
Now, at that point in time, Regardie had made up his own use for the Unicursal Hexagram. He only learned years later that he had already published (among the 4=7 G.D. papers) the actual key to its use, and that key was consistent with Crowley's minimal residual notes on it.
Regardie's elegant root idea, combined with later learning the actual attributions and use of the Unicursal Hexagram, has shaped what is taught in the Second Order of Temple of Thelema and openly in my classes: We employ the traditional hexagrams (in a variety of ways that combine the planetary methods and four elemental forms) for all but the Sun. For the Sun, however, we use only the Unicursal Hexagram. This always begins from the top point. To invoke, you go down to the right for the first stroke (which takes you through the Sun, Fire, and Air points before it equilibrates with the Moon, Water, and Earth points). To banish, you go down to the left for the first stroke. There is no need for six forms; as with the other planets, there is only the single hexagram (drawn in five locations) for the single planet (the Sun).
@Jim Eshelman said
""So you draw six invoking hexagrams in the East and then vibrate Yod Heh Vav Heh Eloah va-Daath and Raphael and Mikhael and Shemesh ... then to the South and do the same thing ... then to the West ... then to the North ... then you circle around to where the Sun is and really rouse yourself up and give it all you've got in the fifth set..."
Which ritual version vibrates YHVH, Eloah va-Daath, Raphael, Mikhael and Shemesh? Liber O doesn't say anything like that.
When I do it, while tracing the hexagram I say "One is the Beginning, One is the Permutation and One is the End" then trace the appropriate sign in the middle and vibrate "Ararita".
@he atlas itch said
"Which ritual version vibrates YHVH, Eloah va-Daath, Raphael, Mikhael and Shemesh? Liber O doesn't say anything like that."
Liber O is incomplete. It wasn't craeted to be a stand-alone instruction but, rather, to be notes as part of a person-to-person training. It has a couple of unintentional blinds, at least two intentional (but non-fatal) blind, and mostly just leaves stuff out. (For example, it doesn't mention, in either the Pentagram or Hexagram Ritual portions, drawing the horizontal connecting circle.)
In characteristic G.D. 5=6 form, it is particularly sparse in the Greater Hexagram section. It only mentions the Divine Name and ARARITA. (Apologies, I left out ARARITA in my post above; obviously it's included, although there's one of the non-fatal blinds even in that). - The general instruction is that you "invoke the Hierarchy" of the principle in question. There aren't hard rules about how far down the hierarchy you come (and my example was for Path more than Sephirothic forms of the planets). You have flexibility there, and room for individual stylization. My pattern over the years has been to do at least the Divine Name and Archangel, plus A.R.A.R.I.T.A. for the four quarters, and the entire hierarchy (of the particular channel I'm invoking, down to the level/plane I want it to hit) for the fifth one.
"When I do it, while tracing the hexagram I say "One is the Beginning, One is the Permutation and One is the End" then trace the appropriate sign in the middle and vibrate "Ararita"."
Including the English is not consistent with any of the standard published forms, but I personally have no problem with it. However, you really need to include the Divine Names consistent with what you are invokling in order to particularize it.
Sticking with Liber O (just as a sample, accessible form of the ritual), under The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram it only says, "...saying 'ARARITA'." A translation is then given in the next paragraph.
Under The Greater Ritual of the Hexagram, it says, "In all cases use a conjuration first with Ararita, and next with the name of the God corresponding to the planet or sign you are dealing with." Personally, I've always ended with A.R.A.R.I.T.A., as it seems appropriate and potent punctuation to the rest.
Your explanation makes so much sense - it almost makes me half-angry at the obvious. I've puzzled over the sparse descriptions in the Greater Hexagram section in Liber O many times and been unable to find clarification of details.
I found Shemesh located at Tiphareth in Appendix V but have been unable to ascertain YHVH, Eloah va-Daath, Raphael or Mikhael. What is your source for the divine and angelic names corresponding to the Sun? Is there an English translation of the Hierarchy for each planetary principle? Also can you describe the logic behind choosing which part of the Tree to stimulate/hit? For example, if you want something to materialize in Malkuth, I presume the final hit would end at Yesod. But how would you determine the preceding pathway above it?
@he atlas itch said
"Your explanation makes so much sense - it almost makes me half-angry at the obvious. I've puzzled over the sparse descriptions in the Greater Hexagram section in Liber O many times and been unable to find clarification of details."
Glad to help.
"I found Shemesh located at Tiphareth in Appendix V but have been unable to ascertain YHVH, Eloah va-Daath, Raphael or Mikhael. What is your source for the divine and angelic names corresponding to the Sun?"
Crowley's 777 is a standard work for this sort of thing. My own 776 1/2 (currently out of print, but you can find one here and there) also targets this sort of thing (in a better organized way). For that matter, Dion Fortune's The Mystical Qabalah covers most of it.
