I'm new here, my name is Jake and I'm 17 years old.
I started my interest in the occult in middle school, and like many of my peers I was into Laveyan Satanism and the "Simonomicon." But I grew out of that realizing the falseness of the "Necronomicon" and Laveyan Satanism was just for lack of a better word, "stupid." No offense to anyone.I took a break in the 8th and 9th grade and in my sophmore year I gained an interest in Qabalah, I'd like to say I practiced it but I would be lieing, I merely read books and pamphlets on the subject and my interest waned.
I then started discovering Thelema (which I was always aware of but never bothered studying.)
I won't call myself a Thelemite just yet, I'm still researching it. I have a mentor who is in the Golden Dawn who is also a Thelemite and he's been helping me a lot.
My Magickal name
Potentia Propter IlluminansIt roughly comes out as "Power through Enlightenment."
Well, there ye go. My introduction.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.