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By way of introduction, I'm a member of the Caliphate OTO, formal liberal arts education in philosophy, classical Greek, art, art history and psychology, informal education in the pleasures of programmatic symbolic thinking through an ad hoc career as an AIX/UNIX systems administrator after college, even less formal education (think "sink or swim" on-the-job-training) as a master bullshit artist (ie. "Account Executive" for software/technology companies) for the last 5 years.
Interested in finding better, more enjoyable ways of getting from here to there faster, more relaxed, more reliably and with increasing precision, with less worry, less frustration, less trouble, and less stress.
Find myself drawn to the typical Western Hermetic/Ceremonial material, as well as Anglo-Saxon currents/heritage, "new"/eclectic/pomo stuff (ie. "Chaos"), and Chinese/Taoist material, among other stuff like Cultus Sabbatai etc.
Currently spend most of my "praxis time" with a lesser-known style of a lesser-known "internal" Chinese martial art (Sun Lu Tang style Baguazhang, within the ShenMenTao system as taught by Sifu Gary Stier <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->), eschewing theory as much as humanly possible for now.
Currently spending my "theory time" with Ramsey Dukes, Stephen Mace and gnashing my teeth at Joseph Lisiewski's remarkable attitudes towards anything other than his "Old System Magic" (despite being published and introduced by people arguably within the "New Age" he vehemently rails against), and working towards an Abramelin system that feels right to me.
Arrived at the ToT forum as a result of my desire to discourse with other fellow travellers on the Way upon various subjects of interest, hopefully to mutual benefit.
Yay, more talking about myself. Thank God that's over. I trust you get the picture.
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luceo156 -
Good to have fellow OTO mates. The people here are very nice and informative, hope you enjoy your stay.-Kenneth Sheppard