The Divine Name of Tiphereth and the Sun is given in various ways, the most full version of which is YHVY Eloah va-Daath. The Archangel of Tiphereth and of the Sun is Raphael. The Angel of the Sun is Mikhael. The Angelic Choir attributed to Tiphereth is the Melekhim. Shemesh is one of two Hebrew names for the Sun. (The Path and Sephirah hierarchies are slightly different BTW.)
"Is there an English translation of the Hierarchy for each planetary principle?"
Sure, though that's usually considered a minor matter - the Names themselves, as formulae of aggregated forces of consciousness, are the main factors. But, on this one, YHVH Eloah va-Daath might be translated, "That Which Was, Is & Shall Be, The Unnamable, Unpronounceable - God as Knowledge." Raphael means, "God's Healer." Mikhael means, "[He] Who is Like Unto God."
"Also can you describe the logic behind choosing which part of the Tree to stimulate/hit?"
Maybe you should refocus / restate the question - I feel I'd run off in a direction you weren't asking about. If you mean what I think you mean, that's way beyond a forum post. I've given multi-night classes on just that part of ceremonial magick. (Are you familiar with the use of Crowley's 777?)
"For example, if you want something to materialize in Malkuth, I presume the final hit would end at Yesod. But how would you determine the preceding pathway above it?"
Malkuth has a particular quality beyond simple materialization. If you want something in the field of sensory manifestation, the main thing to consider is manifestation to the World of Assiah. The Sephiroth and Paths determine the nature or 'frequency' of the manifestation - the Worlds determine the (so to speak) density of manifestation. (For example, for purely psychological effects you only need to manifest to Yetzirah.)
It's curious you mention 776 1/2 as the title has been on my mind for the last week. Someone at the Equinox Festival recommended it as a work of Qabbalistic genius. Any possibility of republishing it again?
I have 777 but have never studied it closely, preferring instead the table of correspondences in Appendix V. I did take another look at 777 and found IHVH Eloah-v-Daath = Tiphareth/Sun in Column V for God Names in Assiah. My understanding of these tables is that one should look up all the attributes of a particular sephiroth or path for a working focused on the chosen sephiroth or path. What is not clear for me is the logic on choosing particular paths below or above a selected point on the Tree to create a specific desired effect. I presume one can, using the Hexagram ritual as a template, invoke downwards or sideways or banish upwards or sideways on the Tree in each of the four quarters to create various effects. Invoking a path upwards or banishing downwards, on the other hand, does not make intuitive sense considering the higher worlds govern the lower worlds. Or it might create an effect, but an odd one.
So, yes, I have many questions on how an adept can "work" the Tree - for example, can you create an effect based on geography or is the effect limited to the immediate world the adept inhabits?
Looking over 777, I find the description of the Four Worlds to be confusing. Most diagrams depict Assiah = Malkuth; Yetzirah = Yesod, Hod, Netzah, Briah = Tiphareth, Geburah, Chesed; Atziluth = Binah, Chokmah, Kether. However Column V in 777 states God Names in Assiah, where each divine name corresponds to a sephiroth on the Tree. So where are the divine names for Yetzirah, Briah and Atziluth? Also, should one visualize the Four Worlds according to the aforementioned schema or visualize four Trees overlapping each other, with each complete Tree corresponding to one of the Four Worlds?
I would be happy to take your night classes but I am located on the opposite side of this planet.
Thanks Jim. It is much clearer now. I did not know that the composite of the hexagrams becomes the solar hexagram, but it makes sense. Somewhere I came across a solar hexagram and thought there would be a 7th one traced. But according to your anecdote, the Unicursal Hexagram can be used for the Sun instead of the composite 6 hexagrams. I realize my math was off after I posted but didn't have a chance to correct it...30 is the number of hexagrams with this method (using the 6 hexagrams method).
Regarding NOX, since Liber O is incomplete as you mentioned, I have been putting together bits I can find that seem to work. This is where I got the formula that includes the NOX (using Mars as an example but they are all the same except for the hexagrams):
The Greater Ritual of the Hexagram Invoking Mars
"Is there an English translation of the Hierarchy for each planetary principle?"
Somehow I think it is better to stick with the originals. The vibrations do something to the Light/me that is very specific, I suspect based on the vibration. For example, the 'first' time I vibrated A.R.A.R.I.T.A., some part of me 'remembered' doing it before, but not in this lifetime. Trippy. There are lots of other effects brought about by the vibrations IMO, they are much more than just words.
Interesting about the technique of A.R.A.R.I.T.A. at the end of each hexagram, I will have to try that.
Well, now that I've been tuned up, I'll write this up in my ritual book and give it a whirl. Thanks again Jim, and happy Solstice!
