Using Magickal Tools from 'Someone else'
ok, a while ago i have had a wand given to me by a wiccan high priestess i know, and also as a b-day present a friend gave me a 'stoneage knife' as i like to call it, he is from denmark and said his grandfather found it on his property years back. it looks like one of those tools make from the neolithic period from chipping with rocks or whatever.
The stoneage knife i have used simply in lbrp and feels quite nice, but i know you are not supposed to use something that has been exposed to blood? i dont know if it has, and if true, was probly a few thousand years ago. Would it be ok to use it?
And about the wand, do you use it as it? or cleanse, consencrate, and bless and activate it yourself? or what? this is a sticky question ive had trouble answering for a while...
Normally, given the nature of magical tools, if one receives them from someone else then one should magically strip them and reconsecrate them.
There are some exceptions. The strongest one is when one receives a genuine legacy item. Another exception would be some gifts of love which, unless they contain unwanted strings, may be appropriate to receive completely as offered.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Normally, given the nature of magical tools, if one receives them from someone else then one should magically strip them and reconsecrate them.
There are some exceptions. The strongest one is when one receives a genuine legacy item. Another exception would be some gifts of love which, unless they contain unwanted strings, may be appropriate to receive completely as offered."
Thank you for the reply. I know now what to do with my 'stoneage knife' so to speak. But I have some mixed feelings about the wand, actually there are two i recieved, they are skinny and knoby, i think chinna berry. The one i get the strongest feelings of energy from is the one i have in mind for using, having metal wireing spiraling up the wand. But the story behind them is I used to know a genuine witch who owned her own shop(didnt know here that well, just aquatance really)and died a few years ago. Her coven and prodegee set up an alter for her while she was in the hospital before she past away, and remained there 2yrs later until they closed it, which i helped out with, and that was when i received the wands that were there on the alter. A close friend of hers who is a high priestess also that i see from time to time, said i was meant to have them, I dont know why thogh
The part that gets me is they were in whatever kind of energy they were in for a couple yrs, which makes it eerie for me. It's not like i walk over where the alter was to get a 'feel', i kinda repelled it a little inside, mainly because for the longest time they had a heeling or 'get well poppet' that looked almost like the old shop owner sitting ont he alter, like a memorial. (Sorry i dont think 'poppets' of someone trying to get well in public places is the brightest idea)
I think typing this and getting it out has lead me to my own conclusion? mabye ile do what Jim said, strip and reconsecrate. Any more thoughts/sugg.. out there? and thnx ahead of time.
One of the most powerful activites I ever undertook was making my own magickal tools.
All of the instuments I have used I have I have crafted on my own.
Except for my Athame. When I worked for the carnival, (in the pagan closet so to speak) one of my fellow carnies who was the barker for a game gave me my Athame. He told me he had a dream in which his mother told him to give it to me. I had been working on forging my own, and had run into several issues that were preventing me from making it correctly.
I cleansed it and dedicated it and it serves me well.I have been gifted with other things over the years, different pentacles, cups, wands, thurbiles, incense. I have had spent time contemplating each, and using them for different things now and again. But in all the rituals I have ever done, I have only used the tools I have made.
The process of making a symbol (which I think these tools are) and indentifying with it is conscious changing. While I see nothing wrong with using what ever you have on hand (meaning if you dont have the resources to procure your wand, or sword or insense you need not think you cannot perform a ritual). I believe that the intent of the pracitioner is what is important.
Among the many magical traditions that have been handed down through the ages, there is one that the pantacle is to be made, the dagger or sword won in battle, the cup received as a gift of love, and the wand forged from the fire's of one's will.
My magical dagger, BTW, was hand-made by Wilfred T. Smith (metal forged and keenly edged, handle beautifully carved from oak) and given to me by his widow, Helen. Working with Helen always had something of the quality of being in battle
Very Very Cool!
I never heard that before, but it makes perfect sence.
Fascinating to think about.I recall reading a lament to the sword, and how no one really uses a sword any longer. Guns just are not eqivitable. the author saw how that the pen (or word processor?) is now the tool in which struggles are fought.
thanks for sharing.