Frater Sabaechit
Hi, everyone. I joined November 15th after hearing what a great group this was. I've been a Thelemite since 1984, after my first read of The Book of the Law. I swear when I joined I couldn't find this introduction thread, but obviously, here it is. Better 8 days later than never.
I am an independent spirit, and have attended one Gnostic Mass. I belong to the online cyber group Horus Maat Lodge. I also use to belong to the Greater Thelema group before it went under (ground).
My true will is to inquire and discover, my mom recorded in my baby book at one of my first words was "Why?".
I am a writer and a professional psychic. I am also in various Yahoo egroups, myspace and tribe, also facebook and twitter.
I enjoy exploring and sharing with people.
A lot of my work has been in self-initiation and group work online.
Its nice to be here with other thelemites exploring and learning together.
Some of my favorite things, after reading everything Crowley I could get my hands on has been John L. Crow's numerology book "The New Aeon English Qabalah Dictionary, Gerald del Campo's books too, as well as Nema's "Maat Magick", and of course Lon Milo DuQuettes work.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.