@he atlas itch said
"It's curious you mention 776 1/2 as the title has been on my mind for the last week. Someone at the Equinox Festival recommended it as a work of Qabbalistic genius. Any possibility of republishing it again? "
Stay tuned...
"I have 777 but have never studied it closely, preferring instead the table of correspondences in Appendix V."
I never use those. They just aren't adequate.
"My understanding of these tables is that one should look up all the attributes of a particular sephiroth or path for a working focused on the chosen sephiroth or path. What is not clear for me is the logic on choosing particular paths below or above a selected point on the Tree to create a specific desired effect."
Generally, you don't pick any paths other than the one you're working. You focus on that path of sephirah specifically and, usually, pointedly avoid the others. (There are exceptions that become obvious in the working; for example, a ritual I wrote to open gates of vastly increased magical power. It was a Kether ritual to draw it straight from the source, but the 'grounding' in this case was the manifestation of the entire Lightning Flash through a rhythmic, mantra-type invocation. But that's the exception.)
"I presume one can, using the Hexagram ritual as a template, invoke downwards or sideways or banish upwards or sideways on the Tree in each of the four quarters to create various effects. Invoking a path upwards or banishing downwards, on the other hand, does not make intuitive sense considering the higher worlds govern the lower worlds. Or it might create an effect, but an odd one. "
OK, you need to learn the basics of using the Pentagram and Hexagram Rituals! Sorry, that isn't meant as a put-down, but you really need some basics. - Do this: Name one Path or Sephirah where you want to know how to invoke its essential force. I'll try to go over the simple steps of that part of the ritual (ignoring the design preliminaries, the psychological and other self-prep, the initial preparation of the place and invocation of raw force, etc. - just focussing on how to invoke that one Path or sephirah).
"So, yes, I have many questions on how an adept can "work" the Tree"
Don't you think that, perhaps, you should become an adept first?
"for example, can you create an effect based on geography or is the effect limited to the immediate world the adept inhabits?"
The former is certainly possible.
"Looking over 777, I find the description of the Four Worlds to be confusing. Most diagrams depict Assiah = Malkuth; Yetzirah = Yesod, Hod, Netzah, Briah = Tiphareth, Geburah, Chesed; Atziluth = Binah, Chokmah, Kether."
Ah, here's an important and common misunderstanding: Don't do it that way. Every part of the Tree exists in all Four Worlds. Things become WAY easier when you get that understanding solidly in place! That's why I'm differentiating so between Malkuth and Assiah. You can work Malkuth primarily in Briah (if you're open to Briah), and you can take a Geburan force and bring it all the way through to Geburah in Assiah.
In the Hebraic system, the Divine Name is the expression of the sephirah Atziluth; the Archangel, its expression in Briah; the Choir of Angels, its expression in Yetzirah; and its physical univese manifestation is its expression in Assiah. - For the planetary paths, the hierarchy is a little different, because the Choirs of Angels are rarely part of it, the planetary Angel steps in for the head Yetziratic force, and there are potentially many-to-dozens other bands of Yetziratic expressions.
"However Column V in 777 states God Names in Assiah, where each divine name corresponds to a sephiroth on the Tree."
Yes. And that's still another usage. It means "the God Name for those whose consciousness is in Assiah." (There's a separate hierarchy that can be used after one has awakened to Briatic consciousness. You'll find those, with only a few errors, in 777.)
"Also, should one visualize the Four Worlds according to the aforementioned schema or visualize four Trees overlapping each other, with each complete Tree corresponding to one of the Four Worlds?"
See above.
@student2012 said
"Regarding NOX, since Liber O is incomplete as you mentioned, I have been putting together bits I can find that seem to work. This is where I got the formula that includes the NOX (using Mars as an example but they are all the same except for the hexagrams):"
OK, so you're using a substantially different ritual. I won't comment one way or the other, besides saying that it helps communication if we both are talking about the same thing
- and to say that this is not the ritual being taught in Liber O (in case that matters to you).
@Jim Eshelman said
" OK, you need to learn the basics of using the Pentagram and Hexagram Rituals! Sorry, that isn't meant as a put-down, but you really need some basics. - Do this: Name one Path or Sephirah where you want to know how to invoke its essential force. I'll try to go over the simple steps of that part of the ritual (ignoring the design preliminaries, the psychological and other self-prep, the initial preparation of the place and invocation of raw force, etc. - just focussing on how to invoke that one Path or sephirah)."
Here is the task I have in mind. I have just started steps to take legal action regarding criminal actions carried out against me 2 years ago (breach of personal data, damage to reputation, breach of human rights). Somehow this task seems appropriate since part of the damage to my professional reputation pertained to my interest in Crowley. I know the national and EU laws are on my side, but I've never done this before and it may be difficult to prove the crime. That noted, I would like to transform my ordeals of the last 2 years into a legal victory with a financial settlement - i.e. change my fortune. The question lies in whether the national authorities will choose to uphold the rule of law and EU directives in investigating this matter. Or choose the path of corruption and cronyism that plagues so many post-communist countries.
