Thelemized elemental invocation and banishing rituals
Hi. Attached is a short doc (5 pages) presenting some initial work on thelemized elemental invocation and banishing rituals. Early stage effort, presented for review, comment and perhaps experiment if you like the look of it. Hope the PDF comes through OK, please let me know if it doesn't.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@fratere said
"Hi. Attached is a short doc (5 pages) presenting some initial work on thelemized elemental invocation and banishing rituals. Early stage effort, presented for review, comment and perhaps experiment if you like the look of it. Hope the PDF comes through OK, please let me know if it doesn't."
It is the "conceptual overhead" of the Qabalah that amplifies any ritual in the first place.
The basic rituals are simple, concrete, and often better performed without prior education in the first place--I don't see any reason to re-interpret or modify them.