Weird Resh occurance
This occurred not too long ago during Noon Resh. I had eaten a bowl of cereal, and sat down to read Notes on Kabbalah by Colin Low before doing my practices (give the food time to digest).
I was reading the first chapter and came upon Fig 2 and thought to transcribe it into my journal. As I went to do so, I noted the time and went to perform Noon Resh.
Facing the appropriate corner in my room, I made the sign, and saw projected on my wall a triangle. Continuing unabated, the triangle then transfromed into a cross within a circle. It was at this point that the "weird" part occurred ( images projected on the walls during Resh happens with some regularity).
I have been feeling rather tired during the daytime recently, and at that moment I was struck with the desire to pass out. A black circle formed around my vision and began slowly closing, the onset of a loss of consciousness. I ignored it (as best as I could) and finished the adoration at which point my vision returned to normal.
Any comments or suggestions? o.O
Any such thing should be investigated first as a medical concern. In fact, that's most likely here.
This doesn't mean it's a BAD or serious medical concern - but blood pressure and other considerations should be looked into.
Pondering it, I am thinking it has to do with low blood pressure. I did not think it had much to do with the adoration, but sought a more experienced opinion just in case.
I have started working out again, and the onset of colder months bringing about the need for a heater, it might be dehydration leading to a drop in blood pressure - as I have yet to increase my intake of water as a result of the above shifts in my routine.
This always happens to me when I do dharana with eyes open, but I don't feel like I'm losing consciousness. It's like the blackout aura without the blacking out. I figured this was happening because I'm diverting a lot of attention from the visual field. Is this not standard?
I've never had the interesting experience of seeing visual images while doing Resh but I often "see" the images you described (and others) while meditating.
What I have exprienced while doing Resh are similar fade in/fade out sensations and, sometimes, "twinkles" or pulses of light at different areas in the periphery of my vision. When I looked this up on the suggestion was to call 911 or immediately head to the emergency room. Needless to say, I did not take their "medical" advice and I'm still alive and kicking.
I'm pretty convinced that it had everything to do with my diet and food/water intake or lack thereof at the time and nothing to do with life-threatening illness or stroke. I'm not saying you should not look into it medically. I just wanted to share my experience for the sake of a balanced perspective.
If you fix your gaze really well, and can stop your eyes from moving at all, your vision will fade out. But you should net feel faint.
The retinal nerves have a thresh-hold of stimulation and iy the image entering the eye does not change then the eyes have to move so that different locations on the retina receive different stimulation. If the stimulation remains constant then the thresh-hold becomes exceeded and the neurons no longer fire until given a chance to rest.
Migraine aura can also produce interesting visual changes and may include a nausea or sense of vertigo which may seem like a drop in blood pressure. Visual auras are different from person to person, I personally see a zig-zag of bright colors at the edges of the visual distortion that progresses from the center of my vision to the upper left or right peripheral field, and then clears away.
Either of these is possible in addition to drop in blood pressure, or in some cases low iron levels reduce oxygen in the blood and has the same effect. Another cause of low blood oxygen can be hyperventilation or shallow breathing over a long time that builds up CO2 in the blood. If Pranayama was part of this adoration session it may be the cause. Other factors than may effect blood pressure especially if you have MVP issues, could be changes in posture not only standing up fast, but also standing rigidly then changing position as in Asana and holding God forms.
This is a short list that comes to mind off hand other possibilities could be the case. Including viral infections and congenital issues.
If you're scrying don't be surprised if the images don't stay in the mirror especially at first, the flaming Horus Hawk fly out of the mirror into my forehead and formed as the Eagle on the US great seal shining in my minds eye, the first time I tried it.
You will want to work on keeping the images in the mirror, and also do not astral project yourself into the mirror, unless that is your intend, in which case use a Gate never a the sigils from the goetia.
Guys, guys, you're all focusing on the visual element - admittedly interesting - and ignoring the fact that he felt he was going to faint.
That's not a symptom that normally goes with the rest and, given that one symptom, there is no responsible response other than advising it first be investigated as a medical matter.
Hope all is well Uni_Verse. Get yourself checked out, as that kind of symptom is of concern under any circumstance. I also experience some other type of physiological side affects which I had similiar concerns about. When I first started doing regular invocations, mostly it would feel as if blood was rushing to my brain, lots of it and to all parts. Even I could feel the pressure and pounding, expansion. It did not hurt or did I feel faint, rather it felt pretty good. Then over time I could detect cracking and popping sounds inside my head, which was a little more concerning. I was a bit hesitant to go to the dr. and tell him I heard snap crackle and pop inside my brain, I'm sure he wouldv'e referred me to another tpye of dr. pretty quick. But that was a long time ago and I am still here, none the worse for the wear. I still get the blood flow and pressure during ritual, but I come to expect it now. The cracking has stopped, my theory is plaque in the arteries and blood vessels in my brain breaking up as it expanded, for parts that were seldom excercised. Honestly I have no idea. The increased blood flow is interesting, because while moving around during ritual, making the signs and symbols, is nothing like a half mile sprint which is more in line with the effect. I get visions for sure, but never feel like passing out. I think that is probably some medical issue like blood sugar. Although there have been times when I was either deathly sick or passed out suddenly, and during those ordeals I experienced the most profound mystical states I ever knew, comprehending infinity, access to all knowledge, etc. But I wouldn't recommend those techniques as a spiritual excercise
Anyway, maybe this info will help, but get checked out anyway, cause I never felt like I was gonna pass out during ritual or trance.