Fr. T.E.U.
...Let's just say that I've been "watching from afar" for quite some time now, however I hope to begin contributing - as I can - from this point onward. Thus, I suppose it's only fair that I should introduce myself to some degree.
First and foremost then, let me be clear on one thing: I am not a Thelemite; I have never been and probably never will be. Nevertheless, I can and do find a certain amount of kinship with Thelemites, which is the reason I am here. In short: I was invited, even.
Thus, I suppose the above statement really begs the question: what am I? ...Labels are so haphazard, but the best I can give is something akin to an "old-school" Theosophist; an Esoteric Hylozoician; and - by practice - a Yogin.
I wonder then: what more shall I say; ...what more is necessary? This shall suffice.
Thanks for your time,
QaZsE - Fr. T.E.U.
P.S. - The motto is from my period of explorations in ceremonial magick. In short: I chose to keep the motto as a reminder of the driving force of my life. ...At that: no, I am not - nor have I ever been - officially affiliated with any occult groups.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.