Fr. Vox Cor
Avete' Sorores et Fratres,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A bit about myself; aspirant of the Western Mystery traditions, mainly O.T.O. & A.'.A.'., also strongly attracted to ogdoadic traditions.
Initiation in O.T.O., Baptized E.G.C., student of A.'.A.'., love the Mass, ceremonial ritual, group ritual, eucharistic ritual, initiation, alchemy, yoga, tantra and so much more.
I do want to point out that while I do have many close friends within its pale, I am not a an initiate of T.O.T., specifically. I am, however, a huge and long time admirer of G.H. Sr. Meral & 418 Lodge and its Work, as well as G.H. Fr. Eshelman and his notable book, which I have owned and perused for years.
Very glad to have found this interesting board. Look forward to reading and contributing if and when time permits.
In the Bonds of Service.
Love is the law, love under will.
In L.L.L.L.,
Fr. V.C. -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.