Does anyone know of a site that lists the Yetziratic attributions of the Tree? I originally learned it in the Golden Dawn form, but I can't find the dang titles, choirs, etc, in Hebrew with English...
I've had the same problems. Bought Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah but the divine hierarchies were limited. I've been able to find them for Briah and Assiah online.
Memory is hazy, but Jim mentioned somewhere on this forum that you can work with one hierarchy in which the divine name = Atziluth, archangel = Briah, choir of angels = Yetzirah, Sphere = Assiah.
I've requested ToT for a copy of 776 1/2, but apparently its out of print..
On that point... an important announcement is coming soon... and it's way cooler (WAY cooler!) than what you were trying to get before.
@he atlas itch said
"I've requested ToT for a copy of 776 1/2, but apparently its out of print.."
??????? Is that some sort of expanded 777? I've been reworking Crowley's tables for some time now, and such a book would be news indeed to me.
@JPF said
@he atlas itch said
"I've requested ToT for a copy of 776 1/2, but apparently its out of print.."??????? Is that some sort of expanded 777? I've been reworking Crowley's tables for some time now, and such a book would be news indeed to me."
Not an expansion - actually, a targetted reduction aimed at a different purpose. Crowley's was a 7=4 (Chesed) undertaking with the purpose of providing cross-referencing for different philiosophical systems. Mine was targetted specifically at the construction and execution of magical ceremony.
Some of its features: The Hebrew text is larger. The tables are organized in the way you normally would want to access them sequentially (rather than going forward and backward in the book). Tables have been updated and, in many cases, outright errors corrected. Pronunciations are given for the vast majority of Hebrew words. It has a table of contents for rapid location of what you want. It has an appended essay on ritual composition and a sample ritual.
This originally came out in 1995, but (as stated above) has been out of print for the last few years. A few students got permission to photocopy my master pages and make some copies, but these also are exhausted.
The main reason for not keeping it in print is that, for many years, I'd wanted to upgrade it significantly: Even better organization, supplement the tables further, significantly expand the magical instruction and samples of use (among other things). I didn't want it to show up again until I had time to make it nearly a whole new book.
If you're passingly good at guessing, you just might already know what I'm not yet saying...
@FiliusBestia said
"Does anyone know of a site that lists the Yetziratic attributions of the Tree? I originally learned it in the Golden Dawn form, but I can't find the dang titles, choirs, etc, in Hebrew with English..."
If there is a particular Sephirah (or whatever) for which you'd like this information, I'll copy it here. I'm not willing to create a whole online listing, but perhaps you are working on a specific project for which you need some info?
@Jim Eshelman said
"The main reason for not keeping it in print is that, for many years, I'd wanted to upgrade it significantly: Even better organization, supplement the tables further, significantly expand the magical instruction and samples of use (among other things). I didn't want it to show up again until I had time to make it nearly a whole new book.
If you're passingly good at guessing, you just might already know what I'm not yet saying...
In any case, I look forward to your announcement. After long hours of study, looking up from my copy of 777 with bloodshot eyes, I've often told myself: "Somebody should really clean this thing up!" It's good to know someone else has shouldered the burden. I was beginning to think I'd have to do it myself.
Often, I turn to the heavens and thank my lucky Spica for the diligent Virgo, and their valuable contributions to the realm of literature. Thanks Jim!
@Jim Eshelman said
"If you're passingly good at guessing, you just might already know what I'm not yet saying...
Can I place a pre-order now or have one copy reserved?
@he atlas itch said
@Jim Eshelman said
"If you're passingly good at guessing, you just might already know what I'm not yet saying..."
Can I place a pre-order now or have one copy reserved?"
You probably should decide whether you want the library-quality standard hard cover edition or one of the 156 numbered limited edition deluxe copies <vbg>.
93, Lol. It's good, Jim. I'm just looking for some the basic Sepheratic titles, in Hebrew. I can't find them now. i think the Ciceros first published the form I learned.
I have posted the formal pre-publication announcement of the new book in the General section of the forum.