The Feast of the Magus Aleister - December 1
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Tomorrow, December 1, is the date that I have proclaimed** The Feast of the Magus Aleister,** an annual feast occasion in honor of Aleister Crowley (Frater To Mega Therion), who, like the other 7 known Magi of history, is included in the list of saints recognized by Temple of Thelema. December 1 is the anniversary of his death.
In addition to feasting and celebration as one sees fit, I encourage taking this occasion to take this occassion to renew their knowledge of Aleister Crowley specifically as the Magus adumbrating and revealing the Aeon of Horus.
NOTE: For those who might have depended on the reminder, I apologize for failing to post a notice of the Feast of Holy Hermes holiday yesterday, November 29. Would it help if I said that I was buried for almost the entire Thanksgiving holiday in a project inherently sacred to Hermes (finishing more than half of a book I hope to have ready for press by the first of the year)? In any case, the full list of proclaimed feasts and festivals of the saints is given in the Calendar of Events section of this forum. December has four such holidays:
Dec 01 Feast of the Magus Aleister - The Magus To Mega Therion.
Dec 07 Feast of Holy Thoth - God & Magus Thoth
Dec 21 Feast of St. Chiram - Hiram Abiff
Dec 28 Feast of St. Miguel - Miguel de Molinos -
93 All,
Happy Feast day!!!
Light Life Love and Liberty to you all!