When is it safe to work enochian when in the A.'.A.'.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I always hear warnings on how enochian magic can be quite dangerous for those who are not ready. The only person I have ever heard say it was safe for new magicians was Lon Milo Duqueet in his books. What grade would one be prepared for enochian work such as scrying the aethrys? Other then the probationer syllabus I do not see liber 84 show up until the practicus syllabus.
I also have tried scrying the 30th aethry resently and horribly failed in getting anything. Does anyone recommend any preliminary work other then the rituals in Liber O?
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater Fantastic
@Frater Fantastic said
"I always hear warnings on how enochian magic can be quite dangerous for those who are not ready. The only person I have ever heard say it was safe for new magicians was Lon Milo Duqueet in his books. What grade would one be prepared for enochian work such as scrying the aethrys? Other then the probationer syllabus I do not see liber 84 show up until the practicus syllabus. "
Consistent with the rules of A.'.A.'.: whenever. That is, this would be open to the Probationer, and often is a remarkable tool for the 1=10's mastery of the astral (just because the Enochian tablets and their spirits open up so damn easily - once you have astral preliminaries down, Enochian usually makes the next stages "piece o'cake").
Regarding the Aethyrs, though, I would suggest that their main value in the early grades is in teaching discrimination. That is, we have it on good authority in Liber 418 that, unless you have reached a corresponding grade, you'll get bullshit results. I don't see any harm in practicing them early as long as you heed the discrimination instructions at the beginning of Liber O. OTOH I don't see much value in it.
The Elemental Tablets OTOH are ripe for harvesting and usually work strikingly well.
"I also have tried scrying the 30th aethry resently and horribly failed in getting anything. Does anyone recommend any preliminary work other then the rituals in Liber O? "
You should speak to your Neophyte about this. Liber O is the primary written instruction. I've always found that this is best learned from one-on-one instruction. A prior, solid history of meditation practice helps enormously BTW, for several different reasons.
PS - I just confirmed my memory: Liber Chanokh is a Class B document. That means it's automatically on the Probationer syllabus.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks Jim, that was the most solid answer on a starting point with enochian that I have come across.
Unfortunately I do not have a superior locally that I could do a one on one with. I have been doing a ritual regimen daily such as meditation, LBRP,LBRH,MPR,LBRP. I understand this is a great way to build the body of light but I am not sure if I need something extra to accelerate my ability to work with the astral.
Thou my operation failed it was still a great learning experience.
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater Fantastic
The LBRP LHR, MPR, LBRP formula is a good way of building the body of light
And when I did it. People were much kinder to me. But you have to do it relentlessly, it takes months, Astral travel is the hardest thing for me to do.. Others get it right on..
I blame it on my ADHD. I really do.. it makes me wonder sometimes..
there are other ways to build the body of light. Donald Michael Kraig's Book "modern magick" explains other ways. the "very Basic"
but as for me.. this is just all white magick..
@Kingsolomon said
"Astral travel is the hardest thing for me to do.. Others get it right on..
I blame it on my ADHD. I really do.. it makes me wonder sometimes.. "
Yes, I'm sure you're right! That's the reason I advised a solid foundation in meditation. Astral work of this type does require the ability to focus and concentrate the mind off the senses and onto the disclosed interior space for long periods of time (say, half an hour to an hour).
Jim, Besides libers, What books supplemented you to succeed in meditation? Theres so many books, But some are more effective than others.
What is your book or audio recommendation?
i mean i've done astral travel.. I can do it.. But i hate it.. I'm trying to take measures for my adhd and try some strattera, thats the only time I can travel is if i take the medicine for ADHD.. I rather take holistic measures however, and take herbs that will improve my focus and concentration.. I can read a book. and I GOT it.. DOWN PAT!! thats why i asked for recommendation of books, so that I dont have to rely on a supplement to concentrate..
I hope that makes sense
@Kingsolomon said
"Jim, Besides libers, What books supplemented you to succeed in meditation? Theres so many books, But some are more effective than others."
Oh, golly, there is so much... and over such a long period of time.
Let me throw out some tricks to enhance concentration.
(0) Always to systematic relaxation of the whole body and a period of rhythmic breathing as a warm-up for all meditation. (When you don't need this any longer, you'll know - but do this for a few months so the feeling is unmistakable.)
(1) Get an analog watch (one with hands) with a sweep second hand. As the second hand crosses the 12, place your attention on it and remain mindful of the second hand and its progress. (Watch it!) - At some point your mind will wander, but the last memory you have of the watch will tell you how many seconds that took. - Initially you may find even 5-10 seconds is hard. Work up to one minute at least.
(2) Watch some objective physical phenomenon, such as your breath. Simply sit quietly in your chosen meditation-worthy posture after relaxation, and mindfully watch the breath move in and out. Keep your mind on it! It may help to notice the feeling of cool breath entering the nostrils and warm breath exiting them. Do this for at least 10 minutes, and work up to 30 minutes. Work through the tendency to "go on automatic" or zone out, and any other intrusions that occur.
(3) Visualization and concentration are separate skills. Most people find that concentrating on something they are visualizing (e.g., a yellow square) too demanding. So, if the goal is to learn concentration, concentrate on something in front of you. Tarot trumps are useful for this. Do one card for three days (two in a week, take one day a week off) and move through the deck 0 to 21. After preparation, just place the card in front of you and look at it. Let it hold your attention. Start with the background color and slowly move your attention from background to foreground, noticing each thing in turn. Let ideas arise (and write them down to clear the brain - have pen and paper at hand), and just keep them on a medium-short leash (remaining relevant to what you're looking at rather than spinning off into the wild blue yonder).
Jim 93
Hey fellow brother, thanks for the tidbit. I'll try it tonight, and i'll give it a week, I'll let you know how it goes on this thread
93 93/93
King -
sugar. don't eat any!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
To the original person that wrote the thread:
Anyone can start working the enochian system.
I think one of the main fears, is that prior to the publishing of the original vision and voice by Regardie, one stupid idiot named Anton Lavey published the keys and calls to suit his pseudo satanic foolishness.I do agree that one should be thoroughly practicing all aspects of working with the body of light. (LBRP, GRP, Hexagram ritual, creative visualization, Mantra, Pranayama, Asana, etc.) Once this has been accomplished, one should have no problem with the Aethyrs. Just keep in mind that there are three preliminary rituals that one should complete before hand.
- Preistess of the Silver Star
- Vrlepe
- Vovin
Also, keep in mind that you should have the propper reformed tablets to use, as well as the tablet of Union.
You will also need the proper sigils to draw for the governers and seniors.
It is complex, and I suggest that one master all preliminaries, and then perhaps find guidance from someone who has done the Aethyrs.
Sometimes, it is best to do path workings on the Tree before attempting the Aethyrs. One a week. Same with the Aethyrs. This, of course is going to take time and discipline. Anyway, I hope this sheds some light.
Drop me a line back if you need any clarification.
Love is the law, love under will.
James Cruz
Kohen ha-Gadhol
Albuquerque, NM
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:Masonjamescruz@yahoo.com">Masonjamescruz@yahoo.com</a><!-- e --> -
@Shachdar8=3 said
" Just keep in mind that there are three preliminary rituals that one should complete before hand.
- Preistess of the Silver Star
- Vrlepe
- Vovin"
These rituals I've never heard about. What are they, and why are they important for working with the Aethyrs?