Given the above objective and odds stacked against the aim, the working should presumably involve the path between Chesed/Mercy/Jupiter to Netzach/Victory/Venus - i.e. path 20/Kaph/Fortune. So how does one invoke the essential force of path 20 to maximum effect? Would invoking this path assist in the aforementioned matter or is the force unpredictable and capable of going another way? How to secure the invoked energies of path 20 to the above aim?
@Jim Eshelman said
" Don't you think that, perhaps, you should become an adept first?
I was not referring to myself as an adept but, yes, I see your point between adepthood and knowing how to work the Tree. My geographical location currently limits applying to an A.A. lineage.
@Jim Eshelman said
" The former is certainly possible. "
It would be useful to know the principles of how one achieves that - creating an effect in another specific geographical location (e.g. workwise) that allows one to move there.
@Jim Eshelman said
" Ah, here's an important and common misunderstanding: Don't do it that way. Every part of the Tree exists in all Four Worlds. Things become WAY easier when you get that understanding solidly in place! That's why I'm differentiating so between Malkuth and Assiah. You can work Malkuth primarily in Briah (if you're open to Briah), and you can take a Geburan force and bring it all the way through to Geburah in Assiah."
I have questions regarding the above, but I will ask them later in the Four Worlds thread in the Qabbalah section.
@he atlas itch said
"So how does one invoke the essential force of path 20 to maximum effect?"
I'm isolating the one thing I said I'd take time to work out here for you. For the rest... you're really asking to be taught the proper method to approach pheomenological ceremonial magick from the ground up. That's far beyond a forum such as this.
So I'll limit myself to the question: How does one invoke the 21st Path [that's what you meant] of Kaph to the plane of Assiah.
There are many other stages (before and after) for the overall working (in terms of preparatin and other preliminaries, and also with the formulation of a valid magical link and its deployment); but here is a way to perform the specific step of invoking this force (in the context of the rest of this thread thus far): Perform the greater invoking hexagram ritual of Jupiter, employing at each quarter the Divine Name El, the Archangel Tzadkiel, and A.R.A.R.I.T.A. Then, form the fifth invoking Jupiter hexagram (all traced in yellow light on a violet background), use El and Tzadkiel as before, but also the Angel of Jupiter, Sakhiel, and the Assiah name Tzedeq. (You probably don't need to follow the Angel's name with those of the Intelligence and Spirit of Jupiter unless you have a special purpose for that. Under some circumstances you might, for this type of operation, descend all the way into the Q'lippothic realms, but I would strongly discourage it at your present level of skill and experience.)
@Jim Eshelman said
" The former is certainly possible. "It would be useful to know the principles of how one achieves that - creating an effect in another specific geographical location (e.g. workwise) that allows one to move there."
The proper object of this operation is yourself. There being work in the other location is simply a means to an end. The end itself involves yourself, which you have already at hand.
@Jim Eshelman said
@student2012 said
"Regarding NOX, since Liber O is incomplete as you mentioned, I have been putting together bits I can find that seem to work. This is where I got the formula that includes the NOX (using Mars as an example but they are all the same except for the hexagrams):"OK, so you're using a substantially different ritual. I won't comment one way or the other, besides saying that it helps communication if we both are talking about the same thing
- and to say that this is not the ritual being taught in Liber O (in case that matters to you)."
I thought it was based on Liber O, just filling in some missing bits. It does matter to me as Liber O is a fundamental base. Now that I know, I will track back through Liber O and the G.D. doorstop edition to see whats different.
BTW vibrating ARARITA after tracing the hexagrams does give it an extra 'pop'...nice tip.
"damage to my professional reputation pertained to my interest in Crowley."
Man thats weak...sorry to hear about it and sorry to hear these things still go on. However around here there are stories of people throwing holy water at shopkeeps that sell Tarot cards
I guess a few hundred years ago when they were burning witches might as well be yesterday. If you use some baneful magick or curse, you might just give them even more ammo to make their case. Good luck and be careful.
"It was a Kether ritual to draw it straight from the source, but the 'grounding' in this case was the manifestation of the entire Lightning Flash through a rhythmic, mantra-type invocation."
That sounds wild!
@student2012 said
"It was a Kether ritual to draw it straight from the source, but the 'grounding' in this case was the manifestation of the entire Lightning Flash through a rhythmic, mantra-type invocation."That sounds wild!"
It was in Black Pearl No. 1. I'm working on a way to make that set of materials newly available.
@Jim Eshelman said
""You can't. Nobody can.""
Did you take him to mean that it was impossible or that it was only possible for NEMO?