Herr Sorath
ok back to the guestbook vibe:
I enjoy creating things.
I keep running into very strange people.
I believe the earth is hollow.
I also have started my official magick education at BOTA.
I am fascinated by all the synchronicities in life.
I like all things sci-fi, comics, art of all kinds.
Ever since we did that jam in sacramento where i whispered chapter 3 of Liber AL in to a mic, I actually think of myself as a thelemite.
I'm a bit obsessed with PKD's VALIS
I have been known to claim to know a lot about death and the tunnel.
I'm getting into QBL studies.
I really like nature a lot.
I had key12 tattoed on my back when I was 16, after an interesting acid experience on a beach in Italy.
I like macs as well as skateboards.
I had properly functioning antennae for 12 years.
I collect books (like everyone else here, right?).
I am a bit of health fanatic.
I do my best to curb my spiritual pride.
I love that movie Solaris by russian director Tarkovski so much, and I am still somewhat disappointed that the template/skin of the same name does not look that good on our message board here.....Next!
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.